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Notes on Trump : Comments
By Arthur Dent, published 23/1/2017So the result in two years could be that the US has shifted from a two party system in which both parties support globalism to a two party system in which both parties oppose globalism.
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The left needs to *understand* the economic calculation argument.
Either the left continues to stand for the governmental violation of freedom and property, or it doesn't. Either way it has no future except, as now, in appealing to the greed and hate of the ignorant, provoking dysfunctional anti-social conflict at every turn.
Emperor Julian
Ho hum, more mindless bigotted hate speech from the leftards.
Slavery means non-consensual relations you fool - you know, what you think is the basis of morality and the good society?
You need to learn about the labour theory of value, the theory of marginal utlity, and the discount for futurity. At present, you literally don't understand what you're talking about, and are unknowingly squarking economic theory that was refuted in the 1870s.
You are contradicting yourself about women's rights. According to your theory of ethics and jurisprudence, a right is whatever the government says it is, remember?
Either way, you must lose, as proved not by my opinion, but by your self-contradiction. You don't agree with yourself.
And you agree that anyone has a right to kill you, on the ground that you are just a cluster of cells, and have a subhuman undeveloped personality, as determined by those who think it's okay to kill you. Right?
And you agree that tax, the governmental funding of abortion, and compulsory child support should be abolished, because "my body, my choice"?
You agree with that, don't you?
Or not?
Which is it?