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2016 survival kit for Aussie Muslims and non-Muslims (in 6 simple steps) : Comments
By Aqeel Choudhry, published 8/1/2016We must always be on guard against terrorism, its our responsibility to band together to defeat not only terrorism but equally important, avoid falling into the Islamophobia trap.
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Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 January 2016 8:28:40 AM
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BUT that does put the onus on those innocent believers not to find excuses for terrorism. After all, Wahhabism is hundreds of years old and has spawned - along with other jihadist ideologies within Islam - a constant stream of terrorist sects and organisations, as Ahmaddiyas and Sufis and Ismailis and many other peaceful sects can attest to, over the years. Best of luck, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 January 2016 8:31:15 AM
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The Christian Judea ethic has been directly responsible for the great blessings the West have received over the last 150 years. Hospitals, schools, work ethic and generosity. Despite the god haters denying and revising history these facts can't be ignored. No one can point anywhere that Islam has produced anything like this (in fact the opposite). Unfortunatley the immoral secularist are more comfortable with rape/molestation of girls, killing the infidel than they are with truth. The narrative that the god haters have penned for so long in universities and government institutions is unravelling before their eyes. Soon they will realise its not just a nightmare but something they have created.
Posted by runner, Friday, 8 January 2016 9:19:23 AM
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Posted by 579, Friday, 8 January 2016 9:41:21 AM
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I'm sorry, But this is just so much feel good rhetoric? Seriously, we need to be practical and finally embrace the technology, we must have in order to foil would be terrorist at the border and the few who reside among us playing the cooperating like minded Australian, but still enforcing internal separation and division.
Other nations have opened their doors, only to find they have allowed in an element that has absolutely no respect for local laws and custom and instead a of gradual assimilation into the broader community and the embracing of community values, Germany with its ultra generous refugee intake, have found some these same Guests have used the festive season and firecrackers thrown into their clothes, to attack and rape young women on the streets? What? Is an unaccompanied young woman out on our once safe city streets, now fair game for muslim miscreants? I watched as one elder publicly condemned ISIS activities but couldn't prevent a swift almost secret sly smile, when the latest terrorist activities were seemingly condemned. AS long as it remains okay to lie to the non muslim, we will need to remain vigilant and ask so all seeming loyalty to be tested before we trust our security to folks with very different beliefs, foreign customs and patently misplaced angry aggressive anti anglo/irish attitudes. I believe we need to invest in space age lie detection equipment, which can be deployed covertly to test some of the veracity of some public statements now emanating from the muslim community and at complete odds with their their former utterance? Can the leopard really change his spots? Trust? Yes, but watch! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 8 January 2016 9:50:32 AM
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I nice article but since I have not lived in Australia for the last 15 years it comes to me as a surprise that today the danger to Australia coming from Muslim terrorists is comparable with the present day danger to Australia coming from Ku Klux Klan Christians (:-)).
Posted by George, Friday, 8 January 2016 10:08:58 AM
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I see good old 'Islamaphobia' gets a gurnsey as usual. This is a word made up by Muslims pulling the victim card out. As for the rot about terrorists killing Muslims as well: well it would be pretty hard not to kill Muslims where terrorists mainly operate. But, how many Muslims were killed in Paris, London, America and Bali?
As for what "non-Muslim Australians" should be doing - bulldust! Terrorism is caused by Muslims: they are the ones who should be taking against terrorism! We never had problems prior to Muslim immigration. We never hear 'boo' from all these so-called moderate Muslims, and we never will. Islam is a violent, hate-filled organisation which should be coralled in the Middle East. There is no place for it in the West. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 January 2016 11:56:21 AM
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True Christians SHOULD follow ALL the teachings of Christ . . . many did not and still do not including so-claimed ‘Christian’ national leaders of USA, UK, Australia et al who send soldiers to ‘not love their enemy’ but kill them against the implicit teaching of Christ.
