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Rubbishing Pauline Hanson: the campaign continues : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 3/8/2016University campuses are covered in myopic campaign gatherings against 'that Hanson woman'. The time she therefore receives in terms of interest and coverage tends to be out of all proportion to her actual relevance.
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Posted by Wolly B, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 8:08:24 AM
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Wolly B: I may not agree with things that she says,
I may not agree with all she says either, but, then again I don't agree with everything the LNP or the ALP says either. One has to weigh up if one agrees with, or does not agree with most of what any Political Party says. There are things that the LNP are for & I'm against & the same with the ALP. I can't say that I agree with any of the Greens Policies though. An exception, I suppose. Would it be seen as "Unacceptable, UnPC." to denigrate this woman if she was not Pauline. If she was, say, the Human Rights Commissioner woman? Those that think they're above the Great Unwashed would be up in arms & their would be riots & mayhem in the streets. Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 9:44:27 AM
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Educated and erudite argument.
The folks who disliked Pauline the most, were those folk who saw a vastly more vicious caricature of her every time they looked in their mirror or engaged in some extraordinarily rare soul searching? I might have voted for Miz Hanson or One nation when she first appeared on the scene, but for her racist attitudes and announcements! That said, in politics, any publicity is generally good publicity. And her current anti multicultural stand will likely win the hearts and minds of those with neither? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 3 August 2016 10:18:17 AM
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Alan B: but for her racist attitudes and announcements!
Instead of just reading the Headlines from some biased Journalist you should read her whole Policy. You will realize they're not as "Racist" as they're made out to be by the "Inteligencia." Just why are the "Inteligencia" so afraid of her? Are they afraid that people will take notice of someone other than them? I think so. That, is their greatest fear. Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 10:40:08 AM
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Pauline Hanson has been the target of the sort of people who always abuse and denegrate anybody who doesn't conform to the current trend and weakness of multiculturalism and relativism. The idea that all kinds of different people can live together is manufactured crap. Multiculturalism has proved to be a dud everywhere it has been tried, including Australia, where we now have a tribal system of various communities with nothing in common.
Apart from the Muslim community, there is real threat of violence from other ethnic communities, but there is less national ethos, as the host is watered down. There is no shared history. No shared future. No shared roots. No shared love. What has happened to the aboriginal people of this land, as they gradually saw their way of life slip away, is now beginning to happen to the white settlers. The current sneerers and jeerers of Pauline Hanson won't be here to see it happen - they only care about the present - but our Anglo/Saxon/European culture will die out, along with the English language. We will be just another ancient, dead civilization, like the Roman empire, replaced by barbarians. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 11:06:42 AM
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Pauline was of course right in her fear. We are being taken over by Asians, at least economically. They are not a problem on our streets, & even in suburbs where they have taken over, their presence is unobtrusive, although their financial clout may become a problem.
What even she did not predict is the level of no go areas generated by the later wave of really undesirable Muslims, & now Africans. I personally know ladies in both Sydney & Melbourne who will not leave their semi fortress homes other in a locked car, via remote controlled doors & gates. They will not shop in their previously pleasant suburbs, & can't wait to get out. All they have to do is sell out, but finding buyers is a problem. Of course our elites, bureaucrats & academics live in suburbs not yet invaded by these undesirables, so can denigrate those suffering the results of their policies, but their time is coming. Well it is unless more get behind the Hanson's among us, & stop the rot. Her existence was enough to bring a little sense to the majors the first time round, but much more is needed. Unfortunately it will probably be only after we are as bad as France that they will wake up, & by then the problem will be immensely worse & hard to solve. Lets hope she has learnt from the first time, & develops more carefully & slowly. If she lets the smarties jump on her bandwagon again, it will be to all our determent. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 1:49:06 PM
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In 1998, Tony Abbott had established a trust fund called "Australians for Honest Politics Trust" to help bankroll civil court cases against the One Nation Party and its leader Pauline Hanson.
Abbott was also accused of offering funds to One Nation dissident Terry Sharples to support his court battle against the party...Abbott conceded that the political threat One Nation posed to the Howard Government was "a very big factor" in his decision to pursue the legal attack... see The case of Hanson going to prison on a political-legal beatup certainly provided further proof that Tony Abott is schemeing, vindictive and nasty. Abbott may well renew his role as political hatchet man as he re-climbs the Ministerial ladder in a weakened Turnbull Government. Abbott gaining a role as Attorney General or Defence Minister could be particularly punishing for Australians. Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 2:33:27 PM
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This article is a personal attack on someone called Pauline Hansen, who I understand is an Australia Senator.
