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Notes on Trump : Comments
By Arthur Dent, published 23/1/2017So the result in two years could be that the US has shifted from a two party system in which both parties support globalism to a two party system in which both parties oppose globalism.
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Posted by ttbn, Monday, 23 January 2017 9:08:12 AM
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Interesting times ahead that's for sure.
Here's what Trump's biographers have to say on what kind of President Trump will make: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 23 January 2017 9:22:59 AM
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cont'd ...
Apologies for another typo: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 23 January 2017 9:27:41 AM
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"The big event was Trump beating the entire Republican establishment as a complete outsider in a hostile takeover."
Trump didn't just beat the Republican establishment. First beat all the other Republican candidates, as well as the Republican establishment. Then he beat Hillary Clinton and he beat Barack Obama,who campaigned for her. He also beat the MSM, he beat Silicon Valley and he beat Hollywood, he beat the Bankers and the entire existing US establishment. One thing that has really become apparent to me over this election campaign is how truly unintelligent the 'so-called highly educated' liberal left actually are. It's as if they 'think' they are intelligent and that they have some sort of educated moral superiority, when in actuality they don't have a clue about anything, completely by the way they act. If you ask them why they oppose Trump they will come up with the dumbest arguments that barely even make rational sense. They are basically an uninformed bunch of retards, with completely shallow characters and ethics. They can't win a rational argument, resorting to screaming 'racism' 'xenophobe' 'pussy grabber' etc. because they don't rally have a real argument. Most of the time they can't even have a rational discussion. They are in my opinion complete nutcases. I took the time to look at some liberal left sites, to see what they have to say about Trump's inaugruation, and truly they are a bunch of brainwashed retards still spitting out these half-baked talking points like mindless jellyfish. How on earth did it come to all this? How did we all get so damn divided? I look in somewhat amazement at the collective stupidity. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 23 January 2017 9:50:15 AM
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The stupidity is caused by the ones that did not get their own way. They voted and waited in peace, now they can't accept the outcome.
That is the mentality that causes civil wars. With persons owning multiple military grade weapons legally, the stage is set for action. Posted by doog, Monday, 23 January 2017 10:26:37 AM
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The trouble with the lessons of history? Nobody learns the lessons of history!
Thus we had the post war period of Keynesian economics created, unprecedented prosperity, effectively dismantled by the same, regressive conservative troglodytes, whose carved in granite, rigid, unwavering ideological imperatives, austerity, isolationism, anti-immigration, concentrating our finite wealth in fewer and fewer hands, created the Great Depression! Which was preceded by a couple of recessions, stock market collapses and panic! The only free market private enterprise business model that survived those economic downturns largely intact, were co-ops! Like today, massive political unrest and the rise and rise of nationalism! Mussolini, Hitler, Franco and others! Expansionism and the subsequent annexing of other nations sovereign territory, to allegedly right historical wrongs? And if any of this has a familiar ring? We're too smart to follow where those power hungry, elected tyrants led, surely? Nobody is going to have a constitution altered (Putin) to entrench them in lifelong power, or target an ethic immigrant minority (Kurd), to curry popular/unstoppable electoral support! Or bag the hell out of democratic socialism, to the point of having seemingly intelligent folk think it is actually the same as communism and inherently evil! Joh B. Petersen is on the public record saying, that at heart he was a democratic socialist. And that Norwegian born, former Kiwi, was no commie! And Under his Leadership, Queensland went from being the depressed redneck north to a prospering debt free economy, with a regular surplus. And by borrowing like there was no tomorrow and building income earning infrastructure, dams, power stations and beef roads, to name just some, while his complete repeal of death duties and the subsequent southern exodus of cashed up self funded retirees, was a veritable political masterstroke! [But not the apparent corruption eventually exposed by a royal commission?] And Donald Trump, Theresa May and other recently elected leaders, could do worse than emulate that example? All while actually taking note of the very real lessons of history, if only to ensure nobody repeats those disastrous mistakes! A Depression, smoking nuclear devastated planet, more tea anyone? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 23 January 2017 10:38:46 AM
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Another possible sequence of events is suggested in "Preliminary Conclusions About Donald Trump's Policy Agenda" -- Posted by CPDS, Monday, 23 January 2017 12:12:00 PM
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The Trump regime is in line to strike three body blows of world shaking significance. Two are a long overdue breath of fresh air and the third is a brutal attack on human rights stemming from Trump's ingrained personality defect.