Some Muslims may be happy to live in peace not wanting to believe nor act on what the Quran really says just ignore harsher passages. Where Islam is dominant (as in the Middle East and Pakistan) religious minorities suffer brutal persecution with little resistance. The violent verses of the Quran have played a key role in very real massacre and genocide. Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah'). Quran (4:74) - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward." The martyrs of Islam are unlike the early Christians, who were led meekly to the slaughter. These Muslims are killed in battle as they attempt to inflict death and destruction for the cause of Allah. This is the theological basis for today's suicide bombers. Muslims need to PERSONALLY and sincerely ask Allah (God) to reveal Himself to them for answers . . . they just may see Jesus Christ Posted by Citizens Initiated Action, Friday, 8 January 2016 12:22:17 PM
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Take England. William did in 1066 because the Pope gave it to him. Parliament grew from anti-Catholic human rights 1650 as did Prod revolution 50 years later. French liberty also.
"Unfortunatley the immoral secularist are more comfortable with rape/molestation of girls, killing the infidel than they are with truth." Tell Mr Cardinal sin that, and who bombed 1/2 the Arab world recently? Bikie gangs are soft and fuzzy and give presents to nice Christians. Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 8 January 2016 12:24:08 PM
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We may never have another terrorist attack in this country but all the other problems that migrants from West Asia and Africa bring will only get worse.
The rapes and sexual molestation will continue, the gang attacks, street robberies and day to day aggression against Whites will keep tensions simmering. From time to time there'll be a Cronulla scale uprising, the nightclubs will still be full of drunk,scowling dark skinned men prowling the perimeter of the dancefloor, the Police will still drive on when they see the migrants misbehaving, the media will still cover up their crimes and a day at the beach will be "no day at the beach". Jealousy, fear, intolerance and pessimism are the new driving forces in multicultural Australia, get used to the world bequeathed to us by the Baby Boomers. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 8 January 2016 12:36:00 PM
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Yes certainly those of a Indian Hindu background can be seen as moderating authorities on treatment of Muslims.
What is several anti-Muslim pogroms a year and now a Indian-Pakistan nuclear standoff, here and there. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 8 January 2016 3:49:10 PM
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Hi Pete,
A 'pogrom' usually involves many people being killed indiscriminately because of their ethnicity or religion or 'race'. So far this year, there haven't been all that many in Australia. But if some of us want to learn how to carry out indiscriminate killings - pogroms - perhaps we should spend some time in Pakistan or India. They do it so well there: drop a Koran in a Pakistani street and you're torn limb from limb. Eat what someone says is a beef sandwich in India and you're strung up and burnt. Isn't culture wonderful ? But who are we to judge ? We ourselves still have fuzzy ideas - perhaps from the Dark Ages - about trans-gender people. God, we're so backward. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 January 2016 4:03:44 PM
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Hi Joe
That's true and not even counting inter-caste pogroms Within each of South Asia's many religions. Hint - don't be low-untouchable caste in India. The Dark Ages in most of Europe ended more than a 1,000 years ago but still lives gob-loads in South Asia, Middle East, Africa etc. Less religion the better people are off. I judged Choudhry's multi-faith surname too harshly. On secondary inspection Aqeel is neither Hindu nor Sikh but Muslim as he says he is. Good luck Aqeel. If all Aussies melted into the secular Australian melting pot it would be a better, safer, place. Cheers Pete Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 8 January 2016 4:22:37 PM
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Hi Pete,
I think he is Ahmaddiya Muslim, one of the persecuted groups in Indonesia and Pakistan and elsewhere, a much more inclusive version of Shi'a Islam. [I apologise, Aqeel, if I've got that wrong.] So he, and Ahmaddiya probably have an abhorrence of jihadism. I don't think Ahmaddiya have any history of violence at all, and I'm sure they are welcome in Australia, and that they would never use their history of persecution by other Muslims as a flimsy 'excuse' for random killings, as other major groups try to. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 January 2016 7:30:36 PM
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I am atheist and regard all you people with your invisible super friend as idiots. To be insulted by this man citing "Islamaphobia" is the absolute end!