But if I want to hear personal attacks, I just have to watch Parliament on TV, or I watch some cheap soap opera on TV. I would like to see the author state the reasons why Australians have to agree with what is in the Quran. Or why shouldn't Australia have zero net immigration. Or why shouldn't Australia have citizens initiated referendums Or...for the author to comment about the policies of ONE NATION, instead of carrying out personal attacks suitable only for politicians in Parliament, or suitable for actors in a cheap soap opera. Posted by interactive, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 3:55:12 PM
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She is a danger to established Political parties.. not the average voter.
This time around she will far more frightening to them, now that their once solid supporter base is crumbling. The 2 big and 2 smaller parties have brought this on their own heads.. far too slick, too many lies and "promises" made in the knowledge that they would never be kept and far too many " professional" political animals whom have never had a real job. A pox on all their Houses Posted by Aspley, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 5:25:27 PM
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Another petulant, whining, sour grapes article by Binoy Kampmark, who is just horrified that ordinary Australians reject his vision splendid of an Australian society which looks like a scene from Blade Runner.
Geee, what with the events in Europe, especially Sweden, one would have thought that those advocating open borders would have finally grown a brain and realised that their ideology needed a bit of work. But I suppose if you are a third worlder you love the idea of taking a white society and turning it into the same thing that you fled from. Binoy, as time goes on, and terrorist attacks upon European societies by imported foreigners continues and increases, more and more people are going to think that Pauline Hanson was a prescient. Your multicultural dream has turned into a nightmare and the more you strut and preen pretending that it is a success, the sillier you look. You lefties managed to fool the people for a long time but anybody can look at the news and see what is happening in Europe, and figure out that the more Muslims you have in western society, the more dangerous that society is going to be. Prime Minister Cameron, President Obama, Turnbul, and that French imbecile President have all said that Islam is a religion of peace. Nobody believes them anymore,and that is why there is a shift to the right. You guys blew your credibility big time by claiming that black was somehow white. People are laughing at you. Writing articles in the tone of moral indignation and intellectual superiority won't cut it any more. Anybody can see that those left wing social justice warriors who support you are nothing more than tantrum throwing, middle class spoilt brats. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 7:57:18 PM
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You won't hear from this fool. I went to his page & Posted my Comments there. Let's see what happens.
If you wish to Post there too, here's the Web site; Posted by Jayb, Wednesday, 3 August 2016 8:19:20 PM
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She isn’t trendy or cool or ‘speaks her mind’, she doesn’t represent the ‘views of the people’. She is a puerile, inane, mendaciously lying, antagonistic, self-aggrandizer who flies on the coat-tails of creating hatred and division where-ever she can sniff it out.
Her entire history is about creating division and hatred for personal gain, not to make this country a better place. She never talks about inclusiveness or harmony, just divisive rhetoric about us and them – the ‘normals’ and the ‘abnormals.’ Hanson has ridden on the back of negativity and fear mongering of Asians and Indigenous Australians to create groups who can be bracketed as, not fitting in, not like the rest of us, different – ‘abnormal’. Ms. Hanson’s 1996 Maiden speech to Parliament warned Australians of the damage that Aboriginal people and Asians do to our society. Now the fear and hatred in the 2016 campaign has turned to Muslims and she is milking that cow until it is dry Posted by rache, Friday, 5 August 2016 11:13:36 AM
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rache: Now the fear and hatred in the 2016 campaign has turned to Muslims and she is milking that cow until it is dry.
A rightly so. & now she has got four Senators plus Three XNT's, the Radio Jock & Jacquie. She must be doing something right that so many people agree with her. I just hope they gives it to the Brainless left, greens, Socialists, PC People, the Latte Set, & the Self Serving LNP & ALP. in droves. There are enough there to counter any rediculas ideas the Greens have to put up. I hope it frightens the hell out of you Rache. Go, Pauline, Go! sic'em. Posted by Jayb, Friday, 5 August 2016 1:13:19 PM
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Everytime, any media outlet gives attention about Pauline and her one nation party, it constantly reminds me of the old Oscar Wilde statement,
"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." Keep feeding the fire and the fire keeps growing... Posted by Rojama, Saturday, 6 August 2016 11:36:15 AM
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Hanson doesn't frighten me at all. Any sensible debate would show her up to be a simpleton. Saying "I just don't like it" is meaningless. It's the mindless hangers-on and the wrapped-in-the-flag neo-Nazi types that are riding on her coattails that will be the real concern. They probably now see their own racism as justified and will probably ramp-up their intended violence. These clowns thrive on provocation. Inciting hatred against any group is dangerous for a society, especially when it's founded on ignorance and phoney arguments. As for voting, in a democracy it only takes two morons to out-vote a genius and that lying lunatic Senator Malcolm Roberts was elected with only 77 direct personal votes. Likewise, despite all the media noise about Ricky Muir's low votes in the last Senate election, Liberal Michaelia Cash got in with even less. Posted by rache, Sunday, 7 August 2016 2:13:16 AM
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rache: It's the mindless hangers-on and the wrapped-in-the-flag neo-Nazi types that are riding on her coattails that will be the real concern. ramp-up their intended violence. These clowns thrive on provocation.