The first is an end to the Cold War against Russia with its risk of nuclear holocaust. The second is an end to the international slave trade, labelled "free trade". The slave trade works this way. Slave traders in civilised countries like America (and Australia) with strong unions and decent social standards engineer trade deals with debased countries in Asia and Latin America whose cheap, cowed labour produces goods at cut rates. These goods flood the markets tariff-free in civilised countries leading to export of jobs to the slave owners and undermining of decent standards in the purchasing countries. It's why so many Americans and Australians have no future and why in America they elected Trump. The third - a disgrace which could bring about an early end to the Trump experiment - is the massive attack on the sovereignty of women over their own bodies - the most basic of all human rights. To be continued Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 23 January 2017 12:20:53 PM
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(continued - what to do about it)
Promote the rapprochement with Russia and challenge the self-promoting intelligence industry with reminders about how it (and the neoCon pollies) lied blatantly about Iraqi WMDs and were taken up by the war criminals Blair, Bush and Howard to call for the illegal invasion of Iraq. Warn that the same lying intelligence industry and its tame pollies are now saying the Russians sabotaged the US election (presumably by opening the dirty secrets of the Clinton campaign to public scrutiny). Oppose free trade and call for exploitation-indexed tariffs on imports to cancel the price advantage of labour slavery in the debased countries. Funds collected as tariffs could be remitted as bonuses to the slaves who produced the goods. Oh, and don't be fazed by labels of protectionism as if it's a swear word. It's protection of hard-won gains from those whose who tell workers they have to be internationally competitive for cheapness with slaves. Oppose all attacks on the sovereignty of women over their own bodies as attacks on human rights- a crusade deserving the support of both men and women. Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 23 January 2017 1:00:17 PM
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Foxy, go to and copy the icon link there to your task bar
then when you have a page that you want to tell others about you just click on the tinyurl icon and it takes you the tinyurl page and shows the Tinyurl for that web page you want to send on. You copy it and paste it into your post. It does save a lot of hassle. Cheers Posted by Bazz, Monday, 23 January 2017 3:07:39 PM
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It seems that many have still not understood what happened in the US election.
I am not upset or pleased by the result, just interested to watch the fun. This article by Daniel Greenfield may answer a few questions. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 23 January 2017 3:32:07 PM
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Well, when only 40% or so of eligible voters bother to get out and vote? What right do they have to resent the outcome or believe that the election was stolen?
Simply put, if they'd taken the time, even if that meant voting early, as opposed to often? They could have elected the most popular by far, candidate Bernie? Moreover, the same thing goes for the Britex referendum! If you didn't bother voting? Tough titties, wear it and all that flows from that! Posted by Alan B., Monday, 23 January 2017 5:08:58 PM
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Good and interesting article.
The left needs to *understand* the economic calculation argument. Either the left continues to stand for the governmental violation of freedom and property, or it doesn't. Either way it has no future except, as now, in appealing to the greed and hate of the ignorant, provoking dysfunctional anti-social conflict at every turn. Emperor Julian Ho hum, more mindless bigotted hate speech from the leftards. Slavery means non-consensual relations you fool - you know, what you think is the basis of morality and the good society? You need to learn about the labour theory of value, the theory of marginal utlity, and the discount for futurity. At present, you literally don't understand what you're talking about, and are unknowingly squarking economic theory that was refuted in the 1870s. You are contradicting yourself about women's rights. According to your theory of ethics and jurisprudence, a right is whatever the government says it is, remember? Either way, you must lose, as proved not by my opinion, but by your self-contradiction. You don't agree with yourself. And you agree that anyone has a right to kill you, on the ground that you are just a cluster of cells, and have a subhuman undeveloped personality, as determined by those who think it's okay to kill you. Right? And you agree that tax, the governmental funding of abortion, and compulsory child support should be abolished, because "my body, my choice"? Yes? You agree with that, don't you? Or not? Which is it? Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 23 January 2017 5:58:35 PM
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Slave trade? That's one genie no going back in the bottle! And for three reasons? The price and the price gouged profit margins available to the middlemen profit takers who impose themselves between the manufacturer and the buyer!
Then hit the gullible, with a 200% markup? Last but not least is the internet and our ability to bypass the non productive parasitical middlemen, or drones and tax avoiding leaners! And often same diff!? Look, if globalization is an actual problem? It's only because our "leaders" haven't the gumption (brains they were born with) to accept, we can do something else beside lay down and beg for a tummy rub? We need to resuscitate our manufacturing and processing/value adding sector! And that's very doable, as is positioning this nation to compete in the global market place for market share and with the so called emerging economies! We need Thorium and rolled out as the worlds cheapest energy! Either as public amenity or private but competing co-ops! And couple that to a stand alone and unavoidable, world's lowest tax system, plus completely rationalized government and government service, to entirely eliminate waste and unnecessary cost! Which when done, will make our economy able to compete for market share with anyone! And on a hitherto, unimaginable scale! Rather than mindlessly blaming globalism, we need to remain cognizant of the facts? Arguably, that it's only incompetent leadership that has strangled industry and trade in this country! And in so doing has made us into a beggar economy almost totally dependent on control orientated (Blood sucking, tax avoiding, profit repatriating, parasitical) foreign investors! It's not globalism that has created the raft of economic problems and exponentially expanding domestic and foreign debt; but mindless mantras and forged in hell, steely ideological imperatives! And the rigid, rock hard, recalcitrant (knock knock, nobody home) numskulls who are welded to them! Enlightenment begins with a brick to the head? (Buddha) Perhaps they'll then realize, it's not all about them? But don't hold your breath! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 23 January 2017 6:05:08 PM
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Here is something interesting;
Thrump has been holding meetings with the political leaders of both houses in the White House. This apparently is a major deviation from previous practise. A photo of one of the meetings reminded me of UK cabinet meetings. Obviously this may only be a once or twice shot but if it keeps happening will it mean that Trump is leaning towards a Westminister style of government ? Posted by Bazz, Friday, 27 January 2017 3:21:55 PM
It is also difficult to understand how people posing as the intelligentsia still don't 'get it'. They have been, and remain, so unimaginative! They continue to waffle on about things that don't matter, unable to to handle the downfall of the corrupt and incompetent past that they have been led to believe in. As Mark Stein observes, Trump has wiped out two evil dynasties - the Bushes and the Clintons - and, if you didn't see it coming, you cannot expect anyone to listen to you now.