Mohamed the paedophile, murdering scum is the lowest point of humanity. Fear and loathing of him and his believers is not a mental condition it is just plain common sense. Personally I would vote for the politician who just stopped any further muslim immigration and rewarded jihad with the demolition of a mosque or two. It is now that serious.I think our pollies are seeing more and more people considering our future with the addition of a fifth column we allowed into our country. Look at the success of the UK and now Europe with the addition of islam which is a covert cult who envisage taking over the rest of us. Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 8 January 2016 9:00:38 PM
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Aqeel Choudhry is a member of a very violent religion who's aim is to take over the world, one way or another. It is a religion which self evidently causes social dysfunction and financial bankruptcy. It is a religion who's cultural practices are medieval. It is a religion who's most devout members are killing anybody who gets in their way. And it appears to have an image problem with it's intended victims.
Muslims seek a world wide caliphate under Sharia Law, and their Koran justifies extreme violence to obtain it. Naturally, this aim does not go down too well with non Muslims. Non Muslims would therefore consider the importation of any more Muslims into their society to be an act of social self suicide. So Aqeel has to placate his religions targeted victims, because in western countries at least, Muslims may be strong enough to cause a lot of trouble, but they are not yet strong enough to take us over by force. He does this by using spin. He uses his victims own ideology against themselves. Muslims may be intolerant of everybody, but he knows that Christians think that tolerance is a virtue. So, the trick is to play along with the "we are just one big happy family" way of thinking. Which is rather odd, since the Koran makes no bones at all about justifying extreme hostility to non believers. What the Muslims, and I mean all Muslims, are most frightened of, is not attacks on their mosques. What they fear is that western nations will finally come to their senses and figure out that they are at war with Islam. When they do that, they will stop Muslim immigration into western countries. So Aqeel, as a good Muslim who approves of his religions aim to take over the world, is forced to spin. Like Elmer Gantry, he knows that the western world is full of well meaning fools who will automatically give Islam the benefit of the doubt, a doubt caused by their own ignorance. And like PT Barnum, Aqeel knows there is one born every minute. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 9 January 2016 6:44:29 AM
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Hi Joe
Yes most Muslims are mild and the propensity to join ISIS is a personal psychosis even extending to new blond-haired, blue-eyed, converts. (Not) Funny about the news overnight though. With Merkel directing Germany's good intentions drawing in a stampede of Muslim immigrants and all, Germany is being repaid. There has been talk of mass assaults on women in the German city of Cologne, New Year's Eve, committed by gangs of roaming umm "people of North African and Arabic appearance". It seems political correctness in Germany can't say the "M" word. Too many male Muslims disrespect woman. see Here's a Youtube . A legitimate reason to criticize Merkel's over-generous refugee guilt policies. Which way is Turnbull going? Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 9 January 2016 9:05:15 AM
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>>There has been talk of mass assaults on women in the German city of Cologne<<
For a person like me living in Cologne this must sound like the understatement of the year, (albeit still very young). See e.g. the latest Posted by George, Saturday, 9 January 2016 10:38:44 AM
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It's not just Cologne, authorities in Stuttgart, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Vienna, Stockholm and Helsinki have now had to admit that they've been covering up mass assaults upon Eeuropean women by non European men, the Finns have even advised women to avoid going out alone at night. Could it simply be the case that good chunk of the worst elements of West Asian and African society, the gangsters, ne-er do wells,idlers and street urchins have decided that the streets of Cologne, Dresden and Copenhagen offer richer pickings for thieves and the freedom to rape without serious legal repercussions or the possibility of revenge attacks by the male relatives of their victims? Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 9 January 2016 10:45:36 AM
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don't forget Brussels Jay where the greatest haters of Howard, Bush Blair and Abbott (obviously beside our resident feminist) reside. Reaping the fruit of more failed regressive dogma. Merkel and the sisterhood must be so proud although I suspect many women will now be looking for a man to protect them on the streets. NOt everyone can have body guards (like Merkel) while making it treachorous for all other women.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 9 January 2016 11:06:30 AM
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The perpetrators need to be deported, that is a fair rule isn’t it. Send out the right message. Scratching and scraping around like there was nothing that can be done about it is stupid. Be precise and act, to warn women of not to go out at night I would say is crap.
