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Rubbishing Pauline Hanson: the campaign continues : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 3/8/2016University campuses are covered in myopic campaign gatherings against 'that Hanson woman'. The time she therefore receives in terms of interest and coverage tends to be out of all proportion to her actual relevance.
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Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 2:33:27 PM
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This article is a personal attack on someone called Pauline Hansen, who I understand is an Australia Senator.
But if I want to hear personal attacks, I just have to watch Parliament on TV, or I watch some cheap soap opera on TV. I would like to see the author state the reasons why Australians have to agree with what is in the Quran. Or why shouldn't Australia have zero net immigration. Or why shouldn't Australia have citizens initiated referendums Or...for the author to comment about the policies of ONE NATION, instead of carrying out personal attacks suitable only for politicians in Parliament, or suitable for actors in a cheap soap opera. Posted by interactive, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 3:55:12 PM
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She is a danger to established Political parties.. not the average voter.
This time around she will far more frightening to them, now that their once solid supporter base is crumbling. The 2 big and 2 smaller parties have brought this on their own heads.. far too slick, too many lies and "promises" made in the knowledge that they would never be kept and far too many " professional" political animals whom have never had a real job. A pox on all their Houses Posted by Aspley, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 5:25:27 PM
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Another petulant, whining, sour grapes article by Binoy Kampmark, who is just horrified that ordinary Australians reject his vision splendid of an Australian society which looks like a scene from Blade Runner.
Geee, what with the events in Europe, especially Sweden, one would have thought that those advocating open borders would have finally grown a brain and realised that their ideology needed a bit of work. But I suppose if you are a third worlder you love the idea of taking a white society and turning it into the same thing that you fled from. Binoy, as time goes on, and terrorist attacks upon European societies by imported foreigners continues and increases, more and more people are going to think that Pauline Hanson was a prescient. Your multicultural dream has turned into a nightmare and the more you strut and preen pretending that it is a success, the sillier you look. You lefties managed to fool the people for a long time but anybody can look at the news and see what is happening in Europe, and figure out that the more Muslims you have in western society, the more dangerous that society is going to be. Prime Minister Cameron, President Obama, Turnbul, and that French imbecile President have all said that Islam is a religion of peace. Nobody believes them anymore,and that is why there is a shift to the right. You guys blew your credibility big time by claiming that black was somehow white. People are laughing at you. Writing articles in the tone of moral indignation and intellectual superiority won't cut it any more. Anybody can see that those left wing social justice warriors who support you are nothing more than tantrum throwing, middle class spoilt brats. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 7:57:18 PM
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You won't hear from this fool. I went to his page & Posted my Comments there. Let's see what happens.
If you wish to Post there too, here's the Web site; Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 8:19:20 PM
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She isn’t trendy or cool or ‘speaks her mind’, she doesn’t represent the ‘views of the people’. She is a puerile, inane, mendaciously lying, antagonistic, self-aggrandizer who flies on the coat-tails of creating hatred and division where-ever she can sniff it out.
Her entire history is about creating division and hatred for personal gain, not to make this country a better place. She never talks about inclusiveness or harmony, just divisive rhetoric about us and them – the ‘normals’ and the ‘abnormals.’ Hanson has ridden on the back of negativity and fear mongering of Asians and Indigenous Australians to create groups who can be bracketed as, not fitting in, not like the rest of us, different – ‘abnormal’. Ms. Hanson’s 1996 Maiden speech to Parliament warned Australians of the damage that Aboriginal people and Asians do to our society. Now the fear and hatred in the 2016 campaign has turned to Muslims and she is milking that cow until it is dry Posted by rache, Friday, 5 August 2016 11:13:36 AM
Abbott was also accused of offering funds to One Nation dissident Terry Sharples to support his court battle against the party...Abbott conceded that the political threat One Nation posed to the Howard Government was "a very big factor" in his decision to pursue the legal attack...
The case of Hanson going to prison on a political-legal beatup certainly provided further proof that Tony Abott is schemeing, vindictive and nasty.
Abbott may well renew his role as political hatchet man as he re-climbs the Ministerial ladder in a weakened Turnbull Government.
Abbott gaining a role as Attorney General or Defence Minister could be particularly punishing for Australians.