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Islamic State appeal really isn’t radical at all : Comments

By David Martin Jones, published 16/11/2015

But what does deradicalisation mean and does it really address Islamic State’s sophisticated ideological messaging?

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A perceptive confirmation about the style and power of carefully thought out persuasion.
The advertising profession would not exist if changing attitudes or desires was simply a matter of proscribing alternatives. It appears that I.S. has accepted this fact and put skilled creative strategies to work to promote their product, using experts who have the understanding of consumer motivation within the target market.
On the other hand, our government is squandering squillions on billboards saying "Don't Do This!"
Posted by Ponder, Monday, 16 November 2015 8:38:37 AM
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Islamist see killing the infidel no more radical than secularist see killing the unborn. They are both death cults with many similarities. Islamist use Alah (moon god) as justification and secularist use pseudo science as their justification. Both ideologies stink hence often deny the evil of each other.
Posted by runner, Monday, 16 November 2015 8:50:00 AM
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Runner you have far more in common with these extremist then us secularist.

Their god is no more or less imaginary then yours is, their certainty that they are correct and should be allowed to rule over us is no more or less then your's.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 16 November 2015 9:22:12 AM
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Cobber the hound

' Runner you have far more in common with these extremist then us secularist'
Oh suddenly as a secularist you invent a moral base to judge by Cobber. Just shows you have not a clue.
Posted by runner, Monday, 16 November 2015 9:29:01 AM
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I think we need to call this for what it is?

Extreme bloodlust, which uses any convenient excuse to perpetuate its message of unadulterated hate, along with the sick sub humans who serve it!

And who refuse to look in the mirror to see whose fault it really is!?

Eventually we all have to face ultimate judgement and the man in the mirror, the only one not deceived by your lies, half baked excuse making or your proclaimed Phony motivations.

The truth be known, these sick in the head folks get all their jollies killing raping beheading and evil acts too vile/reprehensible/heinous to even try to get the head around!

It is not human behaviour!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 16 November 2015 11:04:57 AM
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Runner your posts just confirm what we all think, not possible for you to make a rational contribution to any topic.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 16 November 2015 12:36:14 PM
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article, "The flow of young, second-generation Muslim men and women reared in secular multicultural societies to Islamic State demonstrates the success of this messaging"

The flow of young, second-generation Muslim men and women reared in secular multicultural societies to Islamic State would not be possible in the first place if the 'diversity' tail was not wagging the immigration policy dog.

As a sop to winning short term UN approval and with hope to win seats in western Sydney and a few other marginal electorates, Labor and Greens bend over backwards (forwards too!), to placate the noisy extremists - easily recognisable political lobbyists who are often given a podium by the taxpayer-funded ABC.

Why do federal governments give preference to immigrants from cultures with traditions, values and political systems that are diametrically opposed to our own? The feds have to knock back more suitable migrants to import from high risk cultures.

That is playing fast and loose with Australian culture and public safety and knowingly introducing risks that will NOT go away in a lifetime.

All of the bunk from apologists who say that it doesn't matter what toxic values, traditions and behaviours migrants are capable of introducing because the second generation will be 'Aussie', flagrantly disregard the scientific evidence that differences, especially ones that matter, may not only be maintained by migrants, but it is usual and expected for some to magnify the cultural differences. That is apparent even where the homeland of origin has made illegal and largely got rid of nasty cultural practices such as kidnap brides and honor killing.

Australian politicians travel abroad far too much and in trying to impress make decisions that are plumb crazy back home. -Why would Australia, a country that has always put the needs of migrants first and taken so many since WW2, be committed by politicians like that smirking Turnbull to rush in and rescue in Europe?

As if any of the countries involved or the economic migrants give a rat's behind about Australia, that is except to take advantage of its integrating politicians who strut the world stage.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 16 November 2015 1:04:34 PM
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Last para should be,

"As if any of the countries involved or the economic migrants give a rat's behind about Australia, that is except to take advantage of its ingratiating politicians who strut the world stage."
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 16 November 2015 1:15:37 PM
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A load of waffle that will not add to the STOPPING OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM, which is what we should be working on. " What is radicalism?", advertising and magazines is silly talk. More to the point is a discussion on how to remove Muslims from the West for good, and carpet bombing of Muslim countries until they take responsibility for their vile religion and the Koran's vicous dictats against anything and anyone non-Muslim.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 16 November 2015 1:33:32 PM
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Here's a radical thought. Why don't we do what Churchill and Eisenhower did after the Nazi's attacked and bombed and strafed our population centres.

Carpet bomb Raqqa and the other population centres in the muslim state.

