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Islam in the big picture : Comments

By Syd Hickman, published 15/12/2015

Tony Abbott's call for a reformation within Islam demonstrates his lack of historical comprehension.

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"It’s easier to concentrate on those evil Muslim terrorists."

Precisely, for they are here and now and we ignore the potential for terrorism in our Muslim population at our peril.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 16 December 2015 11:07:23 AM
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david f, "It’s easier to concentrate on those evil Muslim terrorists"

For the apologists of Islamism (and goodness knows why the leftists would ever support the toxic creed and political system that is Islam), it is easier to divert the discussion onto:

- Muslims in order to label critics as 'racists' etc., because Islam is indefensible, and,

- other religions to spread the blame and muddy the waters.


Government needs to explain to the electorate why it allows the diversity tail to rule the immigration policy dog. -Continually giving preference to migrants (and smuggled economic migrants where Labor and the Greens are concerned) from high risk countries with traditions, cultures and political systems that are known to be incompatible with Australia's.

Where migrants are concerned it is a buyer's market. Yet Labor and their Greens sidekicks in particular are notorious for knocking back the hundreds of migrants from countries like Germany, Ireland, Canada and so on with skills that are sorely needed. Labor and Greens would preference unskilled, welfare dependent Somali Islamists with social adjustment and health problems instead, who present a risk to women in the host country, Australia.

All to rub everyone's nose in diversity apparently and to garner votes from more lifelong welfare dependents.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 16 December 2015 12:09:12 PM
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Hi Suse,

If we were having this conversation twenty years ago, we would be quite justifiably ripping into the Serbs and their fascist attacks on Croats, Bosnians and Kosovars.

And it's perhaps coincidental, but I do recall arguing with 'leftists' then about whether fascism should dictate to 'smaller ethnicities' how they should live and under whose heel they should exist, while Milosevich and Mladic and Karadzic were being held up by the 'left' as paragons of virtue against US imperialism. Monsters like Clinton.

What ?

And somehow East Timor too: the 'left' was, to say the least, ambivalent about their struggle too: US imperialism was so obviously the real enemy, not the Indonesian fascists, as they certainly were back then. 'Back then', Christ, it's only sixteen years ago.

Yes, somehow, US imperialism was the enemy there and then. I forget how, but if you ask one of your older mates, they could tell you.

And lo and behold ! it's still the enemy. Against your friends beheading, burning, raping, enslaving to their hearts' content.

Sweetie, the Islamo-fascists may not specifically call you a useful idiot, but if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, ....

So, you think your head will be the last to roll ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 16 December 2015 1:07:56 PM
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Is Mise wrote:

"It’s easier to concentrate on those evil Muslim terrorists."

Precisely, for they are here and now and we ignore the potential for terrorism in our Muslim population at our peril.

Dear Is Mise,

There are four sources of terrorism in the Muslim community – the mosques, the schools, radicalised individuals and reactions to our actions. By giving tax exemption to the mosques and subsidies to the schools taxpayers are supporting the mosques and the schools. We should not give tax exemption to any religious group or give subsidies to any religious school. The assumption is false that religion is always beneficial. No religion is always beneficial. No religion deserves any tax subsidies. If parents want to send their children to religious schools they should have that right, but there is no reason our taxes should help pay for it.

If tax subsidies do not support the mosques and Islamic schools there will be fewer radicalised individuals.

The public schools can be a great source of integration. Children of different backgrounds can learn together, play together and grow up together.

We also have to look at us. We can be welcome to people of different backgrounds.

We can try to avoid future wars like the Iraqi War. ISIS is very likely a consequence of that war. Its command structure is apparently composed mainly of former officers in Saddam Hussein’s army. One way is to limit the power of the prime minister to put us into war when we are not attacked. Entry into such wars should not be allowed unless the matter is debated and the public approve the action in a referendum.

We cannot erase the memory of the years of western colonialism where all Muslim countries with exception of Afghanistan and Turkey were colonies of western powers. We can recognise that past as Obama did in his Cairo speech. We can try not to repeat it, but we cannot undo it.

Forced marriages, FGM and other criminal cultural practices must be prosecuted.

Dear onthebeach,

The White Australia policy is dead.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 16 December 2015 2:45:13 PM
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David f, it is a bit hard to tie down any saying that is currently
in popular usage. It is at least in popular vogue assigned to the
Islamic clerics.
It belongs to them now even if they did not originate it.
How many sayings could you list like that if were of a mind to.

The link is interesting, shows that it has been in wide spread use so
it is quite likely that the Islamists used it.
Still I would have thought there are more important things to argue
about than the origin of phrases.

I wonder how much the victims relatives are worried about Christian atrocities ?
I suspect they are more worried about the here and now, than pre-reformation.

You said;
Bush, Blair and Howard lied us into the Iraqi War. That war possibly
resulted in more deaths than the total of those caused by Islamic terrorism.

Valid, except there is a lie frequently promulgated about that war;
Saddam Hussein definately was working towards nuclear weapons.
I saw him boast about obtaining equipment needed to build nuclear weapons.
He held up something he said was on the banned list.
Certainly Israel thought he was on that path because they bombed the reactor.

These things are never totally clear but you must always take them at their word.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 16 December 2015 2:48:10 PM
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David f,

Spain was a colony of the Moors for nearly eight hundred years. Since the Ottomans conquered Turkey, it has been under their heel heel for nearly six hundred years. And produced: Turkish pizza. Wow.

How long were "all Muslim countries with exception of Afghanistan and Turkey were colonies of western powers" ? Fifty years ? Egypt for what, eighty years ? Algeria, for 120 years ? Iraq, for 25 years ? For God's sake, get a grip. Save us your tears.

So what ? Dreadfully evil colonialism ? So frigging what ? Does that give some scummy bunch of Islamist thugs some right to rape and murder and enslave people now ? What the hell did the Yazidis ever do to anybody ? What the hell is that matter with the left these days ?

What a pack of gutless wonders.

Have you lost all sense of decency, Mr. f ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 16 December 2015 3:22:18 PM
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