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Cabal of human rights fantasists serves no purpose : Comments
By Gary Johns, published 17/11/2016Alas, the greatest threat to free speech remains: the commission itself. It houses a cabal of human rights fantasists who aim to override the law in the name of a self-defined greater good.
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Agree with every word! I would just add one point. I would happily give up some of my own 'privileged rights' (as the victim classes usually like to call them) if I could see that my sacrifice has brought or could bring about one scintilla of benefit to the oppressed, the underprivileged, the disenfranchised and all those other victims. I can't. As for the claims of some advocates that laws like 18C are needed to prevent the next Holocaust, I have to say as an ex-Jew (which by the way is a status that, on racial grounds, neither Hitler nor Judaism itself would allow me) that this is hopelessly optimistic nonsense. The real threats that fanatical ideologies present to all of us (not just Jews and ex-Jews) come from people for whom the prospects of recognition of any of the 'rights' of others are precisely zero.
Posted by Tombee, Thursday, 17 November 2016 7:50:23 AM
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Hi Tombee,
A Report of the Productivity Commission in today's Australian, on a thousand Indigenous organisations, found only 24 met satisfactory levels of accountability and performance. Those 24 should be publicised, given extra funds, promoted, feted, emulated, and maybe even given the NAIDOC Indigenous Organisation of the Year prize. The rest should be put on notice for scrapping. In connection with Bill Leak's brilliant and spot-on cartoon, here is a tarted-up report of the ZBS on Aboriginal child mortality: Why 'tarted-up' ? Check out the graph at Figure 3, and see if it shows that (as it claims further down) "There was also a significant decline in the mortality rate for Indigenous children aged 0–4 years (31%) and a significant narrowing of the gap (35%) between 1998 and 2013." Lies, damn lies and statistics. According to Fig. 3, the Aboriginal child mortality rate has barely declined at all since 1998, and is currently three times higher than for non-Aboriginal children. So while some people's feelings are hurt, kids die. In a Report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Tables 3), mortality rates for Indigenous children are 4-5 times higher than for other Australians. Given that working/urban Indigenous people make up more than half of the total Indigenous population, and have roughly the same mortality rates as other Australians, this suggests that the mortality rates in remote settings is at least ten times higher than for non-Indigenous people. Thank God for brave and decent people like Bill Leak, shining a light into the dark corners of remote existence. Let the truth prevail. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 17 November 2016 9:08:27 AM
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Soupsoon, Trigg and Turnbull should all be on jail.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 17 November 2016 9:55:02 AM
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Deluded article!
Far from being fantasists who want to override the law, they're lawyers who want to apply it! Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 17 November 2016 11:15:42 AM
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I disagree with everything you say John, but would and have, put my life on the line to preserve your right to say it! Just joking!
While my life has been on the line, if the world was full of folks like you, I'd have just stayed at home? I Understand now, why you lost your seat! Probably around the same time you lost any semblance of normal, human empathy? Jawohl? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 17 November 2016 12:20:51 PM
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when the human rights commission show one ounce of compassion to the babies being slaughtered in the womb they might gain an inch of credibilty.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 17 November 2016 12:37:04 PM
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runner, just how do you imagine they could do that?
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 17 November 2016 12:46:18 PM
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Hi Aidan,
Yes, lawyers wanting to apply the law. And they lost. Bad news for ambulance chasers. Hi AlanB, Empathy ? You mean, for Aboriginal women and children ? For whom then, if not them ? Or for boozers and beaters of women and children ? i.e. ultimately, of course, for the entire Coombsian model ? It's bankrupt, Alan. 'Communities' are in their death spiral, taking women and children with them. Appalling. Do you have a shred of empathy for them ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 17 November 2016 1:59:46 PM
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Free speech is under very intense attack in Europe.
Even threats that if you do not watch what you say or write on the internet you will be prosecuted but if it is not against the law you may still have your children removed. Find it hard to believe ? So do I but read this; All this because some Germans have criticised the immigration that has occurred from the Middle East & Africa. Makes you wonder if the Gestapo is back in action. Gillian Trigg would be right at home there. Are we really that far behind ? Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 17 November 2016 10:21:21 PM
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Loudmouth. "mortality rates for Indigenous children are 4-5 times higher than for other Australians. Given that working/urban Indigenous people make up more than half of the total Indigenous population, and have roughly the same mortality rates as other Australians, this suggests that the mortality rates in remote settings is at least ten times higher than for non-Indigenous people."