How dare you call the Australian Flag a neo-Nazi symbol. The only ones at demonstrations that are violent are the Lefties, counter demonstrating and punching old people. Lefties covering their faces & screaming abuse. I guess you are one of those cowards, eh rache. Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 7 August 2016 7:37:03 AM
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I can't speak for others, but I support Pauline and there will be no ramping up of acts of violence from me. There never was initial any acts of violence from me in the first place. I simply exercise the right to hold an opinion. At worst, a few immigrants who don't have respect for our country and way of life may have their feelings hurt. Boo - Bloody - Hoo Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 August 2016 10:47:59 AM
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Rache, remember this;
Pauline was right, we are swamped with Asians. Travel here any time around school out time. Now Asians are not the problem that moslems are to our future but they almost NEVER employ other than Chinese in their businesses. That is simply an observable fact. They are steadily taking over our land and our infrastructure. No longer do we make a living from our land, now the Chinese are taking that over. You however are what the moslems call "Useful Idiots" and that is saying something from a group of people who are some 2 to 5 percent lower in intelligence than average due to their damaged genome. The whole thing is "our" attempt at survival. That we are under attack is indisputable. The Islamist are so arrogant because they have Allah's assurance that they will conquer us and we will submit or die. It really IS that simple. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 8 August 2016 1:10:46 PM
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The fact remains that one of the leaders of Reclaim Australia has made Facebook posts that describe Jews and blacks as "rats and cockroaches".
This is the real and ugly face of some representatives so-called "nationalism" and no amount of flag-waving will cover that up. They are the ones who cover their faces at rallies, burn mosques and assault Muslim women on the streets - the ones with members with violent criminal records. There used to be a US group back in the sixties called "The American Christian Voters and Buyers League" who were trying to stamp out Kosher food (like today's Halal argument) and were fronted by a former DJ/talk-show host Wally Butterworth. His recording are still around. They turned out to be just a recruiting shop-front for the KKK. Likewise, the resurgent Nationalist movements in the UK have roots in neo-Naziism. There may be peaceful motives on the surface but are a lot of hate-groups leaping onto this bandwagon and I expect more Cronulla-type incidents in the months ahead. Hanson offers nothing in the way of unity - just division. She wants Australia to be remade in her image as a white-skinned intolerant closed society. Demonising Asians as incorrectly "swamping us" and labelling aborigines as children-eating cannibals (what was the point behind that?) says a lot about her, not to mention her ignorance about economics or how the judicial system works. Her former husband spoke out about her personal hatred for aborigines before he was silenced years ago with a court order and I recall her mother speaking on TV about "the yellow peril". To her, fear and hate equals votes equals personal relevance. Posted by rache, Wednesday, 10 August 2016 11:18:58 AM
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Garbage rache, all Hansen has done is to provide a coalescing place for those who are sick of suffering loss from the bleeding hearts, multiculturalists, & fools who want to give the fruits of our hard work, & that of our forbears to any bludging blow in with a sob story.
Rather than a divisive, her presence will unite all thinking Australians in protecting our country from white ants like you. You may be right about more Cronulla-type incidents, but only if our law enforcement continue to take a hands off to antisocial, & illegal behaviour by Muslim & other such groups. We can see with gangs of African youth, marauding in our streets that this softly softly approach merely increases the problem, encouraging the behaviour when no penalty applies. If you want to see Hanson's support diminish, you & your like have to stop denigrating law enforcement when applied to migrant & particularly so called refugee groups. They will only respond to very firm law enforcement, & police need encouragement to be very firm. Politically correct police are no police at all. So rache, it is time to take ownership of the problem your attitude has produced. Start doing something positive about it, rather than denigrate those suffering because of it. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 10 August 2016 11:40:40 AM
Journalists can be real snobs especially when they don't like you.
Good on you Pauline for not rolling over and playing dead.