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The Forum > Article Comments > 2016 survival kit for Aussie Muslims and non-Muslims (in 6 simple steps) > Comments

2016 survival kit for Aussie Muslims and non-Muslims (in 6 simple steps) : Comments

By Aqeel Choudhry, published 8/1/2016

We must always be on guard against terrorism, its our responsibility to band together to defeat not only terrorism but equally important, avoid falling into the Islamophobia trap.

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Hi Aqeel,

"We don't expect every Christian to condemn the so-called "Christian" terrorist group known as the KKK."

Yes, we do, or we would if it were relevant. What we don't expect is any Christians to look for excuses for KKK's actions. Straw man ?

But terrorism and response to terrorism leading to the mythical Islamophobia being equivalent ? I don't think so.

But I am very heartened by your report:

"Last week there was an attack on a bus in Kenya by Al-Shabaab. This terrorist group was going to kill any Christians on-board but the Muslims in the bus risked their lives to save the Christians by giving them hijabs (headscarves)."

That shows that there are indeed peace-loving and courageous Muslims, somewhere in the world.

But even there, you do seem to be building another straw man: "We simply cannot do it alone."

Of course not, nobody expects that. But people DO expect that you will join them and call it like it is, that

* if hundreds of Muslim men are groping women in Europe, you condemn it;

* if some idiot calling out "Allahu Akbar !" runs at police with a meat cleaver, you will condemn that, and praise the police for shooting him. We can work out later whether he is insane (and 'therefore' not a proper Muslim), or just a thug (and 'therefore' not a proper Muslim, etc. etc.);

* if all manner of killings are carried out by ISIS, you will join with decent, thinking and feeling people - Muslim and non-Muslim - and condemn these atrocities wherever and whenever they occur.

After all, as you say,

"It is normal for non-Muslims to adopt anti-Islamic views considering what is taking place around the world by terrorists and ignorant Muslim scholars with political agendas."

as long as we are aware that people need to, and usually do, distinguish between innocent people, innocent believers, and the vile actions of those killing for a caliphate, in their name.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 January 2016 8:28:40 AM
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BUT that does put the onus on those innocent believers not to find excuses for terrorism. After all, Wahhabism is hundreds of years old and has spawned - along with other jihadist ideologies within Islam - a constant stream of terrorist sects and organisations, as Ahmaddiyas and Sufis and Ismailis and many other peaceful sects can attest to, over the years.

Best of luck,

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 8 January 2016 8:31:15 AM
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The Christian Judea ethic has been directly responsible for the great blessings the West have received over the last 150 years. Hospitals, schools, work ethic and generosity. Despite the god haters denying and revising history these facts can't be ignored. No one can point anywhere that Islam has produced anything like this (in fact the opposite). Unfortunatley the immoral secularist are more comfortable with rape/molestation of girls, killing the infidel than they are with truth. The narrative that the god haters have penned for so long in universities and government institutions is unravelling before their eyes. Soon they will realise its not just a nightmare but something they have created.
Posted by runner, Friday, 8 January 2016 9:19:23 AM
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Posted by 579, Friday, 8 January 2016 9:41:21 AM
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I'm sorry, But this is just so much feel good rhetoric? Seriously, we need to be practical and finally embrace the technology, we must have in order to foil would be terrorist at the border and the few who reside among us playing the cooperating like minded Australian, but still enforcing internal separation and division.

Other nations have opened their doors, only to find they have allowed in an element that has absolutely no respect for local laws and custom and instead a of gradual assimilation into the broader community and the embracing of community values, Germany with its ultra generous refugee intake, have found some these same Guests have used the festive season and firecrackers thrown into their clothes, to attack and rape young women on the streets?

What? Is an unaccompanied young woman out on our once safe city streets, now fair game for muslim miscreants?

I watched as one elder publicly condemned ISIS activities but couldn't prevent a swift almost secret sly smile, when the latest terrorist activities were seemingly condemned.

AS long as it remains okay to lie to the non muslim, we will need to remain vigilant and ask so all seeming loyalty to be tested before we trust our security to folks with very different beliefs, foreign customs and patently misplaced angry aggressive anti anglo/irish attitudes.

I believe we need to invest in space age lie detection equipment, which can be deployed covertly to test some of the veracity of some public statements now emanating from the muslim community and at complete odds with their their former utterance?

Can the leopard really change his spots? Trust? Yes, but watch!
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 8 January 2016 9:50:32 AM
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I nice article but since I have not lived in Australia for the last 15 years it comes to me as a surprise that today the danger to Australia coming from Muslim terrorists is comparable with the present day danger to Australia coming from Ku Klux Klan Christians (:-)).
Posted by George, Friday, 8 January 2016 10:08:58 AM
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