We could say that here as the streets are full to the brim with terrorists, as some would have you believe. Just another version of islamaphobia. I do not know how people can sleep at night with that running around in your head. Posted by 579, Saturday, 9 January 2016 12:23:35 PM
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'Be precise and act, to warn women of not to go out at night I would say is crap.'
the thousands that have been rpaed/molested might not think so. Posted by runner, Saturday, 9 January 2016 12:53:06 PM
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Hi 579,
What a pity - you started out okay, and then lurched to ridiculous hyperbole: "We could say that here as the streets are full to the brim with terrorists, as some would have you believe. Just another version of islamaphobia." 'Full to the brim' ? Says who ? Blokes groping women is perhaps not terrorism, but it is bound to make women fearful. Ask your sister. Around a thousand blokes grope about a hundred women in one city (let alone all those others), but it's islamophobia to say so ? Strictly speaking, 'Islamophobia' means 'fear of Islam', and by extension, 'fear of Muslims', or in this case, 'fear of men of possibly Muslim origins'. If women are afraid to go out alone after these attacks, that seems to fit that stretched definition. If I was a woman in a European city, I would be a bit wary of walking past a large group of men 'of north African appearance'. How about you ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 9 January 2016 2:41:09 PM
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Hi George
Thanks for Der Spiegel article on Muslim male violence in Cologne. Parts of the article comment: "A lot happened on New Year's Eve in Cologne, much of it contradictory, much of it real, much of it imagined...much of it was horrifying. In its entirety, the events of Cologne on New Year's Eve and in the days that followed adhered to a script that many had feared would come true even before it actually did. ...Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, foreigners, friendly or evil, new or long-time residents: It doesn't matter. It seems as though the time has come for a broad debate over Germany's future -- and Merkel's mantra "We can do it," is no longer enough to suppress it. ...Two months after the attacks in Paris, one can have one's doubts as to whether Cologne represents a "completely new dimension of violence," as has been repeated by both police officials and politicians. What is clear, however, is that the police were unprepared and that they failed. [watch out State Police and AFP] [Merkel and soon Turnbull or DG ASIO?] too joined the legions of phrasemongers and, as has been her wont since last summer, did not have much to offer aside from her fundamental confidence. It is a political path that won't take her very far anymore. ...It took four days before an officer with the [German] federal police force put into writing what..really happened that night. ...What should be done? An attempt at complete honesty would be a good start. Germans are not children who need to be protected from the truth for well-intended reasons. And part of the truth is the fact that politicians like to talk about integration but have not yet given any indication that they understand the magnitude of the challenge facing them. Another part of the truth is this: German society is becoming increasingly divided." Much more in this long article. COMMENT Watch out Mr Turnbull with the German-induced 1,000s of (mainly Muslim?) refugees being rushed into Australia riots and terrorism may colour your (and our) 2016. Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 9 January 2016 3:38:38 PM
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Maybe, maybe not. We're going after the "do gooders", ANTIFA and the people making money from the refugee industry, so the Church groups, NGO's, builders, corrupt councillors etc. Those people are going to be pressed hard and made to bear the cost of any misbehaviour by the people they sponsor, the Greens, Trades Hall Council, Socialist Alliance and "community groups" will hire more goons and there will almost certainly be violence on that front. It's only a matter of time before Nationalists are ambushed on the way to or from a rally and seriously hurt. On July 18 one of our men was smashed in the face with a bottle by Anti Racist thugs but they've threatened to kill us on numerous occasions, so anything is possible, especially since these amphetamine addled goons are paid and protected by the Left wing. Violence between Nationalists and immigrants or Muslim residents is extremely unlikely as steps have been taken to avoid such scenarios, though there's always the prospect of mischief, rumours and misinformation coming from the Left in order to inflame ethnic tensions. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 9 January 2016 9:28:54 PM
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Every hour brings more horrifying reports from Europe, the cover up by Police, the media and the state has been extensive but the facade is crumbling.
