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Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys : Comments

By Rodney Crisp, published 26/8/2016

It is this success and all the hard work that preceded it that we are now jeopardising by pursuing not only a selective immigration policy but also a deliberately repressive one.

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Dear Shadow Minister,


You wrote :

« At least you concede that off shore detention very actively deters asylum seekers »

I have no way of knowing what deters asylum seekers. The prospect of drowning at sea or of never being allowed to stay in Australia would be a good enough deterrent for me, but I am not an asylum seeker. The only way to know would be to ask them by having a survey carried out by one of our polling firms: Newspoll, Galaxy, etc.

In my opinion, offshore detention has nothing to do with deterring asylum seekers. It has to do with avoiding the application of Australia’s own domestic law and its international treaty obligations in respect of asylum seekers.

I imagine Howard and his eggheads got the bright idea of offshore outsourcing from the Tax Avoidance and Multinational Tax Avoidance Department at the Treasury. They are experts on the legal aspects of how to avoid Australian and international law in offshore tax havens.

It seems to me that by going offshore, Howard and his boys are simply copying Australia’s rich elite and multinational organisations - not to avoid paying tax - but to avoid being condemned by the international community for not respecting its legal (and moral) obligations in respect of asylum seekers. As long as they are not on Australian soil they are not subject to Australian law. They are subject to the law of the country in which they are located and that country’s international obligations, not Australia’s international obligations.

Now isn’t that smart ? All the brave Australian citizens like you and me and even the complaisant (but not so “gullible”) media has gratefully approved the official explanation without batting an eyelid. Far from sight, far from heart and mind – and the legal consequences. Shhh !

Somebody on this forum wrote (I think it was Alan B): “we house our guests on Nauru where we supply the world's most expensive economy class, family friendly, tropical resort style accommodation …”.

I think he’s missing the point. But, not to worry:

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Monday, 29 August 2016 11:09:18 PM
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Dear LEGO,


I fully subscribe, without the slightest reserve, to the first three paragraphs of your latest post and commiserate wholeheartedly with you.

At the end of your excellent plea and indictment you ask :

« But you don't see any problem? »

I see many problems, and I hasten to add that like everybody else I have seen them brewing up for years. I tried (but apparently failed) to explain that to you in my previous post :

« Wars and religion, social and cultural inequality, climate change and economic cupidity, are the driving forces behind the obnoxious intrusions into our Australian way of life »

We all saw that building up for years, threatening, sooner or later, to destroy us and our good old Aussie life style. We have been trying to do something about it but, as I indicated :

« It is beyond our capacity as a nation to fight off all these forces alone », and I added :

« We can’t just roll back history and make Australia white again, barricade ourselves in our nice comfortable homes and lives and tell the rest of the world to go away and leave us alone »

Isolationism will not solve our problems. It can only aggravate them. We need greater international, especially regional, cooperation and solidarity. We need to stand firm on our core values and maintain “a tolerant, open, liberal, and (still slightly) egalitarian society”.

That does not imply that we should open the flood gates to illegal immigration. It implies that we should act legally and respectfully on the international scene as a responsible nation and ensure that our laws are respected.

In my opinion, the decision on who is allowed into the country is the prerogative of the Commonwealth Government. The decision on where they reside is the prerogative of our regional authorities. The Commonwealth should only allow into the country as many people as the regions are prepared to accept, employ and take responsibility for.

That is a question of negotiation between the Commonwealth and the regions.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 30 August 2016 1:54:02 AM
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I am having a bit of trouble working out your logic here. You claim that you don't support illegal immigration into Australia, yet you oppose the Australian government doing anything to oppose illegal immigration?

The entire white western world is being swamped by ever increasing waves of third world immigrants, who are extremely loyal to their own race, tribe, religion, and culture. That this is having a negative effect upon the lifestyles and social stability of the host countries is undeniable. Would you like me to list the negative consequences of Australia accepting this multicultural Kool Aid? But your response is well, we just can't do anything about it. You see, we have these treaties which sucessive socialist governments signed which says that Australia can not prevent the eventual destruction of our white cultural heritage. So we just have to roll over and take it up the bum.

