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The distinction between true scepticism and denial : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 8/9/2016

And I find myself saying, yet again, this awful, poorly argued, self-seeking paper has passed peer review? What have we come to in the journal world?

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The flea continually raises the investigation into Exxon, as if the actions of the green motivated Attorney Schneiderman means anything other than Scneiderman is acting unlawfully.
He is about to be exposed:
“The Competitive Enterprise Institute today filed a lawsuit against New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, seeking copies of any agreements his office signed that would protect internal communications stemming from his investigation of ExxonMobil’s climate change record.

As I mentioned in a previous post, the AGs who signed up with Schneiderman are now keen to get out.

Do you apply your rule of “guilty until proven innocent" to Schneiderman, flea, or just to a clean company like Exxon?
Posted by Leo Lane, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 2:34:42 PM
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So, we've switched from climate change to DDT?

Millions of deaths from DDT vilification? Worse than the Holocaust?

Didn't happen mhaze. Pure hyperbole.

Put up the numbers and how they were counted.
Posted by Bugsy, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 3:27:36 PM
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Yes Leo,

I told ant 10 months ago that the whole ExxonKnew story was rubbish and wouldn't go anywhere. Anyone who reads the actual source documents that the accusations are based on can see that its all a beat-up. I advised him then to read those source documents but he has assiduously failed to do so preferring to hang onto his fondly held wishes rather than seek the truth.

Most of the AGs who initially backed the subpoena are running a mile and those being attacked (eg CEI) are now the attackers.

That ant prefers to look the fool rather than seek the truth says a lot.

He's all over the place. He thinks DDt isn't safe because fossil fuel emissions aren't safe. Even if the claims about emissions are right (and they're not) what ones got to do with t'other is clear only to ant. Even more idiotic is the notion that water vapour levels can't be declining because there are floods as though floods are a new phenomena. Ever heard of Gilgamesh?
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 4:04:50 PM
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"Didn't happen mhaze. Pure hyperbole."

Just because you don't know about doesn't mean it didn't happen, except in the most extreme existential sense.

Malaria kills around 1 million people per year. This is an improvement on the 1.5 to 2 million in the later part of last century.

DDT use dramatically reduces these numbers. For example (an there are stories like this throughout the developing world):

"When Sri Lankan authorities agreed to ban DDT during the mid-1960s, rates of malaria infection exploded from twenty-nine cases in 1964 to over 500,000 a mere five years later."

Prior to the campaign against DDT, malaria was being eradicated world-wide and had been eradicated in the developed world.

1 million unnecessary deaths per year over a 50 year time frame compared to 6million Holocaust deaths and 7-10 million Holodomor deaths.

Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 4:39:56 PM
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Yes, flea, Rachel Carson was a toxic liar. I acquainted myself with details, before I formulated that description.
Read the analysis of her lies, for yourself:

How would you describe her, if you were truthful?

I would not take much notice of the insect, mhaze. He hates the truth, and will say anything to denigrate a statement of the truth.
He is a pest who is best ignored.
There is ample evidence of the deaths which occurred when DDT use was curtailed.
The legislation to ban it was introduced despite an official enquiry which reported, showing that there was no justification for a ban.
Its introduction was politically expedient, because of pressure able to be generated by the virulent green movement founded on Carson's lies.
Posted by Leo Lane, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 5:45:30 PM
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Again, that didn't happen mhaze.

A quote from an opinion piece AGAIN. Please stop.

DDT was never banned for public health use the way you seem to think it was. When it wasn't used, it was generally not for environmental reasons, as you claim. Sri Lanka ceased using DDT for public health less than 2 years after Silent Spring was published because they thought they didn't need to. They still used it for agriculture though, so Rachel Carson had no influence on that decision.

Also, Sri Lanka resumed spraying not long after the malaria rate rose again, and guess what happened?

The mosquitoes were now resistant to DDT, because of the agricultural use. What a surprise!

The use of DDT for public health purposes, pretty much wasn't banned at all, but it was reduced in many places by replacing it with other insecticides that were more effective.

Whatever it is you think happened...

Didn't happen.
Posted by Bugsy, Wednesday, 21 September 2016 7:29:21 PM
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