In Bielfield Germany on New Year's eve immigrants were rioting and attacking people in the street. At about 11 PM around 500 migrant men attacked a disco, the Elephant Club, fireworks were thrown, security assaulted and eventually the mob broke into the venue and began attacking the female patrons, groping and molesting them and fighting with the men who were trying to defend their wives, friends and girlfriends. Police were called at this time but did not arrive for over an hour, by which time a full blown riot was underway. A German Facebook friend of mine posted his thoughts just now: When the state fails to protect your commons, when it actively brings in those that seek to destroy your civlization, when it hides evidence about crime perpetuators' origins, and when mothers daughters girlfriends and single women have to fear for their safety at night, that's when you realize that those in power will be removed, their narrative destroyed, their guests deported, and order restored. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 9 January 2016 10:53:11 PM
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Yes most ethnic groups want piece. A piece of everybody else's land and territorial wealth. Isn't that the way it's always been. Always war, and ethnic cleansing of the other groups off the land. Our universities should teach this fact, that blind Freddy can see. Instead of teaching that ethnic groups will live together in love and tolerant peace. They have confused a whole generation of Europeans with their non factual Teaching ideology. Now Europe is beset with disintergration and ethic violence. That's what happens, when you teach fairy tales instead of fact. Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 10 January 2016 1:35:01 AM
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We saw the same thing happen here in 2009-2010, almost 100,000 young men from conservative areas of India mainly Punjab and Gujarat arrived in Australia on bogus student visas. The Gender balance in the poorer parts of the cities was upset so violence by and against these interlopers and sexual abuse of Australian women became a serious problem. At one point my suburb had an estimated 5,000 Indians living here and things became quite hairy, we had gangs of foreigners stalking the streets causing trouble. My street has a lot of flats so the situation became downright scary with groups of Indians hanging out outside at night, drinking, making noise and causing trouble. Suddenly the visa rules were changed and they all disappeared, to be replaced by mainly young Chinese couples and families. The chaos we see in Europe was predictable, the media lied about the demographics of the refugees and focused only on the few thousand mothers and babies, not the torrent of young men crossing the borders. If you upset the gender balance by bringing in millions of men you get violence against women and social dysfunction, end of story. We "racists" predicted an outbreak of violence and rape in 2013 when the Great Hijrah began, that's what we do, we look at facts and we plan defensive strategies because we're the guardians of society standing against invaders and traitors. As we say "Every man a Warrior. Every man a Sherrif. Every man a Judge." Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 10 January 2016 9:00:36 AM
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What a load of BS, Mr. Choudhry can’t even quote the quran accurately.
1. The “whosoever kills a person” verse (5:33) is for the Jews. He ‘forgot’ part of the verse. Not only that, the next verse (34) tells Muslims not only to kill but to brutally torture anybody that opposes islam. 2. The “no compulsion in religion” verse [2:257] is widely quoted but considered abrogated by all Muslim Madhhabs. According to Wikipedia, Quran reprimands apostasy in Islam and suggests it deserves coercion and severe punishment (3:90, 9:66, 16:106). Note that Mohammad says “If a Muslim changes his religion, kill him” (Bukari 4:52:290 and Sahih Muslim 16:4152). Note that the Quran says “obey the prophet” 20+ times. Note that there is compulsion everywhere in Islam. Would an honest person quote this verse without saying it is not applied? 3. the “O ye who believe! come into Peace” verse (2:209] is incorrect, it is 208, and there is no ‘peace’ in the verse. Better translated as ‘submission’ or ‘Islam’. The following verse, 209 issues a threat “if you deviate after clear proofs have come to you, then…” 4. the “be steadfast in the cause of God”verse (5:8) is unclear, since punishing and/or killing apostates is ‘justice' under sharia. The following verse (5:10) promises hellfire to those who disbelieve. According to Mr. Choudhry, the whole “Islam=terror” equation is one big misunderstanding. It is as if the Quran (allah) doesn’t promise terror on the vile infidels (Quran 8:12) and Mohammed didn’t proudly state “I am made victorious with terror” (Bukhari 4:52:220). Actually, the worst part of the growing distaste for Islam is not “ignorant Muslim scholars” or even Islamic terrorism, but dishonest so-called moderates like Mr.Choudhry who lie and twist facts to present Islam as peaceful when it is not. People like him will stand on a pile of dead bodies killed by Muslims and pretend the cause of death is unknown, or maybe Islamophobia. As to eliminating dislike of Islam by “our peaceful actions“, please. Please start now. We are waiting! Stop killing people. Most of all, stop lying. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 10 January 2016 12:35:19 PM
