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Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys : Comments
By Rodney Crisp, published 26/8/2016It is this success and all the hard work that preceded it that we are now jeopardising by pursuing not only a selective immigration policy but also a deliberately repressive one.
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Posted by LEGO, Monday, 29 August 2016 5:19:33 AM
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Very "lofty" posts by banjo and Lego, but why not take the simple approach to the problems of the world, with a little advice from John Cleese, when offered the question from Ross Bilton (Australian magazine) interview:
Q: Is the world stuffed beyond repair? JC: yes, the whole thing is broken and hopeless. The arseholes always end up in charge, and their very very greedy. Most people don't get a fair cut. The old values which taught us that money and ego aren't everything, have faded away with conventional religion, and I don't see them coming back. So the situation is hopeless. I just intend to enjoy life as much as I can. Next question! What is your favourite word? JC: Lunch! :-) :-)! Posted by diver dan, Monday, 29 August 2016 7:22:32 AM
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Come on Banjo of course the lawyers want onshore detention. They make heaps more money, funded by the citizens who are getting ripped off by illegals, when the gate crashers are in the country.
Sorry Diver, I find it ludicrous that anyone would think that a clown like John Cleese is a good source of advice on the way to run, or protect any nation. Personally, I don't find him, or any other performer/actor, an even reasonable source of humour, let alone practical advice. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 29 August 2016 10:34:40 AM
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Dear LEGO, . Thank you for expressing your concerns. You certainly paint a bleak picture of Sydney, Australia, Europe and the world in general. All this, of course, is the result of the fact that times have changed and we are now living in a global, fully interconnected world. There is no place to hide. No way to avoid feeling the repercussions of what is going on everywhere else in the world. We can’t just roll back history and make Australia white again, barricade ourselves in our nice comfortable homes and lives and tell the rest of the world to go away and leave us alone. Nor can we prevent people from believing in whatever they will: gods, devils, angels, holy ghosts, eternal life and what-have-you. Others have tried but it just doesn’t work. As somebody (whose name I shall not mention in order not to offend you) once wrote: “Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes”. For much of the world’s youth, life on earth is as you describe it. They consider there is no hope for them in this life and can’t wait to earn their right to the next one as martyrs of their faith. Wars and religion, social and cultural inequality, climate change and economic cupidity, are the driving forces behind the obnoxious intrusions into our Australian way of life. It is beyond our capacity as a nation to fight off all these forces alone. It is impossible to turn the tide and block the tsunamis that threaten to engulf us. We have 59 736 km of ocean borderline to defend and I, personally, do not believe in miracles like that of the legendary little Dutch boy, Hans Brinker, who, according to Mary Mapes Dodge, courageously put his finger into the hole in the dyke to prevent the flood : As I see it we have no choice but to face up to reality and adapt to the changing international and domestic environment without compromising on the basic values that characterize Australia today: a tolerant, open, liberal, and (still slightly) egalitarian society. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Monday, 29 August 2016 11:18:11 AM
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At least you concede that off shore detention very actively deters asylum seekers. However, I am less forgiving of the incompetent Rudd and Gillard. Rudd promised prior to the 2007 elections to maintain the pacific solution, and defying the advice of his immigration department who clearly advised him that removing the pacific solution would result in a surge of illegal boats went ahead anyway. The consequences were entirely predictable and can only rest on the shoulders of the idiot duo. Rudd inherited a working system with only 4 people in detention (no children), left behind 30 000 detainees incl >2000 children, 1200+ people drowned and a bill of >$11bn. As for the territorial imperative, I read Robert Ardrey's works in the 80's and agree that resistance to the invasion by foreigners is a core human instinct, but in this case I would attribute this a lesser role. My justification for this is that the influx of foreign workers and the humanitarian program met little resistance, and the crap only really hit the fan when the TV was filled with the images of men women and children drowning off Xmas island. Similarly, in Europe, while there was some alarm at the huge numbers flooding into Germany, the mood changed hugely after the mass sexual assaults by muslim immigrants on German women in Cologne. This appears to have cooked Merkel's goose, as she is struggling to get re nominated for another term. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 29 August 2016 1:07:11 PM
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To Mr Patterson.
The white western secular world is the standard by which all decent societies are judged. Our societies are prosperous and the least corrupt. They are the providers of unprecedented personnel freedoms to their populations unimagined only a couple of hundred years ago, and they bestow upon their populations generous social welfare spending. These societies are now in real danger of collapse and the portents are right there in front of your nose. There are so many illegal Hispanics in the USA that in 1993, the President of Mexico boasted about "the reconquest" of America through Hispanic immigration. There are imams on youtube boasting about how Islam will take over Europe through unchecked Islamic immigration and birth rate differentials. My own high school in Sydney in 1970 had two Asian boys out of a thousand. Today 80% of the students would be Asian. But you don't see any problem? Multiculturalism can work up to a point. Most people are tolerant of outsiders who's values, attitudes and behaviours are much like their own. Such people can usually be easily integrated. But the importation of people who tribal, religious and ethnic loyalties are supremely important, especially where their values, attitudes and behaviours are diametrically opposed to the host population, will result in serious social unrest, spiralling rates of crime, reductions in civil liberties, demands for self deturmination, and finally, civil war. What I am saying is a historical fact and is as immutable as the Law of Gravity. White western societies are becoming more dangerous and unstable. There is talk of civil war in Europe. The Kumbaya philosophy which you and others have advocated for fifty years has failed miserably, and the times, they are, a changin'. You are now a reactionary trying to hold on to a failed status quo ante. If you and Mr Crisp are still advocating open borders, then your mindset equates to those who once advocated a flat Earth, a sun centred universe, or a six day creation. It is obvious that no amount of reasoned argument can make a dent in your belief system Posted by LEGO, Monday, 29 August 2016 7:11:16 PM
It has become a political and social fashion within prosperous western societies to sneer at one's own people and culture and to deny your own people's territorial imperative. The predictable result of this fashion will be the social self suicide of the white western race and the prosperous and desirable societies which our race has traditionally created. The population of the earth increasing by 100 million unwanted people every year, almost all from third world societies where large families are still the way to go. If white western societies keep taking in the "tired and poor huddled masses", we ourselves, (including Banjo Patterson) are going to end up with nowhere to "breath free" in.
The coming of the British to Australia was the best thing that ever happened to Australian aborigines, especially the female ones. The British Empire was the most successful civilising force that this planet had ever seen, and it created successful and functioning societies everywhere. The Golden Rule for all immigrants today is head to where they speak English. Had the British not settled Australia, this country would be just another black ruled third world craphole with the inhabitants holding out the begging bowl to the rest of the world.