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Anti-poverty priorities : Comments

By Kasy Chambers, published 17/10/2016

Enthusiasm for innovative approaches must be tempered with the acknowledgement that there is a wider economic story at play.

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Big Nana, as worthwhile as some of your suggestions seem to be, they aren't aimed at reducing poverty per se! Just entrenching it!

And as that happens, you do, as discovered in the Great Depression, create flow on factors in the wider economy, that incorporate inherent shrinkage! With larger slices carved off for the privileged, leaving just the crumbs that may trickle down or not, to those on the lower socioeconomic rungs?

And but for a disastrous world war and the keynesian economic stimulus it forced on us along with mountainous government debt, to invest in ourselves! May still have been shrinking still?

Instead and thanks in no small part to that very stimulus, we became the third wealthiest nation on earth and a creditor one at that! Where we went through a period of unprecedented prosperity and wages growth!

Brought to an effective halt in the US, around thirty years ago, by the economic fundamentally flawed gospel of Chicago and its handmaiden Reaganism and Thatcherism. Manifesting as extreme capitalism, quite gross individualism; and the greed is good syndrome that heralded its disastrous Trumpish imposition on most western style economies!

By all means share, but via cooperative capitalism that promotes and improves the average lot of all who are sharing both endeavor and reward!

Yes, charity begins at home, but as self esteem restoring hand ups, not demeaning hand outs, or in our face, obnoxious control related charity, that further exacerbates and entrenches intractable endemic generational poverty!
Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 17 October 2016 12:26:11 PM
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I believe now, after the horse has bolted on classifying an Australian as such, citizenship should be stratered.

Immigrants should prove their ability at self support of themselves, and additional family members, through a stratered entry visa.
Mandatory waiting periods of years, not months, should apply to intending citizens.

This alone would reduce poverty, by reallocating scarce welfare resources, and equally scarce public housing, to long term citizens as a priority.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 17 October 2016 12:48:03 PM
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Anti-Poverty Week is just a feel good slogan for a Left, money-grubbing charity. Groups like this one have claimed to be fighting poverty for decades, with no effect. All these "weeks" for this and that, year in, year out, prove the ineffectiveness of their nonsense.

There are not "too few jobs" ; there are too many people. We don't need any more workers than we have. Globalisation i.e redistribution of wealth, has removed most of our industries, and the attendant jobs have gone forvever.

But still, our maniacal politicans import 200,000 unneeded people, plus 'refugees' annually. Globalisation and immigration will eventually kill Australia.

Not enough income? Welfare was never intended to be 'income'. It is a temporary hand out for short-term unemployment. The cost is spiralling, and people thinking it is a normal way of surviving are in for a big shock if, like unworldy, socialist Anglican urgers they think the dole, new start and other money-for-nothing schemes are going to increase. The way this country is going downwards, welfare will soon be history.

People on welfare should not be blamed. It is the politicians who are at fault for bringing in more and more people who are simply not needed.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 October 2016 1:03:57 PM
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Hey ttbn,
One of the larger issues here is private central banking.
Growth basically equals debt, as money is borrowed into existence.
Say you borrow and print a billion dollars to start a new currency.
With interest, you suddenly owe more than the amount of cash you borrowed; or that actually even exists.
So the system relies on borrowing more money into existence to pay for the costs of the old debt.
It's a pyramid scheme where the amount of debt grows larger and larger than the money that actually exists.
The eventual destination is austerity, sale of nations assets at firesale prices and the peoples wealth all ends up in the hands of the bankers, and the people ruled over by the bankers.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 17 October 2016 1:56:36 PM
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Private central banking is more a myth than a problem. Despite what conspiracy theorists tell you, the USA is the only country to have a central bank that isn't completely in the public sector.

And money paid as interest does not automatically get taken out of circulation, so your idea that it's a pyramid scheme is false. Although in practice, more money will be put into circulation because the economy will grow and demand for it will increase.



No matter how many people we have, the government can implement policies which result in them all having jobs. Conversely, no matter how few people we have, the government can implement policies resulting in mass unemployment.

We should be breaking down, not putting up, barriers which prevent people from fully participating in society. Why is that so hard for those on the right to understand?
Posted by Aidan, Monday, 17 October 2016 4:11:29 PM
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I think, sumerising comment here, the answer to poverty is straight forward enough. What is lacking, is an empathy of political capacity, towards the poor.

Poverty is confronting to these people. To coin a phrase; "kick them while there down", is the political motive behind those who actually control the means, those who are in a position to actually help those who are in the perilous state of poverty.

I'm getting a bit "over" the pompous likes of Malcom Turnbull, berating those on welfare, and categorising them in terms of lifters and leaners.
It is difficult to imagine that pompous "C..." scratching up pennies to pay his power bill.

I mean, how close is that attitude to his ilk of Malcolm Fraser. "Life wasn't meant to be easy! What F* arrogance!
I think we need our own Donald Trump to upend this system. Could that Donald be a Pauline?
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 17 October 2016 5:19:11 PM
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