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A very good post by Der Spiegel about the recent events in Cologne: Six thousand words and they can't write the words "Islam" or "Muslim". The cover-up, the denial and the lies are almost beyond comprehension. They seem to know there is a problem, but they are not exactly sure what it is. The ideology and culture of the "foreigners" or "refugees" is never questioned. It is as if those 1000 or so men just got up one morning and decided to rape women and rob Germans. The idea that Islam or Muslims culture may be at the heart of the violence and disrespect is unthinkable. And so it gets worse and worse. The problem is not "immigration", it is Islam. In the end, the writers at Der Spiegel are almost as bad as Mr. Choudhry. Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 10 January 2016 12:58:22 PM
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Hi Kactuz,
Yes, fascinating: Der Spiegel even tries to spread the blame: "But this hectic, fervid and, at times, hysteric, week has also been about much more: Namely it has been about all of the issues that the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the xenophobic movement Pegida have been shouting about for months. "It was about Merkel's refugee policies and the upper limit for refugees demanded by her conservative Bavarian allies. Added to that was the perpetual problem of violence against women. It was about the integration of foreigners, the danger of a societal split over the refugee question and a shift to the right in Germany. "But it was also about the quality of the work done by the police and about a state being unequal to the task facing it. It is a lot to think about. The role of the "lying press" can't be forgotten either. And yet, it still isn't entirely clear what actually happened on New Year's Eve in Cologne." Not a mention of Islam, or Arab macho culture, but attacks on 'xenophobia' ['fear of strangers'], and the role of the police. If I were a German woman, I would have moved my xenophobia-detector up a few notches, especially if I want to go out. We always have to call out something for what it is. In Rotherham, 1400 young girls were molested by south Asians. That is vile. In a dozen European cities, it seems, women were molested on New Year's Eve. That is vile. Whoever, and whatever, is responsible, must be identified and criticised, by both left and right. Gosh, maybe I dreamt it but I thought that 'left' had something to do with feminism. Ah, maybe that was then, this is now. Not do so is outright racism, schmoozed over with relativism and very, very misplaced 'support'. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 10 January 2016 1:24:56 PM
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As a young man I was in uniform and taught/trained to control riots with live ammunition.
The orders usually were, cross that line at your peril, and when the usual ring leaders crossed it,they would be shot, as would any other miscreant who followed. It didn't cost many miscreant lives to restore order and inform the would be terrorist fomenting civil disobedience and terror, that the only reward for the intending slaying of thousands by rioting crowds, was the death of the few trying to rev them up to mindless violence; and usually against entirely innocent targets. Simply put,to kill a dangerous snake one needs to cut off the head. For mine, given the rapid success of this no nonsense approach, we need to revisit it, given it is the only thing this new breed of monsters respect. It certainly would reduce rape as a crime in place like India, if the cops were given implicit authority to kill these monsters as soon as it was indubitably established that they were guilty of some of the most heinous crimes against the innocent known to humankind! A firing squad would save the courts and the people much time and money, and we have the space age lie detection and recording equipment plus extremely reliable DNA testing, to ensure just the self confessed guilty are the ones removed from the never ever extremely expensive time wasting loop. I wouldn't want it to be one man's decision, but say three and not the same three each time, but those selected from a group of volunteers. And peer reviewed into the bargain, after the event. Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 11 January 2016 7:57:50 AM
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Hi Rhosty,
The brilliant Henry Ergas has a great article in today's Australian, putting many of the issues succinctly, and advocating a thorough and long-ongoing discussion between left and right. As he writes, " .... a country is not a fellowship of strangers; it is a community whose glue comes from shared values. What we owe strangers is not freedom from our values, but the freedom to exercise them." But since the war in the Middle East will only get more widespread as 'relations' between the Saudis and the Iranians breaks down even further, and with a caliphate under IS now being declared in the Philippines, it is probable that we are seeing just the beginning of mass migration out of those areas. Those poor buggers will have to have somewhere to go. And given the choices are between supporting tyranny and supporting jihadism, two sides of fascism if you like: nationalist versus Salafist, who can blame them ? But neither can any country tolerate vile behaviour from refugees, or migrants. In fact, the supporters of refugees, if they had any anticipatory sense, would realise that vile behaviour is going to doom their efforts. Perhaps Merkel's only option is to deport those found guilty of such crimes against women straight back to their home countries, in shackles if necessary: push them off the plane and goodbye. How to persuade refugees to internalise the values of countries which have welcomed them: that's another very long struggle, it seems. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 11 January 2016 8:52:36 AM
