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What happens when those who care support killing? : Comments

By Greg Donnelly, published 23/11/2016

While I have high regard for the way the union represents the workplace interests of nurses and midwives, its highly partisan involvement in the political debate over legalising euthanasia is causing great unease.

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Everybody is entitled to an opinion, Mr. Donnelly, irrespective of their occupation; not that it matters in SA, because politicians have again ignored what the people want and have been guided by their own, dated and selfish views. As for judging the trustworthiness of people merely on what they do for a living - rubbish. There is no sane reason for pollsters to ask people which profession they most trust, and respondents react, as they always do to intrusive interrogation to get it over and done with. Anyway, the recent case of a nurse murdering elderly people because she had a 'pathological hatred of old people' in nursing homes, and many previous cases, doesn't give one much encouragement about nurses.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 23 November 2016 8:25:53 AM
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"I fear, along with many others, that the impeccable reputation of nurses and their standing in the community is going to be greatly damaged by their union's one-sided political campaign on euthanasia. Such an outcome will be tragic"

Thanks Greg for caring about nurses but if their union representatives persist in promoting, supporting and engaging in euthanasia, they will have forfeited the respect people like you have long given them. They will instead come to be seen as "executioners" of whom their patients will be rightly afraid. There have already been too many prosecutions of nurses who have engaged in actively killing their patients. It's doubtful however just how many nurses think the same way as their Union leaders, who increasingly over the years have come to be seen as representing themselves more than their members. This was the case in the latter years of my nursing career, during which time I had always been a faithful, financial Union member. The ANF then was seen to have been politically biased and infiltrated by social engineers. The current low membership base may well reflect this. It's debatable just how many would be familiar with the Nightingale Pledge nurses have so sincerely taken over the years conserve life, alleviate suffering and promote health. Time for a takeover of the hierarchy of the Nursing Federation before a few bad apples succeed in destroying the ethos of the nursing profession.
Posted by Denny, Wednesday, 23 November 2016 8:46:50 AM
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This is just so typical of a few union (tail trying to wag the dog) heavies, who purport to speak for the entire membership!

Simply put, if we want to know what the RANK AND FILE THINK!?

Then the only conclusive way to establish that!? Is via an independently conducted secret ballot! And may establish the mood for voluntary euthanasia is not that strong?

Particularly when instruments like a health directive or living will, obtain almost or indeed the very same outcome! Look, folk are routinely euthanized in our hospitals any day of the week!

If you want that outcome? Ensure your written final health directive, includes instruction for complete pain relief! And maybe, nil by mouth? You can only speak for yourself, not everyone else!

That way, it'll be entirely your own independent decision and made while you still have all your marbles!

I could have died twice in recent years, Pain filled PE's (the most common cause of sudden death in older folk?) and in both lungs! Followed by a hemorrhagic stroke; (often lethal) and while life is not a bowl of cherries, I'm glad I'm still here; thanks to my Doctor and many caring nurses;( Angels of mercy) and in my small way, contributing?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 23 November 2016 10:09:20 AM
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Hey, Greg! Why is Al Qaeda more compassionate than you?

The 9/11 hijackers got to die instantly.
Posted by AyameTan, Wednesday, 23 November 2016 11:44:01 AM
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I have a question for Greg too:
What happens when those who care don't seem to care quite enough despite their good reputation and are in favour of forcing terminally ill patients to suffer agonising pain for where there is no relief available until they slowly die a scary and painful natural death, having been denied the help they wanted and needed to die a quick and soft death surrounded by their loving family?
Posted by Celivia, Wednesday, 23 November 2016 1:13:37 PM
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Don't be silly Celiva...or scared. In today's medical and nursing world there is no need for anyone to "suffer agonising pain for where there is no relief available until they slowly die a scary and painful natural death, having been denied the help they wanted and needed to die a quick and soft death surrounded by their loving family?" All of what you feel will be missing, is offered today with wonderful Palliative Care Services ..a "specialty" these days. The dying need to be treated as special...not put down like animals! Which is what will happen if the State licenses doctors to kill. Change your doctor if you feel this will be how he/she will treat you.
Posted by Denny, Wednesday, 23 November 2016 2:05:56 PM
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