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The iron law of terrorism prevention : Comments
By John Tomlinson, published 19/10/2015The more spooks, spies and spivs we employ to spy on our and other citizens the outcome, in terms of the safety of our citizenry, is diminished.
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Posted by imacentristmoderate, Monday, 19 October 2015 6:09:08 AM
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This article is in desperate need of proof reading.
Posted by muuske, Monday, 19 October 2015 6:19:44 AM
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An utterly brilliant essay, exposing correctly what is so desperately wrong with Australia...and always has been if we would only lift the blinkers of nationalistic patriotism.
Violence begets violence is a truism but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Look at the USA, the most violent police, the most spied on population, the greatest disparity of wealth, the endless wars all over the globe. The result? More people in prison than any other state on the planet, more urban violence, more murders and a planet terrified to disobey the edicts of the USA corporate state because they know they will be economically and politically disabled, if not invaded. Do we really want to go down that path? Why do basically decent, honest and kindly people, which describes over 75% of the planet's humans, according to the Common Cause Foundation, elect such vile leaders lacking in humanity, devoid of empathy, licking the coat-tails of corporate USA? We certainly do need to rebuild the country. There's no point if tinkering with a model of government specifically designed to facilitate the vile colonial designs of England. Posted by ybgirp, Monday, 19 October 2015 8:33:56 AM
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"The more spooks, spies and spivs we employ to spy on our and other citizens the outcome, in terms of the safety of our citizenry, is diminished."
I'd expect such a negative correlation to exist because the worse our security situation becomes, the greater our need to employ spies and spooks would need to be. But while they're not always the best way of making us safer, your contention that they make us less safe is very dodgy. And WTF are spivs listed there for? Not only does the standard definition not have anything to do with counterterrorism, but nor do any of the definitions listed on Posted by Aidan, Monday, 19 October 2015 8:49:42 AM
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This article is written with a complete lack of knowledge of Islam. I suggest reading "The Story of Mohammed" to gain some insight. ($1 for Kindle version). Posted by Peter L, Monday, 19 October 2015 11:10:43 AM
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This author with the Orangutan exterior seems in a time warp. No John "touched Abbott" is out of Government and "spiv" may be closer to thee.
Maybe Spiv the Author is on about the ghost of "Arfur" Daley And one last point "Border Force Black Shirts" originated from someone else (September 15) when Abbott still trolled the corridors of power Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 19 October 2015 12:32:56 PM
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Depends on the interpretation of the word terrorist really. This article drifts far away from the subject, becoming an anti-government rant.
But isn't the problem with this country more related to crime? excluding petty crime from the list of negatives, major crime seems to go forward with impunity. Money laundering through real estate deals is endemic . This criminal activity rates a few stars above children pretending to be a terrorist. We have major political parties badly tainted with corruption, and bleeding credibility all over the floor. It is becoming pinfully obvious, terrorism hype is just that; a smoke screen for governments to run from the real and important issues effecting Australian communities. Terrorism is NOT one of them... Posted by diver dan, Monday, 19 October 2015 2:37:22 PM
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This bloke is John Pilger the Second.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 19 October 2015 2:42:39 PM
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ybgirp, we have freedom of movement, so why don't you leave, take Tomlinson with you to North Korea, i am sure you would both be happier there.
diver dan, both are a problem & corrupt politicians don't want to do anything about it. they are completely addicted to multi culti & real estate based taxation. Posted by imacentristmoderate, Monday, 19 October 2015 3:21:25 PM
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Hi imacentristmoderate
I think we should be generous toward ybgirp, because the poor bugger, like the author, is clueless. Maybe the RSPCA will extend an enclosure to them or perhaps Putin, much loved by the left, can spare Gulag apprenticeships. Still, I feel a tad guilty toward Orangutans and spivs in comparing them to the author. If nothing else the article casts plaudits on the quintessional Spiv, Arfur Daley, who only departed this mortal coil recently and is sorely missed. Tossing a bone to the author - he appears to have lifted the wording and spirit of an earlier statement - which on September 8 was: "I almost choked on my Weaties when I heard Abbott was sending Minister Dutton, OberFuhrer Border Force Blackshirts, to Europe concerning an Off Water Syrian refugee matter." But the author won't let his stale left mythology rest. Cheers Poida Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 19 October 2015 3:46:20 PM
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Hi ttbn
I think your comparison with Pilger is rather unfair. I disagree with most of what Pilger writes, and he’s also a rank ideologue, but at least he is an intelligent and competent one. For all his many failings, Pilger can write and string together a coherent argument, and occasionally has done some good investigative reporting. He actually researches his subjects, rather than re-combining stale ideological clichés. And he doesn’t score cheap points with puerile puns like “the Australian Federal (read Feral) Police “ None of that can be said for John Tomlinson Posted by Rhian, Monday, 19 October 2015 7:54:11 PM
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The author may be a Muslim apologist however he is on to something.
