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Anti-poverty priorities : Comments

By Kasy Chambers, published 17/10/2016

Enthusiasm for innovative approaches must be tempered with the acknowledgement that there is a wider economic story at play.

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CHERFUL, be careful making assumptions about people you don't know. I provided a multitude of young people to provide for me in my old age. And at my own expense at that. Four children with no government support at all and now I have dozens of grandchildren who will grow up and pay taxes to provide my pension and other benefits.
But the children born to long term unemployed or career single mothers are not likely to become tax payers, in fact just the opposite. They are going to cost taxpayers welfare support for most of their life. Studies have shown that the children born into multigenerstional welfare families are not likely to lose their dependence on government support.
No species on earth has been able to survive if they can't provide for their own young.
Posted by Big Nana, Tuesday, 18 October 2016 10:20:20 AM
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Big Nana,
when you talk about single mothers, what about all the unwed or divorced single
fathers with their new wives and girlfriends and often more children to that woman sitting in the crowd, They arent bad mouthed like the women theyve pissed off
from ,leaving them alone to raise the kids they left behind. What about some blame there.

You received no government support when you raised your children, well neither did I
but we damm well should have,received family benefits. Youre saying motherhood has no value and is worth nothing in monetary terms to the men and the society women live in.
You should be standing up for women and motherhood. I want my daughters to
be respected as women and for the work mothers do unlike previous generations
They'll dam soon conscript out kids to die in a war, if they decide to do so, they did in the vietnam war. How much is your childs life worth to society, when they want to use them.

My husbands mother said, "i didnt raise a son for 20years to have him sent over there and shot". She raised 4kids in her generation to with no money to call her own for all the work involved in that. Then they headhunt all the young ones to make money for them, and dont they love the consumers provided by womens wombs.

You shouldnt be saying motherhood has no monetary value to society, to do so is to
denigrate women and motherhood. I had my kids in a time of no family benefits too, but I sure as hell would stand up for the women of today, in being entitled to renumeration for the hard work of motherhood. It takes it out of the servant, slave roll and acknowledges the value of motherhood to society. That recognition for womens work has been a long, long, time coming.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 18 October 2016 10:23:25 PM
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A woman should not purposefully have children she can't support, whatever her biological urge. IMO, it is not her right to have herself and her children supported by the general public, and it is not a public service she is doing.

There are many potential parents yearning to nurture and raise children with their own resources, but are biologically incapable of doing so.

I see a synergy here that existed before the age of entitlement.
Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 18 October 2016 11:19:49 PM
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You've got it the wrong way round, Luciferase: a woman should not be put in a position where she can't support children. The children have a right to be supported by the general public, and are likely to pay back the cost of that support many times over through the tax system.

We should remove financial barriers to what people can accomplish.



Keep in mind that absolute measures of poverty go beyond abject poverty. There are financial circumstances, and even some non financial circumstances, that prevent people from fully participating in society. These must be dealt with. Note also that as societies get richer, the requirements for participating in them are likely to rise.

Regarding your criticism of Australia's poverty line measure, you've got the implications wrong. You don't need to ensure everyone is equally well off just to get them above 50% of median wealth. It's perfectly possible, though I'd much rather we concentrate on more objective standards of poverty.



Drones are unlikely to have much of an effect in that area, as their ability to interact with customers is limited and flying is quite fuel intensive. And fixed speed cameras are better value for detecting speeding motorists.

No matter how many people lose their jobs, the government can implement policies to enable them all to gain jobs. But they choose not to; there's more political points to be scored by fining scapegoats than explaining the truth.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 19 October 2016 3:26:48 PM
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