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An excellent account of the events in Cologne, and the nationwide (and further) network of appeasement blocking honest, transparent reporting at every level, is in the London Daily Telegraph at Decent women have been entrapped in this web of treason while filthy alien paws have groped all over them and the state does its damnedest to look the other way. One answer, daintily deplored in the captions by the Daily Telegraph, is at (Use the arrows at the edge of the screen to navigate). Culture is universal, cultures are tribal. Culture unites and ennobles, cultures grow into culture or divide and stultify. Moslems are people, Islam is a cult (a critical distinction deceitfully blurred by the appeasers) Islam is bigotry on steroids, proclaimed as such in its holy books. PEGIDA appears to confront a tribal culture not with culture but with another tribal culture Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 11 January 2016 4:09:05 PM
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Yeah Pegida are tear gassed and hosed down with water cannon for exercising their democratic rights but the Police don't even turn up when a disco in Bielfeld is stormed by 500 migrant men and it's patrons attacked. I'll try and find the video of the German Police response to a riot at migrant hostel, one car turns up with two female officers who flash their lights and say over their loud hailer "Stop fighting, stop at once", then drive away. Are we in any doubt as to what's happened here? The rulers of Africa and West Asia have simply exported their worst, most troublesome millennials for Europe to look after, the bludgers, the criminals and the religious fanatics. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 11 January 2016 5:47:08 PM
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It seems that there is a word for what those men do - if you can remember that American reporter who was stripped and raped in a Cairo demonstration a couple of years back ? The word is 'taharresh', which builds on the contempt that many (perhaps not all) Arab and/or Muslim men have for women, especially if unaccompanied and not in full garb, and the permission the men feel that they have to group together and assault women as they feel like.
Have any imams, sheikhs kadis, etc., condemned these attacks yet ? Have any of them called on Arab/Muslim men to treat women with respect ? Or do they somehow blame it on US imperialism or the West generally ? To repeat what Henry Ergas says, " .... a country is not a fellowship of strangers; it is a community whose glue comes from shared values. What we owe strangers is not freedom from our values, but the freedom to exercise them." One of those most precious values - stop me, feminists, if I have this wrong, if I'm being culturally insentitive to Arabs and Muslims - is that women are to be treated properly, with respect, that they can go anywhere without feeling in danger, that they can walk past a bloke without fearing he is about to attack them. Not that Arab/Muslim men seem to do that on their own - as big, brave men, they only do that in packs. Taharresh. Remember that word. We will hear it again. And again. Of course, such incidents as in Koln may be isolated - only one or two last week, one or two this week, one or two next week, one or two the week after. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 12 January 2016 2:06:16 PM
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This must be why Moslem women wear body bags. Living among Moslem men they have reason to fear sexual assault.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 12 January 2016 4:04:24 PM
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Hi Joe
Seems there is general denial in Germany about the cultural or religious patterns of "immigrants and refugees" of "North African and Arabic appearance". All a mystery to Germans, obviously. Meanwhile "German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced growing pressure to harden her line on refugees on Monday as the first extensive police report on New Year's Eve violence in Cologne documented rampant sexual assaults on women by gangs of young migrant men. Hopefully Turnbull's conservative support base means he won't pursue a Keating-style Muslim mass immigration program. Keating, when an MP and then PM, had sufficient immigration influence to stack his Sydney electorate with sure thing Labor voters from south Lebanon. A certain critical mass of alienated sons of Muslim immigrants = stabbings, shootings and bombs, as experienced in France and the UK. Hopefully cooler heads in increasingly politicised ASIO ("no I'm not calling from Malcolm's office...") will counsel immigration moderation. This is instead of Australia adopting a self-destructive feel-good, knee-jerk Merkel style, let-um come while we happy-clappy, policy. Turnbull will lose votes, maybe decisively, if he is seen to have an ABC-Greens ideological bent. Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 12 January 2016 4:06:35 PM
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Headline, "Merkel admits Europe has lost control of the refugee crisis".
