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Gay rights activists deny our moral agency : Comments

By Shimon Cowen, published 10/8/2016

According to this traditional understanding of the human being, homosexuality does not define the essential dimension – which is the soul or conscience – of any person.

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OK I have made an assertion and provided no evidence. Why should it bother you? People make assertions on this forum plenty of times without evidence. Do you feel the need to take them to task like you are doing to me or is it just this particular assertion that has got under your skin?

What harm does this particular assertion do? They are simply words. Everyone who reads them would look for some evidence to back up this assertion and if they did not find any then they would simply move on. You have not done this but feigned some concern for how I might be damaging my credibility or my legacy. Your credibility and legacy might be important to you but that just shows insecurity since no mature adult should live their lives to impress others.

Are you this concerned about assertions of others which have no evidence or is it just this particular assertion which has caused you to act in such a defensive manner?

The fact that you have been drawn in by such an unfounded assertion surely begs the question why? Why this one? What bothers you about this particular assertion? Are you afraid that even though there is not supporting evidence there might be an element of truth in it?
Posted by phanto, Friday, 19 August 2016 4:40:43 PM
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Thankyou *Pogi* but it was really AJ's links that really "put the matter to bed." ;-)

I was most pleased just to receive a high pass and participate in the slam dunking of *Phanto* and the rest of these disgusting homophobes

(some with affiliations to these "pedophile friend" churches)

They have no humility these people, when time and time again it has been shown that they have been so terribly wrong, with horrific consequences, and yet, some of them are as deluded as ever as to continue to want and inflict them selves on us in a most unreasonable and unacceptable manner.
Posted by DreamOn, Friday, 19 August 2016 4:50:31 PM
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"Once again you attract the derision and ridicule of those who think before posting. Don't you ever learn?"

I don't care about the derision or ridicule of others so why would you want to mention it unless to were trying to make me feel bad and why do you want to try and make me feel bad.

"When science demonstrates that homosexuality has a biological basis, how will you accommodate this into your world of absolutes? "

I'll worry about that when it happens. Since it has not happened then my assertion remains just as likely to be true as the opposite.

"It is as certain as night follows day that science will confound you and your ridiculous assertion in the near future."

Do you have any evidence for that assertion of certainty? You know that the rules of logic dictate that assertions must have evidence or else you risk being ridiculed?

" You made a claim that something does not exist."

You have made a claim that homosexuals exist without any evidence. What is the difference
Posted by phanto, Friday, 19 August 2016 5:04:22 PM
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More amateur psychology, phanto?

<<If you do not [examine your conscience] then you have some serious emotional problems.>>

Please cite the research supporting this.

<<Instead of examining your conscience ... you decided to change the subject from one about guilt to one about the meaning of the word nagging.>>

I made no such decision. Your misunderstanding of the word “nag” was in need of correcting, however.

<<If you felt no guilt then that is all you need to know.>>


<<If you do not feel guilty then why would you bother going to the dictionary?>>

To provide my correction with some authority.

<<The dictionary will not help determine your guilt or otherwise.>>


<<You can only find out whether you feel guilty or not by being in touch with your own conscience - your own feelings.>>

That's beautiful.

<<This is not psychology it is something that human beings who cannot even read know for sure.>>

I’m glad you're consigning your unfounded assessments to the spiritual bin.

<<Every time I appeal to your human nature and your aggressive behaviour … You avoid any emotional acknowledgement and bury you head in the sand of your books.

Yeah, “aggressive”, so much for your newfound intuitive side.

Otherwise, I should certainly hope I bury my head in books. Emotions prove themselves time and time again to be a poor means upon which to base opinions.

<<My 'psychology' bothers you because it is trying to engage you at the level of being a human being rather than your head.>>

No, it bothers me because it's pure guesswork and completely wrong.

<<If you are so removed from your own emotions how can anyone take you seriously.>>

That would actually be a reason TO take me seriously.

<<You are not ... interested in the truth.>>

You're the one getting into all the spiritual hokum.

<<You like to think you are some great scholar ... to avoid engaging with people at an emotional level.>>

No, but I am mistaken for one regularly on OLO by those who think that's an insult. Nevertheless, I'll take that as a compliment.
Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 19 August 2016 6:37:29 PM
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There remain ongoing serious concerns of course. I believe some members (and yet to be members) of the LGBT community are still being terribly demonised. And herein also we find some of the worst hypocrasy. As where exactly does the "moral agency" of the author figure in when some parent or school teacher

(can you imagine someone which is a mish mash of some of the characteristics of some of the worst homophobes in this place?)

is attempting to say, make "their" homosexual child a man by sending him to one of these schools that advertise quite openly on their public web site that homosexuality (amongst other things) is an abomination.

Well may we EnShrine the "Rights of the Child" and protect them from their misguided parents and teachers as well.
Posted by DreamOn, Friday, 19 August 2016 8:33:44 PM
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phanto, Friday, 19 August 2016 4:40:43 PM

"Are you this concerned about assertions of others which have no evidence or is it just this particular assertion which has caused you to act in such a defensive manner?"

The assertion of yours was a random choice, there is nothing indicative that you might apply your puerile psychology to. The issue of the causes behind homosexuality was a worthy one as it will consign you and your execrable notions to the garbage bin within a few years.

There can be no doubt that you are a fundamentalist christian creationist and YEC. You weren't born like that. Someone carefully nurtured you and inculcated into you the awful notions you now hold. I can assure you no one here is congratulating you on your insightful revelations. Both runner and ttbn seem to find you unworthy of their attention.

"They are simply words. Everyone who reads them would look for some evidence to back up this assertion and if they did not find any then they would simply move on."

You are not only wrong, you are deliberately lying, as the presence of AJP, DreamOn, Loudmouth, Toni Lavis, Robert, Yuyutsu, Banjo Paterson, Daffy Duck etc, attest.

" Since it has not happened then my assertion remains just as likely to be true as the opposite."

It means your deliberately unevidenced assertion is worthless. Objective, useful, logical information is wasted on you, isn't it? You're a genuine waste of space yourself.

"" You made a claim that something does not exist."[Pogi accuses Phanto of making this claim]

You have made a claim that homosexuals exist without any evidence. What is the difference"

Albert Einstein observed; "Two things are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former." I'm sure he had an encounter with someone like you that prompted him to write of his experience. I have pointed to the difference several times, apparently to no avail. Well, being as thick as two planks is no detriment to a fundamentalist. In fact it's been a positive asset to you.
Posted by Pogi, Saturday, 20 August 2016 5:09:55 AM
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