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The Forum > Article Comments > Victorian same sex adoption law gets it wrong > Comments

Victorian same sex adoption law gets it wrong : Comments

By Kristan Dooley, published 29/10/2015

The Bill removes protections under anti-discrimination laws to exempt faith-based adoption agencies from having to facilitate same sex adoptions.

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I can't decide if you're thoroughly delusional or just a Lefie troll having us all on. You say the say the same things I reckon I would if I were to create a fake account for the sake of trolling OLO. Especially with this doozy...

<<i have demonstrated that the science is “settled” 173,000,000 times.>>


But since there are people out there who do actually think like you, I'll treat you as if you were serious for now.

That aside, atheism and communism are not synonymous with each other and you just make a fool of yourself carrying on as if they were. You'd also need to demonstrate the existence and the rationality of your god to justify your claim with regards to cannon law vs natural law (whatever that claim meant).

Still waiting for an explanation as to how anything that I've said constitutes sophistry, too.


Far from it.

<<I have to assume that you are still in your teens...>>

I am old enough to have children in their teens, but I had kids late, so...

Far from being content with committing one logical fallacy, you have to add to that with the ad hominem fallacy because you have nothing left. Nothing but an ignorant, fallacious and out-of-date belief.


<<...and your obvious belief that you can talk anyone into believing such garbage.>>

Why is that obvious? I debunk rubbish not for the benefit of the ignoramus I'm speaking to but for the fence-sitting onlooker that may be reading. OLO has hundreds of thousands of readers
Posted by AJ Philips, Sunday, 1 November 2015 9:41:44 PM
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Ima "Suseonline, What about left wing & feminist paedophiles being protected at a higher % rate than christian paedophiles?"

Wow, I AM impressed!

You found credible statistics to say that paedophiles who vote labor, and paedophiles who are also feminists (hell, there must be ...dozens of these), are somehow being 'protected' by....paedophile enablers?

And all at a 'higher % rate'? Of what? Money? Jail time?

What has paedophilia got to do with same-sex adoption?
It's not as though anyone is going to let 2 priests adopt children is it?
Are you Runner's bestie then?
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 2 November 2015 1:47:46 AM
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Dear Suse,

<<It's not as though anyone is going to let 2 priests adopt children is it?>>

I would - am I no-one?

This concept as if someone can not-let others do whatever they do is sickening. How else would you not-let them adopt except by using violence against them? The only situation where I would justify such violence is if they were to grab and adopt YOUR child without your consent - but is this the case?

What if it was the child of the sister of one of those priests who was dying of cancer?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 2 November 2015 3:23:32 AM
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I can't decide if you're thoroughly delusional or just a rightie troll having us all on. You say the same things I reckon I would if I were to create a fake account for the sake of trolling OLO. Especially with this doozy...

i have demonstrated that the science is “settled” 173,000,000 times by doing a Google search on the subject & sharing several of the links with you already

WTF?! here is another one for you & another one for every time you continue these lies of yours

But since there are people out there who do actually think like you, I'll treat you as if you were serious for now.

That aside, atheism and communism are absolutely synonymous with each other and you just make a fool of yourself carrying on as if they were not.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

You'd also need to demonstrate that your radical, extreme, left wing religious cult is not a cult. i never made ANY claims about cannon law vs natural law (you did, i called you on your sophistry).

Still waiting for you to admit your sophistry & spin too.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Monday, 2 November 2015 5:10:25 AM
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"Suseonline, What about left wing & feminist paedophiles being protected at a higher % rate than christian paedophiles?"

Wow, I AM still waiting for an actual answer! HINT, there are both christian AND secular organisations out there & which have the higher rates of kiddy fiddling?

i found credible examples to prove that paedophiles who vote labor, and paedophiles who are also feminists (hell, there must be ...millions of these), are somehow being 'protected' by....paedophile enablers?

And all at a 'higher % rate'? Of crime? Tax Payers Money? & no Jail time?


What has paedophilia got to do with same-sex adoption? A, the same as feminism, it is corporate paedophilia, in that it promotes the neglect & abuse of children, as you well know.

It's not as though anyone is going to let 2 priests adopt children is it? A, well i wouldn't, why would you want to? Are you Satan's bestie then?
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Monday, 2 November 2015 5:44:44 AM
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"ad hominem", when you call me 'ignorant' and an 'ignoramus'. That's a typical 'defence' for the Left: when you can't brow-beat your opponents into silence, out comes the good old standby of personal attack, your favorites being 'homophobe', 'Islamophobe', 'racist', 'denier' or whatever tired old descriptions you think should work. You might as well just say"shut up" to cover the lot.

You might not be a teenager, but you certainly carry on like one here. You haven't got past school-yard bully standard yet.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 2 November 2015 8:02:47 AM
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