As a politician she would not have had any part in that of course. Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 12 January 2016 9:44:32 PM
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Hi Joe
Looks like the situation I highlighted about possible Islamist terrorist activity in Indonese see has come about see my comment at including: ""Islamic State on Trial in Indonesia" December 05, 2015 ...Authorities say an estimated 700 Indonesians are now fighting in Iraq and Syria ......In its latest risk assessment report, IHS Jane’s 360 stressed...the threat indicated an increased risk of attacks on hotels and clubs, potentially involving small arms and crude improvised explosive devices..." It remains contentious whether grenades or IEDs were used by terrorists in Jakarta today. A free security announcement by Poida. Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 14 January 2016 6:58:08 PM
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Should people in South Irian be worried?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 15 January 2016 7:41:16 AM
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Yes Is Mise
We should. We have our own Australian born and dual citizen returnees from the Muslim civil war in Iraq and Syria. To that end, latest Jakarta report is: Jakarta bombing: Police identify man behind gun, bomb assault as Indonesian national Bahrun Naim - Jan 15, 2016 ...Yesterday [Bahrun Naim] was identified by police as the man behind the deadly attack on Jakarta claimed by Islamic State (IS), pulling the strings from Raqqa, the radical group's de facto capital in Syria. In between, [Bahrun Naim] was arrested in 2011 for illegal arms possession and jailed for three years... A year ago, [Bahrun Naim] left for Syria to join the frontlines of IS, and police believe [Bahrun Naim] was closely involved in coordinating Thursday's assault." COMMENT Looks like [Bahrun Naim] was released too early - maybe under Indonesia's vaunted deradicalisation scheme and the odd bribe to Indonesian officials. There is a message in all this for Australia that early release or parole might be too hasty and too much in line with Turnbulls "Merkel like" [not tough love but] soft-love approach. Australia has been on the ball to keep track of those who turn up at the airport wanting to go to Iraq/Syria and those who return. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 15 January 2016 8:28:50 AM
"We don't expect every Christian to condemn the so-called "Christian" terrorist group known as the KKK."
Yes, we do, or we would if it were relevant. What we don't expect is any Christians to look for excuses for KKK's actions. Straw man ?
But terrorism and response to terrorism leading to the mythical Islamophobia being equivalent ? I don't think so.
But I am very heartened by your report:
"Last week there was an attack on a bus in Kenya by Al-Shabaab. This terrorist group was going to kill any Christians on-board but the Muslims in the bus risked their lives to save the Christians by giving them hijabs (headscarves)."
That shows that there are indeed peace-loving and courageous Muslims, somewhere in the world.
But even there, you do seem to be building another straw man: "We simply cannot do it alone."
Of course not, nobody expects that. But people DO expect that you will join them and call it like it is, that
* if hundreds of Muslim men are groping women in Europe, you condemn it;
* if some idiot calling out "Allahu Akbar !" runs at police with a meat cleaver, you will condemn that, and praise the police for shooting him. We can work out later whether he is insane (and 'therefore' not a proper Muslim), or just a thug (and 'therefore' not a proper Muslim, etc. etc.);
* if all manner of killings are carried out by ISIS, you will join with decent, thinking and feeling people - Muslim and non-Muslim - and condemn these atrocities wherever and whenever they occur.
After all, as you say,
"It is normal for non-Muslims to adopt anti-Islamic views considering what is taking place around the world by terrorists and ignorant Muslim scholars with political agendas."
as long as we are aware that people need to, and usually do, distinguish between innocent people, innocent believers, and the vile actions of those killing for a caliphate, in their name.