Read the following to see where we are being led by the good ol US of A; Silly but scary at the same time! Posted by Geoff of Perth, Monday, 19 October 2015 8:31:00 PM
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As noted a "Spiv" can be described as a purveyor of the dodgy. You know Global Warming, Aussie Patriarchy and the total absence of agency by Muslims.
"Progressives" seem to think that everything is "evil, cis-normative white men" and in a racist manner deny any agency amongst any others. Terrorists are because they want to be, they want to kill for Allah and the Caliphate. Posted by McCackie, Monday, 19 October 2015 9:51:41 PM
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The first thing I wish to do, Mr Tomlinson, is to thank you. It was this perverted concept from people like yourself, that white people are responsible for everything bad in this world, that converted me away from being from a trendy lefty like yourself, to a mature person who renounced his youthful and immature left wing idealism.
The best damned thing that ever happened to the aborigines was the coming of the British. If this country was run by aborigines, it would be just another black ruled economic basket case holding out the begging bowl to the rest of the world, while the aboriginal leaders stashed their ill gotten gains in Swiss bank accounts. Think of ATSIC's corruption and multiply it by a thousand, and you got the idea. White North European people have the knack of creating successful societies, and we could do a lot better if we were not handicapped by socialist puritans like yourself, who despise the society they choose to live in. It is funny how the aborigines claim that the whites are their oppressors, when every other ethnicity in the world is clamouring to get into Australia, or into any other country settled by white people. Now you are moaning about Australia's security police network. Hey dummy, it is people like you who wanted multiculturalism, and who wanted Muslims to come to Australia, and now the we are seeing the negative consequences of that stupidity. But instead of sheepishly admitting that you were wrong all along, and that importing crime and welfare prone people into this country who want to turn us into a theological dictatorship was insanity, you complain about the methods used to combat the problems that you and your brainless ilk created. The rarified air of academies is obviously affecting your ability to think straight. Get yourself a real job where you actually produce something and you might be able to evolve a brain capable of critical thinking. You academics seem to live in some sort of bubble where your inbred opinions are at total variance to self evident reality Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 3:37:02 AM
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LEGO, your admiration for a civilisation that has pushed much life on earth to the brink of extinction, and shows no sign of even recognising that fact, does you little credit. Even less admirable is your bigotry, racism and anti-everything-that-you-don't-admire attitude.
Deliberately fomenting this sort of discord is one thing that, understandably, makes some disadvantaged people respond with violence. Posted by ybgirp, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 8:32:34 AM
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The ONLY way to stop terrorists is to stop them wanting to be terrorists.
It shouldn't be that hard. No one wants to blow themselves up normally. Life must be pretty bad to want to do such a thing. It would be easy to make their lives better to a point they would never think of blowing themselves up. But that's not what our leaders want. They see terrorists as useful idiots allowing them to scare us into accepting any old oppression and subjugation. And we do! They don't want terrorism to stop. They don't want peace. They want fear, power and exploitation. And that is what we get. Wake up people. Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 9:48:34 AM
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Geoff of Perth, i hear where you are coming from but the answer is easy read LEGO's rant, then after we deport all racial, religious or ethnic groups that are incapable of assimilation we can go back to being happier, healthier & wealthier.
ybgirp, your views match with less than 10% of the population. mikk, spot on. Posted by imacentristmoderate, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 12:32:02 PM
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True about many Muslims LEGO
Paul Keating stacked too many Western Sydney electorates with Sure to Vote Labor poor Muslims from South Lebanon. The uni lefties are not nation building material. I wouldn't be too harsh on Aborigines. I've lived in a parts of rural Queensland where aborigines are systematicly described in code as "olive skinned" on Driver's Licences while very olive skinned people from Southern Europe are not. Discrimination against Aborigines for jobs in town was blatant. But hey there were many new matte black Sudanese in town who everyone could look down on. Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 12:50:42 PM
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The only civilisation remotely interested in conservation is the European one. It was our scientists who first recognised the problems of pollution and species extinction caused by loss of habitat. White civilisations were the first ones to create national parks and even today, we lead the world in conservation activities. The Arabs, Africans and Chinese could not give a tinkers cuss about conservation. Chinese medicine depends upon animal products from critically endangered species, and don't go to Peking unless you have a double filter dust mask. The Japs hunt whales, cut the fins off sharks, vacuum clean the seas with long lines, and are presently hunting the bluefin tuna into extinction. The dirtiest suburbs in Sydney are the Muslim ones. But you won't mention that, because these people are non white, and you get your sense of self esteem from bagging your own people. That is because you have been psychologically conditioned by your socialist teachers to think that "intelligent' people are always their own people's harshest critics. Everything you see around you in the room that you are sitting in was either invented by white people or a Jew. It sure as hell was not invented by aborigines or Muslims. The civilisation of the white race has defined the modern, prosperous world, although the smart Asians have adopted our ways and are now our competitors. But you get characters like John Pilger and this article's author, who hate anybody who is successful, and they reflectively apologise for every dysfunctional culture that is collectively just too dumb to do what the whites and the Asians have done. People like this author think only in terms of oppressors and oppressed. That is the only way that they can make sense of the world. It is a stupid way to think. I'll bet this author works in the public service. He despises the people who's taxes pay his wages. He hates the society he chooses to live in. The diggers in 1943 had a song just for him. It went "....good men are dying, for bastards like you!" Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 20 October 2015 6:38:20 PM
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plantagenet, aboriginals weren't looked down on in that way in the 1950s, after Multi Culti trained them to be dysfunctional the pity started.
