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The Forum > Article Comments > The far-right may rise but will never arrive > Comments

The far-right may rise but will never arrive : Comments

By William Hill, published 5/4/2016

French voters, when faced with the choice between the Front National and a Republican or Socialist have invariably opted for the latter two.

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Gee the author has actually had an education? My old English Teacher in the early 60's would have insisted he made that lot of tripe about a tenth of what Mr Hill made it.
Bill, no one, except some other wearisome left wing student, could bear listening to all your waffle. Honestly you are still way behind the game mate. The Europeans are being swamped by 7th Century savages with a chip on their shoulders and a very bad racist attitude to Europeans. Eventually the majority will rise up and when one pollie loses one cent watch the massive attitude change.
We should be giving our own pollies a quick lesson in what they have to do to keep their massively unreasonable wages.
Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 5 April 2016 8:30:29 PM
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Right wing activism always fails.

Ponder this, Victoria Police received credible information that up to 200 youth gang members who were known to be violent intended to disturb festivities at Federation Square on the Moomba weekend, their response was to deploy around ten general duties constables to the precinct.
On November 27 last year I attended a street demonstration with about 30 members of the United Patriots Front who are known to be non violent on Spring St in Melbourne, Victoria Police deployed 200 officers, mounted Police, the riot squad in full riot gear and a helicopter all commanded by an inspector.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 6 April 2016 7:48:34 AM
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In today's politics, it's hard to find a right or left, just an up or down, good policy versus bad policy. The so called far right or extreme left are, for the most part, nut jobs.

With broken record, motor mouth, verbal vomit spewing from their hate filled diatribes.

Many of them coming from privileged backgrounds and private schools?

I mean the guys that flew those hijacked planes into the twin towers on 9/11, had uni educations and presented as clean shaven, butter wouldn't melt in the mouth affable and well met, nice young gentlemen! Rather than psychotics of extreme political persuasion.

At the end of the day it's all about perception and manufactured personalities and the presentation of palatable policies, even though there's just no intention that any of the more socially acceptable or palatable ever sees the light of day!?

And canned with the usual tripe, we have to live within our means/there's a big black hole i the budget!?

And many of those who have been kicked out via voter response, will struggle mightily to manage to eke out an existence on a parliamentary pension! Like i'm just a pensioner, Jeff Kennett, who almost single handedly, destroyed equitable education outcomes in Victoria?

And speaking of that type of (callous indifferent) strongman, born to rule personality?

Has Trump run his race, given he has like most extremists, fallen into the, give him enough rope, outcome?

To be sure he'll backtrack, claim he didn't say that or has been taken out of context; you know how these folk wriggle around and erupt like veritable vacuous verbal volcanoes, threatening libel/the end of the world as you know it, when caught out in being truthful about how they really feel or believe, or just open the mouth to change socks?

Or in fatal fatuous fortitude, hang on to fundamentally flawed folks or fulsome fatheads, who should have been let go ages ago!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 6 April 2016 8:20:15 AM
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Rhrosty I've either met personally or corresponded with all the "Far Right" figures in this country and none of them are mentally ill, some of their followers are dumb to be sure but no dumber than your average Leftist and all groups attract their share of weirdos who never seem to stick around but there are no "nutjobs.
The media lie about everything and everyone all of the time, they lie about Muslims, they lie about environmentalists, Christians, young people etc etc.
If you haven't experience something personally then you don't know what you're talking about and for the record "Far Right" is not a term used by anyone who holds views contrary to the mainstream, it's a slur only.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 6 April 2016 8:48:47 AM
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Jay of Melbourne mentioned the United Patriots Front group.
I always thought that name came from the movie "The Life of Brian", so I looked it up.

Actually Jay, it does say this is a far-right group who hates multiculturalism, Islam and Muslims, so I don't think this term is a slur anymore.

I may never have really bothered much about these sort of groups before, but since this group brought their hate slogan to show all on a banner at the football match last weekend, I felt annoyed that such obvious racism could be on display at a national sporting event.

Luckily, that small-minded group of idiots was thrown out of the stadium and vilified by many, many Australians...
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 7 April 2016 1:34:57 AM
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Nowadays UPF are a satellite of the Liberal party, they've had to abandon their White Nationalism because their main financier wanted to include his Christian Zionist message and draw closer to groups like Rise UP! and Australian Liberty Alliance.
What they don't show you on TV are the ubiquitous Israeli flags being waved at the rallies, yes MCG the banner stunt was the work of the two youngest members,Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell but they answer to Chris Shortis and Danny Nalliah and beyond them the conservative faction in the Liberal party.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 7 April 2016 8:22:03 AM
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