And if that doesn't work, do what Truman did to the Militarist Japanese when they wouldn't give up. Nuke the muslim state.

End of story, except then sit back and watch the cowards change the religion of peace.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 16 November 2015 1:37:59 PM
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Education isn't the answer, most Western Jihadis are well educated, many in fact seem to be obsessive about self improvement and attaining enlightenment. The Koran marries social justice with militarism, banditry and guerrilla warfare are just as valid as philanthropy and altruism in Islam, Muslims are permitted to be merciful or murderous as circumstances require.
Someone brought up the consequences borne by the Germans and Japanese after the second war but do people really understand what "De Nazification" entailed?
Apart from the executions, mass incarcerations, massacres, starvation and ethnic cleansing meted out to millions of Germans in the late 1940's De Nazification is still going on today.
Virtually any public allusion to the NSDAP, it's policies or symbols is harshly punished in the EU, five years in prison is the usual sentence for "attempting to re-activate National Socialism".
Is this what Australians want? Do we want to see kids jailed for five years for Tweeting support for the Caliphate or praising suicide bombers?
The other point arising from that train of thought can be expressed simply, "Do you believe in the Holocaust or not?"
Well do you?
What if every bad thing Liberals and Leftists say about Europeans is true and after one bombing or massacre too many we suddenly flip from indifference to full blown genocide?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 16 November 2015 2:42:35 PM
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For a different perspective on the various family, tribal, cultural and religious contexts of why young men become involved in the ISIS death cult please check out the essay What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters by Lydia Wilson.
Note the reference (towards the end) re the invasion of Iraq by the coalition of the killing.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 16 November 2015 2:57:43 PM
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It is you godbothering types that started all this.
A little place called israel. A lot of support and billions of dollars from you xians.
A new crusade to steal their oil and save the jews. A war that every single xian supports.
The continual hatred and abuse against other godbotherers.

You are no different from them runner. Your fatuous linking of isis and abortion just shows the depths you will sink to to justify your extremism and hatred. The same hatreds that drive isis drive you runner.
Guided by your imaginary freinds all you idiot "faithful" would, have and still do kill those who disagree with you.
You all have the same illness. Religion. A scourge on humanity and a cancer that must be removed.

How many times do you theists have to be told.

It is fine to say "I cant do that because of MY beliefs"
It is NOT fine to say "YOU cant do that because of MY beliefs"
Posted by mikk, Monday, 16 November 2015 3:15:29 PM
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'It is you godbothering types that started all this. '

wow Mikk you attribute me with much power. You are right though that Israel is at the centre of this but you are very ignorant if you think Islams dominion would stop there.

THe butchering of the unborn and selling of their body parts might not seem gross to you Mikk but it is equivalent to that of Isis. The ood news is that both these evil cults will be destroyed in the end. The God of Israel has and never be matched. Thankfully He Has given everyone the opportunity to repent.
Posted by runner, Monday, 16 November 2015 4:03:55 PM
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A pile of useless academic waffle, & utterly pointless. These clowns will probably still be spouting this stuff as their head is removed.

I did check it was not something by Turnbull. The waffle was typical of the utter garbage he can sprout for hours on end.

There is only one answer that has ever worked with Islam. It is more strength, more brutally applied than their own actions.

As the now mealy mouth west is unlikely to ever use such force to fix this problem, it would be wise to your conversion to Islam now, if you want to keep your head.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 16 November 2015 4:23:39 PM
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Life in the Western Suburbs:

Kalash,the beligured Russian taxi driver, arrives home late as usual, from his fourteen hour shift, ferrying drunks home from the local pubs and clubs.

Kalash, on entering the kitchen; has anybody put the bomb out for the garbage man tonight?

Kalash...nick-off, leave that to the Muslims next door!

Thank God for naughty Muslims...without whom nobody would bother blowing up the garbage man...
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 16 November 2015 4:45:52 PM
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A biographical note on David Jones. He is the co-author of a book titled Sacred Violence. There is of course no such thing as "sacred" violence - and never has been
He is also the author of a biography of a certain lying rodent who was a very willing participant in the coalition of the killing and their illegal (under international law) invasion and deliberate pre-planned systematic destruction and plunder/theft of the physical infra-structures of Iraq. Which inevitably and simultaneously lead to the disintegration of the cultural/social structures which, however awful they were, did at least provide some degree of certainty and prosperity for most of the citizens of Iraq.
The inevitable result of which is the current chaos/carnage.

It is of course now completely impossible to put the destructive genies thus released back into the bottle or pandoras box.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 16 November 2015 5:38:41 PM
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You can't quite bring yourself to saying it out loud Daffy Duck, can you now!
The next logical step in the sequence you outlined beautifully, is to round up the perpetrators of the terror unleashed on the Middle East, put them against a brick wall and mow them down with a Kalashnikov ....