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Thursday, 22 October 2015 3:37:41 AM
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Here ya go "imacentristmoderate' Do you want extra "ways" to the following? The two worlds of post-war Australia The majority In the period following the Second World War, the vast majority of Australians lived in a world of houses serviced with water and power, and where laws ensured social order... The Indigenous minority The other world was inhabited by people whose ancestors had lived in Australia for more than 40,000 years. By the 1950s, having lost land and livelihood, many were paupers, living in 'humpies' on the edge of town rubbish dumps and earning occasional money as fruit pickers. They were not eligible for the dole or other state benefits which whites received. State laws told Indigenous people where they were allowed to live, where they could and couldn't move and who they could marry. They were often not the legal guardians of their own children. Local policemen controlled their earnings, doling out small amounts in pocket money according to their individual judgement or whim. In Queensland the law even allowed mission managers to open and censor mission-dwellers' letters. Cheers Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 22 October 2015 10:46:28 AM
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Well said, Plantagenet. And the racism, paternalism, dismissal of their ideas, solutions and hopes, continues because a few white men and women chosen by a triennial popularity poll, think they know what's best for people who have taken care of themselves for tens of thousands of years without wrecking the land that sustained them.
Posted by ybgirp, Thursday, 22 October 2015 4:34:12 PM
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Yes, Plantagenet, and they were still better off than they had been for the last 50,000 years, and they were better off then than they are today.
Aboriginal society was based upon the total control of the old men, who kept all the women for themselves and who terrorised the young men into being their slaves through a serious of very painful and degrading initiations, which repeated throughout their lives. The reason why Australia did not experience the level of warfare between white settlers and indigenous people as other nations, was because the young aborigines, male and female, saw in the coming of the white man the chance of a better life. They walked away from the tribal system in droves, and became teamsters, fencers, exceptional cattleman and cattle women, and for many young female aborigines, the wives of lonely white male pioneers. Where, I might add, the women were treated much better than with their old black tribal "husbands". Even today, high profile aboriginal women like Evonne Goolagong, Nova Peris, and Cathy freeman, all chose to marry white men over choosing an aboriginal man. Aboriginal women must be racists. It is funny when you hear some stupid aboriginal woman defending her 'aboriginal" culture, it is a culture which even today encourages the most appalling violence by aboriginal men towards aboriginal women. The murder of aboriginal women by aboriginal men is so common, that the male murderer is typically charged with "manslaughter" instead of murder. But you are never going to hear the socialist sisterhood complain about that. Minorities are immune from criticism. Of course, white people were more concerned about aboriginal welfare then, we knew that there was not much we could do about the stone age people, but we could at least save the kids. That was why aboriginal children were educated forced to learn an employable skill. Compare that to today, the lefties gave the aborigines the right to drink alcohol as a "human right", and the abos have been drunk, stoned, "iced", unemployable, on the dole, an out of control ever since. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 22 October 2015 6:23:56 PM
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plantagenet, my great uncle ran a Christian mission in Gulf country. They had beach front school holidays on the sunshine coast, quality boardings schools, student accommodation for College apprenticeships & University degrees. How do you think this woman became an academic? ybgirp, your hero Flannery proving that Aboriginals turned a green Australia into a desert. 10. The extinction of megafauna in both Australia and New Zealand came because of human invasion--hence "the future eaters." This is part of a worldwide reinterpretation as to the effects of humans on other species, with particular parallel for the mammoth in North America. This happened because humans encountered species that had evolved without the presence of human predation, and had neither fear nor defenses. LEGO, perfectly put. Posted by imacentristmoderate, Saturday, 24 October 2015 7:37:24 PM
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LEGO, the status of women when the first settlers arrived was no better than that of the locals. European society was based upon the total control of old men right up until late last century. The reason Australia did not experience the level of warfare between white settlers and indigenous people as other nations, was because they had no weapons to compete with rifles, no poisonous flour to give the whites, no diseased blankets to give the invaders. They were totally outnumbered and unused to warfare.
According to the news on TV and newspapers, current Australian culture encourages the most appalling violence by men towards women. The murder of women by men is common, ten we know about this year. It's a world wide phenomenon, not restricted to downtrodden races whose lands have been stolen along with their culture, self respect and, in Queensland, even their wages. But you are never going to hear the emancipated white sisterhood admit that they bear some responsibility for making men so angry they're violent. Females are immune from criticism. Posted by ybgirp, Saturday, 24 October 2015 9:13:19 PM
Q, did any of these terrorism importation schemes originate in Socialist forum?
Q, is the worst 1984 surveillance system in world history run by a left wing council?
Q, did left wing religion create a crime wave before going hard on crime?