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The human rights of the settler : Comments

By Nicola Perugini and Neve Gordon, published 14/9/2016

Netanyahu's description of any potential evacuation of the West Bank colonies reflects the ethics of settler colonialism in which any attempt to dislocate the settlers is now equated with injustice.

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The only self evident ethnic cleansing taking place in former palestinian homelands is that of the palestinians! Where an apparent Nazi like counterpart Netanyahu (sieg heil) draws on for his distorted/revised historical comparison, are, I believe, the property purloining Jews (kampos) themselves!

And the only human rights routinely abused are those of the displaced indigenous population? Rather than the armed to the teeth, (wild west) shoot first and ask questions later, illegal Jewish settler/squatters!

The only peaceful way to prevent the endless expansion of the illegal settlements and a bloodbath, is via a seriously ramped up commercial boycott that is large enough to create enough hip pocket pain in the international Jewish diaspora, to literally force the US to stop supporting the Israeli administration! Financially or militarily!?

At least until a two state solution is a done and dusted reality we can all live with!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 14 September 2016 10:29:34 AM
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@ Nicola Perugini, Neve Gordon: "Netanyahu...arguing that any future dismantlement of Jewish settlements in the West Bank would amount to "ethnic cleansing."

ROTFLMFAO Did he say that? We all know too well, "Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned!" :-)

Logically then, Netanyahu is accusing Ariel Sharon and his government of 'ethnic cleansing Jews' from Gaza. What a lying manipulator this Netanyahu Sophist is and always has been.

re: "he rhetorically asked, thus drawing a direct link between the settlers in the colonized Palestinian territories and racially discriminated citizens in the United States."

In modern usage, sophism, sophist and sophistry are redefined and used disparagingly. A sophism is a SPECIOUS argument for displaying ingenuity in reasoning or for DECEIVING someone. A sophist is a person who reasons with clever but fallacious and deceptive arguments.

Netanhau the Queen of all Hasbara Clones, but the King has got to be that Mark Regev, an Australian citizen from Melbourne.

Which reminds me, if I was the Immigration Minister, I would make sure the Australian Laws were changed so I could give all Dual Citizens 30 days to make up their mind about where their loyalties lay.

Abe Lincoln said something like "A house divided itself cannot stand."

I will add to that clear logical truth that an individual person "cannot serve two masters" either.

re: "...he transforms the colonizing settler into the victim of human rights abuses and the subjected Palestinians into the perpetrators"

Yep that's what all manipulating psychopaths and narcissists do. They lie through their teeth. Calling it the truth to justify their various immoral abuses. I'm well aware that Psychopaths are as prevalent in the Corporate world as they are in Prisons.

See SMH "One in five bosses is a psychopath, research reveals."

Anna reports they: "looked at the psychopathic traits of people working in the business sector."

It's self-evident to me that this applies to politicians eg Netanyahu. Worthy of testing all 'executives and staff' working across Political Parties and taxpayer supported Think Tanks here and overseas.
Posted by Thomas O'Reilly, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 11:34:37 AM
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Israelis have the same natural instincts for survival as any other people. The are constantly attacked and harassed by Palestinians intent on 'wiping them from the face of the earth', yet the Palestians and there apologists complain about Israelis occupying a DISPUTED territory, the ownership of which has never been proved one way or the other. The Israelis are using this territory as part of their defence strategy against people who hate them and want them annihilated. What nation would not do the same thing to protect themselves from a vicious enemy?
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 12:17:54 PM
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ttbn, I do not think I have ever seen you write one thing on OLO that's logical, factual, valid, fair, balanced or even half true.

Palestinians have the same natural instincts for survival as any other people.

The are constantly attacked and harassed by Israelis intent on 'wiping them from the face of the earth', yet the Israelis and their apologists complain about Palestinians occupying a DISPUTED territory.

The Palestinians are using this territory as part of their basic survival strategy against a people who hate them and want them annihilated.

What people would not do the same thing to protect themselves from a vicious enemy?

The valid legal ownership of Palestinian's of 'Israeli' territory both inside and outside the mythical boundaries of the State of Israel; including their hundreds of years legitimate possession of their own original homes, their farms, their land, and their businesses has repeatedly been proved as an undeniable TRUE FACT, one way or the other.

Denial for some seems to be a way of life. There are sufficient legal grounds to create a new religion out of these beliefs.

Educational Fact Filled Reference:

'How to start your own Government Approved Tax-Free Status Religion'
By John Oliver
Posted by Thomas O'Reilly, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 12:50:17 PM
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All Benjamin Netanyayu is doing is playing with words, Nicola Perugini and Neve Gordon, something you and the rest of the lunatic left are past masters at.

I hope that the Israelis drive the Muslims right out of Israel, and back into the Muslim lands from which the Jews have already been expelled, and from where the Christians and Yazidis are now being expelled. Then there will be peace. The Jews can have a 100% Jewish state and be rich and prosperous, while the Muslims can have their 100% Muslim states, and can be poor, ignorant and dysfunctional.

The reason for the Arab/Israeli war is very simple. According to Islam, no territory conquered by Islam can revert back to it's original religion. Islam can only expand, never shrink. Think of Hitler and his "not a backward step" demand of the Wehrmacht and you have got the idea. So nothing less than the total extermination of Israel and the subjugation of the Jewish people is acceptable to Islam.

Since that is the situation, why should the Jews even need to defend their ethnic cleansing of their own mortal enemies from within their own country? There is nothing that the Israelis have done to the Muslims that the Muslims have not done to every other minority within their own borders since 600 AD. Everything that the Israelis do to the Muslims can be justified by simple self preservation against an implacable enemy population. And since the western world has been the victim of Muslim aggression for 1200 years, why you want to support your people's enemies over the also victimised Israelis is beyond me.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 12:59:35 PM
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Ttbn and LEGO. Well stated. LEGOs' brief statement of the historic evidence has handsomely 'put it in a nutshell'.
Posted by Prompete, Wednesday, 14 September 2016 5:26:02 PM
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