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The Settlements: self-entrapment of existential proportions : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 12/9/2016

Why should he worry about it now, when the international community is preoccupied with so many other conflicts in the Middle East?

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I think it is just wonderful that the Israelis are doing to the Muslims, what the Muslims have been doing to everybody else for 1400 years. Ethnically cleansing the world's foremost ethnic cleansers, is poetic justice. The Euros will have to do the same thing eventually, or buy themselves prayer mats and face Mecca to pray.

I am not sure what Alon means by "the condemnation of the international community." I am one of the international community, and I could not care less what the Israelis do to the Muslims. If the enemy of your enemy is your friend, then Israel is a friend of the western secular democracies.

Islam is a religion created by a paedophile warlord to make his soldiers invincible in battle, and to justify his military expansion. His formula of using terrorism and forced conversions to Islam worked very well, and it may still work quite well in Europe. The dumb Euros were so obsessed with being tolerance fanatics that they actually imported the people who wish to destroy their civilisation. Faced with the total stupidity of that fact today, they are now in denial. It is a denial bolstered by the fact that they thought that their sacred humanitarian ideology was infallible.

To admit hat they were wrong, would be to admit that the people that they derided as stupid and uneducated were right all along. That is a particularly unpalatable piece of crow to eat.

Go Israel. The only thing I would ask of you, if since Israel obviously does not believe in multiculturalism in Israel, to tell your Jewish friends in the West to stop supporting multiculturalism in western countries. Otherwise, the Jews will look like hypocrites.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 12 September 2016 10:34:52 AM
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While I can sympathise with Lego's comments and agree in principle with the author's historical review? I disagree with his premise!

While on the surface, this may seem as simple as a land grab annexation or the spoils of victory being claimed by the victor? It may be just a little more complex than that?

It seems that Israel's resident Arab population is out breeding the Jewish demographe? And therefore, Netanyahu needs new Jewish settlers and settlements to prop up his unusual gerrymander?

Essential if he and the Jews are to retain power and control of a large and very competent army, replete with very modern hardware and nuclear capability!

None of which can ever be allowed to fall into the hands of Hamas or any other warlord! Particularly, when peace is just not given a chance by any of the principle players!

That being so, the only peaceful solution in play seems inherent in the commercial boycott, which therefore needs to be ramped up and seriously up scaled!

Hit the international Jewish Diaspora in the hip pocket, who are ostensibly funding this new wave of Jewish migration? And it'll likely stop? Nothing else seems to be working? Save hardening the implacable resolve on both sides of the wall!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 12 September 2016 11:50:40 AM
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Israel is a racist state founded on genetic supremacist theories. Jews do not need any homeland on Palestinian land, as the world's Jews have dozens of homelands in which they are citizens living in total equality with everyone else. Australia is one of these dozens of homelands. It's the equality part of all these homelands that sticks in the craw of those who seek to defend and maintain Israel with its deadly destabilisation of the Middle East and in turn the rest of the globe.

In a dispute with a fanatical racist on another OLO thread I promised to lay out a plan for a non-racist two state Palestine - one which only a racist of the supremacist variety would find unacceptable. It is not rocket science and would have been negotiated decades ago were it not for the refusal of racists to abide anything like it.

Here it is

Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 12 September 2016 4:21:50 PM
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Here is how a two-state solution would look without overlords and submen:

* Each territory to have equal state sovereignty.
* No restriction of the flow of goods to one not matched by the same restriction of the flow to the other.
* Equal rights for each to maintain full and free international relations and alliances.
* Visa requirements for entry to be the prerogative of each territory.
* Neither allowed to dictate the legal structure of the other.
* Neither to be allowed to foist or retain by force settlements on the other’s territory.
* Neither to have power to abridge the right of the other to accept immigrants or visitors.

If a racist deal, with born overlords and born submen, was being cobbled together then it is small wonder the common herd weren't supposed to learn about it.

If the Zionists consider their nominated race too “special” to accept equality with others they may end up with an exasperated world leaving them to be engulfed by Islam and Sharia law. Couldn't happen to nicer people.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 12 September 2016 4:27:22 PM
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I agree that Israel is a racist state, EJ. Every Muslim country in the world is a religiously racist state but they get a free pass from people like you. The entire western world used to be racist states but then we decided to self suicide, and turn ourselves into dysfunctional third world states doomed to civil strife, ever rising crime rates, terrorism, and civil war. Asian countries are extremely racist but they get a free pass from you also. Because Asian states are very racist they are not going to be bothered by the problems caused by importing certain trouble prone ethnicities. They will prosper while the west declines and eventually self exterminates.

The two state solution has been rejected by our Muslim enemies since the inception of Israel. Israel is an unwelcome reminder of what an intelligent race of people can achieve against a race of people mired forever in a medieval religion. Nothing less that Israel's extermination will please the Arab racists.

Israel will get bigger as more and more Jews flee racist Muslim Eurasia. That's if the Euros don't get a lot more racist themselves to ensure their own survival. It's been done before. After WW2, 14 million ethnic Germans were expelled from Eastern Europe and sent back to Germany. The East Europeans realised that the ethnic Germans were a destabilising presence because they had as a group enthusiastically welcomed Hitler, and they had been his administrators and manned the death squads in those countries.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 12 September 2016 6:23:30 PM
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I think it is just wonderful that the Israelis are doing to the Muslims, what the Muslims have been doing to everybody else for 1400 years. Ethnically cleansing the world's foremost ethnic cleansers, is poetic

I am not sure what Alon means by "the condemnation of the international community." I am one of the international community, and I could not care less what the Israelis do to the Muslims. If the enemy of your enemy is your friend, then Israel is a friend of the western secular democracies.

Good comment but the trouble is its the zionsts who are driving the muslim invasion of the first world in the first place.
Posted by Referundemdrivensocienty, Monday, 12 September 2016 9:04:48 PM
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