You and Rodney Crisp must be Swedish. With Sweden now the rape capitol of the world, 55 "no go" areas around Stockholm where the police, ambulance, fire brigades, postal workers, and 60 Minutes news crews fear to tread, with Jews fleeing Sweden out of fear, blond women dying their hair black to try and avoid being raped, and cars burning on the streets of Stockholm every night, only 13% of Swedes voted for an anti immigration party which would begin to take Sweden back from the Caliphate. One Swedish politician actually stated that Swedes "must be nice to the Muslims, because when the Muslims become the majority, they will be nice to the Swedes." Fat chance.

It just goes to show how fifty years of prosperity and socialist propaganda can convince people that prosperity and political stability is a natural law of nature And if they become a minority within their own country, nothing will really change, except that there will be more exciting food choices in the local shopping centre.

The first rule of problem solving, is when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. I know that this is a difficult concept for you and Rodney to understand.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 30 August 2016 4:23:08 AM
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LEGO wrote :

« If you and Mr Crisp are still advocating … »

Rodney Crisp and Banjo Paterson is the “Strange case of Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde”. We are one and the same person.

For those who are unfamiliar with the mechanics of the OLO web site, once you have adopted a pseudonym in order to participate in forum discussions and you subsequently wish to reply to comments on an article you have published, your replies are automatically signed by your pseudo. It is impossible to sign by your real name.

I have no desire to remain anonymous when expressing my personal opinion on the human tragedy of forced migration.

I wish to assume full responsibility for the views expressed here under the signature of my real name, Rodney Crisp, and under the signature of my pseudonym, Banjo Paterson.

I regret that there is very little I can do about that tragedy. The least I can do is to express my opinion and assume full responsibility for it.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 30 August 2016 5:04:57 AM
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By your comment "So far as I am aware, none of our successive governments ever intended to open the floodgates to illegal immigration." you have essentially admitted the floodgates were opened and claimed ignorance on the part of Labor. As labor opened the floodgates by removing off shore protection only an imbecile would not recognise the cause and effect.

As roughly 4% of those attempting the illegal immigration die at sea, encouraging this trafficking of people is morally odious, as labor eventually realised after opening the floodgates.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 30 August 2016 5:54:47 PM
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So let me get this straight, Rodney/Banjo. You live in Paris where the negative consequences of mass immigration into a first world country from third world countries is making the news every day? And you want Australia to emulate self evident failure? How did that old definition of insanity go again, Rodney?

Well, we haven't got Muslims in Oz shooting dead journalists or cartoonists yet, but we do have armed guards on media organisations. We have not got armed guards at rock concerts yet, but our security police did foil a plot from the people you wish to import into Australia who wanted to bomb the AFL during a footy match.

70 Australian girls have been gang raped by Muslim race hate rape packs around the year 2000, which matches nicely to the French "Turnantes" (take your turn) used by Muslims in the bainelouse of Paris when gang raping French girls. How many more Aussie girls are you prepared to sacrifice on your multicultural altar, Rodney?

We haven't got paratroopers wandering around your old town of Dalby yet with assault rifles, like in Paris, Nice or Brussels, but I'll bet you can't wait for your old town to be culturally enriched by that little piece of Islamic multiculturalism?

Maybe when you have to go through an ex ray machine just to get on the bus from Brisbane to Dalby to see the relos, you might conclude that multiculturalism is making your own country as unsafe as France. I hear the Frogs and Germans are all heading for Austria to load up on guns and ammo for the coming civil war. But don't worry about Australia, Rod.

The SSAA calculated that there were around 2.5 to 3 million firearms which should have been handed in during Howards buyback. The government only got 640,000. You will be happy to know that your own people won't have to go to Austria to buy their guns when the time comes for a civil war in Australia. A civil war which people like yourself created through your slavish adherence to an unobtainable humanitarian ideal
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 30 August 2016 7:19:33 PM
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