You are right, and if things don't change, which they probably won't judging by past experience, there will be no autonomous surviving Indigenous people in outback Australia in the not too distant future except for the ones in various state institutions. Their effective rate of reproduction is too low and their mental capacity has been compromised because of foetal alcohol syndrome. The ones who will be saying "Sorry" should be those Aboriginal leaders who are allowing this to happen. David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 18 November 2016 9:54:45 AM
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Sorry if this is off topic. This document makes interesting reading. Unfortunately, most of the conclusions it arrives at are flawed because it fails to take into account that on a broad scale, there are two completely separate classes of Aboriginal, one lot urban and the other outback. This just makes a nonsense of its optimistic projection for the future of outback Aboriginals. David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 18 November 2016 10:06:24 AM
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Hi David,
Yes, you're right, the 'averaging' of data by government agencies (the ABS would be the biggest culprit) of very different sub-sets of data completely confuses the picture. Sometimes trying to find actual numbers can be maddening: often, agencies will cite percentages, which are bloody useless unless you can find an actual number to compare them with. For example, of the forty thousand Indigenous university graduates now, perhaps one thousand might have come from remote 'communities', maybe much less. Graduates certainly may have links to remote 'communities' but have barely visited, let alone grown up in them. And so it's going to be into the future, until the remote 'communities' are eventually abandoned to the pensioners and a few hangers-on. Three Aboriginal women made presentations at the National Press Club, speaking on 'community' violence, yesterday: Jacinta Price, Marcia Langton and Josephine Cashman. I thought Jacinta was by far the best, the most original and the most courageous speaker - the other two ran through the usual tired, hackneyed stuff, with no solutions. Jacinta has seen 'culture' up close and first-hand, while to the others it seemed to be an abstract concept, which they would support 100 %. Not so, Jacinta: she was able to bring reality and perspective to the discussion, suggesting that violence is very real, and that much of it is a carry-over from violent practices embedded in the culture, perhaps distorted but they needed drastic change. I felt a bit sorry for the other two: since they lean towards the 'Sovereignty' model, which presupposes - has to presuppose - that all is rosy out in remote 'communities', they found themselves cutting away at their very own political foundations. They really had nothing to offer, except maybe more government money and involvement, which has obviously had, shall we say, modest results in the past thirty years. One got the feeling that a new broom was about to sweep through the halls (and brains) of the elites, if Jacinta was any guide. And not before time. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 18 November 2016 10:51:29 AM
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Joe, I just saw a brief bit of Jacinta, but I had to go out. I will watch it on Iview. I got the impression that she knew what she was talking about.
David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 18 November 2016 2:03:43 PM
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Seems to me, from Marcia's figures, a much larger number of aboriginal men should be languishing in jail because of either murder, rape or domestic violence. The reason they are not, is because of the excuse that what they have done is allowed under aboriginal tradition.
David Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 18 November 2016 3:16:03 PM
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yes Loudmouth the voice of Jacinta was very refreshing. Of course she was only saying what those 'racist' white guys have been saying for decades. The mythology of leftist academia's revision of history have resisted this truth for a long time. The next elephant in the room to be exposed is the violence done to men by their woman. I know one bloke who was taken to with a hammer and bottle and then ended in prison for not running away. And in the next breath you will have those compaining about high incarcaration rates..
Posted by runner, Friday, 18 November 2016 3:51:36 PM
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Hi David,
As to "the excuse that what they have done is allowed under aboriginal tradition .... " of course, violence was a cornerstone of traditional culture here, as everywhere else: 'traditional', or 'tribal' societies have few means to punish, or vent anger, but violence. The Glasgow kiss, rural Italian vendetta and Arab feud probably have long histories. Or Pakistani rape-revenge. Pretty much every account of Aboriginal society, by observers, anthropologists, protectors, etc., as well as independent participants like William Buckley around Geelong, reports relatively huge numbers of violent deaths, often of what we would call innocent bystanders and relations, especially women and children. Perhaps traditionally, the population was only kept up to viable levels by the fact that there was no contraceptives [I'm sure someone will argue with me there]. But these days, there are more ways these days to kill, fewer restraints, more faux reasons to be dreamed up by idle men, and no 'community' cohesion or solidarity to give a toss. So, either way, Jacinta and the other two are right to condemn it, no matter what flimsy excuses might be dragged up for it, or mealy-mouthed support from elite men - as if, somehow, bashing or killing a woman or kid was 'anti-colonialist'. Contemptible rubbish. The bottom line is surely that, sooner or later, people will either leave such 'communities' if they can, or die there. After forty years of Coombsian Utopia, there seems little likelihood of those 'communities' ever coming together and moving towards genuine self-determination in peace and mutual satisfaction. God, that bird has flown. But surely the people there, even the men, have the right to long, productive, secure lives just liked other Australians ? The quicker people can get the hell out of those places and find a happy place in Australian society, the better. Like working Aboriginal people in the 'South' have done. Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 18 November 2016 4:12:57 PM
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The Human Rights commission is doomed to failure.
They cannot make the human species become what it is not. The human species is hardwired by nature. Weve all seen what human nature is capable of. All the human rights commission does is make us be kind to every other ethnic group and country, as they slowly tear us down and take our countrys away from us. They dont on the other hand, make them accord us the same kindnesses or liberties, in accepting millions of us into their societys and adjusting their cultural norms to suit ours. Also they make us fight with one hand tied behind our backs, having to observe niceties that cause us to fight a war that could be over quickly, for years on end. Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 21 November 2016 12:09:08 AM