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Scrambling back aboard the Titanic : Comments

By Bernard Gaynor, published 17/9/2015

The change is made more confusing by the fact that the new PM is probably Labor's best performing MP, even though he now leads the Liberal Party.

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Granted Malcolm is an ex lawyer, bag carrier for Packer, ex Merchant Banker, ex seller while its hot and hang Godwin Grech out to dryer.

But Abbott was divisive - loving uniforms, weapons and paramilitary force!
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 17 September 2015 10:33:42 AM
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As a member of Family First, your ultra-conservative opinions are irrelevant to mainstream Australia, as is your misplaced rage at having your religious kindred spirit removed from office.

I understand that from your position a centrist politician looks just like a leftie, but that's your misperception of the actual political landscape of our country.

Most Australians want centrists, and they ain't getting them from you.
Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 17 September 2015 11:08:43 AM
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I'm judging by the fact the author is a family first member that he didn't actually want Tony either so I don't understand his point.

Let's be clear though our system of government means Australians don't vote from the PM they vote for their local member. Anybody turning up to vote is only going to find people running for their local electorate.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Thursday, 17 September 2015 11:52:42 AM
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Yes there lies the whole problem, the Liberal party has been infiltrated with Conservatives.

Radically biased against the workers of this nation, was the far right incumbent Mr Abbott. Now Mr Turnbull is faced with the far right within the liberal party. Hopefully he can make it work, it will not take much time to gauge the far right’s influence on him.

Public opinion will be crucial, within the next 3 months, as to the success or failure of Turnbull. He can not go down Abbott’s path, he must be his own man and govern for everybody. There is no special entitlements for PM to go over the heads of his own party.

Turnbull does not come without faults, it is up to him to be a leader of all Australians and not just the elite, otherwise his fortunes will quickly change and become irrelevant. His judgments will be closely scrutinized, by the court of public opinion
Posted by doog, Thursday, 17 September 2015 12:01:43 PM
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Malcolm Turnbull is not on the left at all, or a centrist or a progressive. He is to the right of Tony Abbott. Who opposed Work Choices in cabinet? It was Mr Abbott, not Mr Turnbull. Mr Abbott retains an echo of the social justice beliefs of his Democratic Labor background. Mr Turnbull never had such a background.

It is only media spin and widespread ignorance of what “left” and “right” actually mean that make Mr Turnbull look like he is on the left.

Mr Turnbull supports the creation of “same-sex marriage”, some say. Indeed he does, but that is not a left-right issue. It’s an airhead issue, opposed by a significant minority in the “left-wing” Labor Party. The proposed plebiscite is no more than cover for the Coalition to say that it did not bring in same-sex marriage – the people did. Only a constitutional referendum to restore the meaning of “marriage” in Section 51 to what it was before the High Court changed it can be taken seriously, and no one was offering that!

Mr Turnbull supports an ETS, some say. Indeed, as a free marketeer, he supports a market-based (i.e., right-wing) approach to carbon.

Mr Turnbull supports a republic, some say. Indeed, so do the US Republicans, and they are the party of the right.

The headline writer got it right in The Australian: “The big end of town finally gets its man”, 16/9/2015.

The Liberal base will subside. Its alternative is to create a party to the right to do to the Liberals what the Greens do to Labor. We have never had a widely supported party to the right of the Liberals, other than the rural-based Nationals, probably because there is no real demand for something so extreme.

Mr Turnbull has already leapt ahead in the polls. He will stay there for long honeymoon and, I expect, until an early but not too-early election.
Posted by Chris C, Thursday, 17 September 2015 3:00:57 PM
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What a steaming pile Chris, at least the bits about Abbott.

He was and is IPAs man. That's far right dude.
Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 17 September 2015 3:09:30 PM
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