We would have to say, those with a conscience at the least, could not entirely blame Muslims attempting to move towards those aims.

I think they are swinging a little wildly at present, but hopefully, the target will be reached in due course!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 16 November 2015 8:42:37 PM
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I agree with David Jones's premise, that young Muslims are not being "radicalised." To think that young Muslim men are becoming "radicalised" to an extreme version of Islam, is to ignore the fact that Islam has always been an extreme religion. The only reason why Muslims were not so radical at the beginning of Islamic immigration into western countries, is because it was obviously unwise to be too aggressive and dangerous when your numbers were in a very small minority.

One thing is clear, the more Muslims within the population in any western society, the more problems you have with Muslims.

Our governments are not looking at the real problem. The problem is Islam itself. It is a very violent and aggressive religion that is totally intolerant of any person who is not a Muslim. This has been banged into their heads by their Muslim teachers, their parents, and their evil imams, in the same way that the Hitler Youth were programmed, and they were Adolph Hitler's most staunch supporters. We never spoke of young Nazis being "radicalised" into an extreme form of Nazism. We knew that they were dangerous extremists because they were Nazis.

Every human being has a deep psychological need for a positive personnel identity and also for a positive social identity. The Islamic religion preaches that any man who wants a deeply respected personal and social identity can get it by being a warrior for God. Young Muslim men can not integrate into western society because of many reasons. Their religion forbids it. Their Muslim cultural values are diametrically opposed to western cultural values. They have been conditioned by their Imams to accept Islam uncritically and unquestionably. What is worse, is that stupid lefties have reinforced the idea in their heads that western society is utterly evil, by their constant attacks upon their own culture and civilisation.

Convinced by their state and religious teachers that western society is utterly corrupt, and unable to even think about the failures of Islam, they instead occupy a parallel universe where their self esteem is linked to being a Jihadi.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 3:12:44 AM
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Ponder, don't be fooled by spin from this closet communists article. He's quietly promoting a fanatical, extreme cult called secular, left wing religion. Communism is the most destructive, extreme religion in world history.

Better to go with moderate, enlightened, classically liberal, conservative, protesting Christianity & the Philosophy they created called common sense realism.

1,270,000 results on a standard Google search

runner, correct, are you in Brisbane?

Cobber the hound, lying for your Prophet Marx & your God Lucifer as usual. Secularism exceeded the entire 6,000 year death toll of Judeo/Christianity in just 4 years in just one nation. You are the most evil sub human animal in world history, a communist. NO Australian child will be safe until filth like you are in labour camps for the term of your natural lives.

Rhosty, correct & left wing religion is even worse.

Cobber the hound, your posts just confirm what we all think, not possible for a loyal, brain washed cult member like you to make a rational contribution to any topic.

onthebeach, it is even worse than your bleak assessment, because these 100% evil left wing animals wanted to destroy the land of OZ by deliberately importing more & worse criminals. The only thing stopping me from supporting the LNP is knowing they are almost as bad as lie-bore & the watermelons. if the LNP does not wake up really quickly another One Nation is going to take millions of baby boomer votes away from all 4 major mistakes parties.

ttbn, i hear you, but if we simply deport ALL muslims from ALL non muslim nations back to their own muslim nations & build a new iron curtain around them all, then peaceful coexistence might be possible.

imajulianutter, your plan would work better if every muslim on earth, not currently living on the Arabian peninsula was moved back to Arabia first.

Jay Of Melbourne, correct, the real radical extremist is the scumbag who wrote this article & his cheer squad who want US living in 1984 when deporting ALL muslims would cure the problem permanently.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 3:35:34 AM
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Daffy Duck, why would any sensible person waste one second of their time to read an article written by a communist & recommended by another communist when they know in advance that the whole thing is Orwellian new speak?

mikk, sorry but Jews & Christians did NOT cause this problem, it was 100% caused by atheistic, left wing religion & islam.

runner, correct again.

Hasbeen, spot on, time to grease our bullets & barrels with pig fat.

diver dan, the communists are just as bad, ALL terrorism in world history was left wing or islamic.

Daffy Duck, your right for once, Jones is another 100% evil communist like you.

diver dan, again, yes Daffy Duck the communist secretly loves his islamist brothers in the war against his own nation.

LEGO, accurate, perfect assessment, loony leftie communists are even worse than the muslims they import. The Nazis were at least patriotic to their own nations, almost angelic in comparison to muslims & communists.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Tuesday, 17 November 2015 4:11:28 AM
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