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The Forum > Article Comments > Rock star-scientist Brian Cox confused on more than global temperatures > Comments

Rock star-scientist Brian Cox confused on more than global temperatures : Comments

By Jennifer Marohasy, published 18/8/2016

Richard Horton, the current editor of the medical journal, The Lancet, recently stated that, 'The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.'

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For the foul mouthed frustrated Leo and the unsuccessful troll JF trying to get a "rise" - go here

Have at it lads. Keep trying. :-)

<shaking my head at the gross immaturity, lack of awareness, double-standards, the obvious pathetic lying, the raving big egos, lack of respect, the intolerance and ignorance of it all>

Not my problem. I am not going to help you.
Posted by Thomas O'Reilly, Wednesday, 7 September 2016 11:29:43 AM
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@ Max Green,

Dust storms also transport nutrient including iron that proliferates algae. I have not said anything ruling out iron so why are you on about that?

I think Max, you do not understand where ocean food web nursery ecosystems are located and that biodiversity within them cannot tolerate even more increase in nutrient.

Mid ocean waters would suit iron fertilisation because they are nutrient poor but practicality is there is no way to stop quantities of added iron nutrient from being transported by currents into the already overloaded food web nursery ecosystems.
Posted by JF Aus, Wednesday, 7 September 2016 12:49:54 PM
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RSS has posted for August at +0.458ºC, a small drop on the July figure. This is the third warmest August on record (after 1998 & 2010) and the 31st warmest monthly anomaly on record.

The first 8 months of 2016 average +0.645ºC. For RSS TLT to have 2016 as warmest calendar year (currently that is still 1998 averaging +0.550ºC), the remainder of 2016 would have to average above +0.36ºC, which is a little cooler than has so far been seen in 2016. A comparison of recent RSS TLT anomalies with the 1997/98 El Nino years:-

……….1997/99 ....… 2015/16
Dec … +0.302ºC … +0.545ºC
Jan … +0.550ºC … +0.665ºC
Feb … +0.736ºC … +0.978ºC
Mar … +0.585ºC … +0.842ºC
Apr … +0.857ºC … +0.756ºC
May … +0.667ºC … +0.524ºC
Jun … +0.567ºC … +0.467ºC
Jul … +0.605ºC … +0.469ºC
Aug … +0.572ºC … +0.458ºC
Sep … +0.494ºC
Oct … +0.461ºC
Nov … +0.195ºC
Dec … +0.311ºC
Jan … +0.181ºC
Feb … +0.317ºC
Mar … -0.013ºC
Apr … +0.182ºC
May … +0.112ºC
Jun … -0.083ºC

The 2016 Arctic Sea Ice Metric Minima - with satellite images
Look for the Blue near the North Pole

Or spend a few hours on WUWT to salve your self-righteous ego.

Everyone may well have an 'equal right' to hold an opinion, but all opinions are not and never will be equal.

Next to Facts and Truth an Opinion has No Value.

Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction;jsessionid=B9A6D62FCBED3838D36AB61F84F376DF?N=16+156&Ntk=P_EPI&Ntt=185513661616260196355757760632117151562&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial

Buy it, Read it, and learn something useful for all of Life
Posted by Thomas O'Reilly, Wednesday, 7 September 2016 1:13:50 PM
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//Dust storms also transport nutrient including iron that proliferates algae. I have not said anything ruling out iron so why are you on about that?//

Shows how meticulously you click the links to find out, doesn't it? It's all in the wiki. Part of the scientific process, when making a scientific assertion, is to try and read what OTHER REAL SCIENTISTS have said about it before running your own tests.

The more algae, the LOWER the global temperature because algae eat warming CO2, and lock it away, and drop to the bottom of the ocean when they die. Where do you think oil comes from? Ancient algae.


>>>A number of ocean labs, scientists and businesses are exploring fertilization as a means to sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide in the deep ocean, and to increase marine biological productivity which is hypothesized by some to decline as a result of climate change. Since 1993, thirteen international research teams have completed ocean trials demonstrating that phytoplankton blooms can be stimulated by iron addition.[1] However, controversy remains over the effectiveness of atmospheric CO
2 sequestration and ecological effects.[2] The most recent open ocean trials of ocean iron fertilization were in 2009 (January to March) in the South Atlantic by project Lohafex, and in July 2012 in the North Pacific off the coast of British Columbia, Canada, by the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation (HSRC).[3]
Fertilization also occurs naturally when upwellings bring nutrient-rich water to the surface, as occurs when ocean currents meet an ocean bank or a sea mount. This form of fertilization produces the world's largest marine habitats. Fertilization can also occur when weather carries wind blown dust long distances over the ocean, or iron-rich minerals are carried into the ocean by glaciers,[4] rivers and icebergs.[5]<<<
Posted by Max Green, Wednesday, 7 September 2016 2:10:07 PM
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Good news! I've decided to do some of your work for you.

There IS one way algae can contribute to the warming of the planet. It changes the albedo of ice. So if algae grows on top of ice, it changes the way sunlight interacts with the ice, causing the ice to melt. Mind you, it's really the sun doing the melting, not 'algal heat' or however you phrase it. Inanimate stuff like black carbon or soot can also change the albedo of ice, making it warm. There's nothing unique about algae in this regard.


Not only that, but as the CO2 warms the oceans, the algae will respond. It will grow more!

>>Toxic blue-green algae prefer warmer water.
Warmer temperatures prevent water from mixing, allowing algae to grow thicker and faster.
Warmer water is easier for small organisms to move through and allows algae to float to the surface faster.
Algal blooms absorb sunlight, making water even warmer and promoting more blooms.<<

>>Warming of the upper ocean may stimulate plankton metabolism, enhancing photosynthesis. This effect has received little attention, but new research suggests that it could be important enough to spur a net increase in global ocean productivity.<<

Posted by Max Green, Wednesday, 7 September 2016 4:20:30 PM
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At the following link it states:
Algal blooms absorb sunlight, making water even warmer and promoting more blooms.

Let's be clear about this.
Algae must have nutrient in order to grow.
Growth must occur in order for photosynthesis to occur in algae.
Nutrient must be there in the first place, then sunlight.

Algae does not generate nutrient for it's own species.
For algae to bloom there must be enough nutrient, or, an overload of nutrient to feed a bloom AND PROMOTE MORE BLOOMS.

Nutrient overload amounting to nutrient pollution provides over abundance of nutrient causing over-abundance of algae including historically unprecedented anthropogenic proliferation of algae and more algae blooms, including toxic species.

Pause for a moment and carefully consider there may be more than one cause of change in climate and warming of ocean and lake waters.
Consider warming from the bottom up, from under the ocean surface, not just from the atmosphere - top down.

Apply the purpose of the Precautionary Principle.

I suggest carefully consider reason and need to care and help understand that anthropogenic proliferated algae may be impacting the marine environment in other ways, such as already causing food deprivation and malnutrition that is increasing rates of non communicable disease (NCD) including maternal mortality, plus mass mortality of marine animals. Plus devastation of ocean ecosystems.

Ego and jealousy and/or greed and politics should be put aside.

Absolute urgency is involved. There should be no confusion.

Solutions to the algae involve absolutely major economically stimulating opportunities, including nutrient trading, proper sanitation, and development of profitable sewage treatment and water ecosystem management. Including for the present river sewer systems of Europe and worldwide.
Posted by JF Aus, Thursday, 8 September 2016 9:37:58 AM
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