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Female opinions count : Comments

By Sarah Russell, published 30/11/2015

The Australian is renowned for both ideological and political uniformity. It is also a national newspaper in which male voices often dominate the opinion pages.

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"The Australian will be renowned for both its ideological and political uniformity being a national newspaper.
Is that your unbiased opinion.
Murdoch had Abbott doing the tango, and where did that get Murdoch. When it became clear Abbott was short lived he went against his idol.
Murdoch’s plans for Abbott unraveled big time. Abbott’s legacy is a cluster of radical political parties and anti muslim protesters
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 1 December 2015 12:02:41 PM
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Make a Pleasure Dome. Make true art again which requires a great exercise in integrity. make it with all the senses. Make environment and the totality of life out of it.
The temple and the place of pleasurable embrace and of a community of right life, is a place of art, in every detail- the senses embraced pleasurably as women teach men, IF men will respond. Women teach the lesson that the realm of the senses, the domain of the senses, is the domain of feeling, to be organized pleasurably. The lesson of the male, having embraced woman, having embraced the domain of feeling and the senses, is that ALL of this must be considered in the context of the divine Reality, and oriented to IT.

The settlement is the woman make the palatial bedrooms of the community, and the places of delight, and on that basis the men make the temple. The men insist on the temple, the women insist on the bedroom. Everybody thus agrees that the temple and bedroom, and everything in between, is an immense Pleasure Dome as the core of life. Then the business of life has an entirely different logic to it. Its no longer made of competitive sock-horn male-like egos trying to figure out the "problem" and to control the world aggressively. Men and women all sublimed and oriented in that Pleasure Dome to Divine Communion, the entire pattern od daily life immediately possesses a totally different logic that that which is now making (and inevitably) destroying the world.

No more obnoxious arm wrestling and goring of humankind and the natural world, with nothing but sheer stupidity.

To have respect for woman there must be simultaneously a respect of the natural world because it is all She or Shakti.

The woman is the very source, the substance, the sign of art, of feeling. Women prepared to be women, not virgins, or reluctant objects.

Male is afraid of the the female now. Always has been in fact. The irrational opposition to women being priests in the "catholic" church is an archetypal example of this.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 1 December 2015 12:03:53 PM
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Well Daffy Duck you certainly have a 'thing' about us men . . . Just to let you know as the father of three daughters and a husband of a treasured wife [as per Matthew 6:21] I certainly ain't afraid of women or the feminine psyche! . . . I suggest that as some men are bastar-s and thump females for whatever reason there are some women who emotionally thump males . . .

If the Pleasure Dome Communion is all about love and respect it seem to line up pretty well with what I value as a 'mere male'.

Was the slogan "Workers of the world unite, we alone know what is right!" unfortunately wrongly reported by a self-seeking journo of the male persuasion when it could have been instead: "Women of the world unite, we alone know what is right!"? Sexism is a terrible affliction imposed by those who fear rather than love . . . read 1 Corninthians 13:4-13 of the 'questionable'? New Testament if you have an Open mind? The old world is rapidly changing . . . "Get out of the new world if you can't lend a hand . . . the times they are a'changing!" - by whoever wrote it male or female.
Posted by Citizens Initiated Action, Tuesday, 1 December 2015 2:40:11 PM
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Well certainly there are few women's opinions that count at the current CHOGM being held in Paris.
I noted in the photo line-up of all the delegates and dignitaries today that there were very few women standing up there.

Maybe with the way the world is currently running, an increase in the number of women at the helm can only improve matters. Certainly it is time they were given the chance...
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 1 December 2015 9:38:32 PM
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'There as been a trend by female commentators, to deride, or to discount male opinions. They use the word "Mansplaining".'

The concept of ‘mansplaining’ is not about men expressing an opinion. That is the MRA/anti-feminist distortion of the term. (Ironically, this distortion of the term is in itself ‘mansplaining’!)

The actual feminist use of the term refers to the tendency for men to assume, in the context of a patriarchal culture – where the collective voice of men is elevated above the collective voice of women – that not only do they know more than women about any subject merely by virtue of being male, but that they know more about WOMEN’S EXPERIENCE than women do.

Mansplaining is not a habit confined to men – women also tend to mansplain to other women about women’s experience.

‘Mansplaining’ refers specifically to instances when women are talking about their experiences and challenges as women – and a man tries to tell them why their perceptions are wrong, misplaced or overblown, or how they should have acted differently.

Virtually every comment on this thread so far has elements of 'mansplaining' the writer's perceptions and arguments about the significant lack of female voices in the media and its affect on the wider society.
Posted by Killarney, Tuesday, 1 December 2015 10:40:02 PM
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Daffy Duck

You have a somewhat over-idealised view of women, but I get your drift.

The problem is not so much about men controlling the world over the last few millennia, but the fact that ONE GENDER has had virtually full control over that period of time. I'm sure that, by some accident of history, had women controlled the world over that same period, we would be in an equally disastrous mess.

It's not rocket science. Nature did create two genders, and they need to live in harmony and balance - maintaining equal control over their own societies. Giving men almost complete control over human affairs because of their superior physical strength, while pushing women into the purdah of the domestic sphere and keeping them almost completely dependent on men for their livelihood and social respectability, was bound to end in chaos and destruction.
Posted by Killarney, Wednesday, 2 December 2015 3:12:49 AM
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