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Warning: being a man is a danger to your health : Comments

By Peter West, published 14/9/2015

Jarryd Hayne will have the money, the power, and the glory. I hope he knows the risks.

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For my own part I am well endowed.

With intelligence.

Have pursued an unusual career part - devoid of 9 to 5

and have risen to become Australia No.1 (probably only) full time Submarine blogger . Hoovering up open source information is my game.

So where this is going is that for renaissance men like moi all this:

"Once again, we are confronted with the idea that being a man is to live a life that is often filled with risk, danger, and the smell of death. Traditionally, a man's life has been about work."

doesn't apply.

And regarding "swimming in shark-infested seas." I don't enter the water between Port Macquarie and the Gold Coast. Too dangerous - full of Great Whites.

Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 14 September 2015 10:54:16 AM
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Typos Typos

It should be "career path" and "Australia's"

"renaissance" was right, but :)

Poida Peter Planta
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 14 September 2015 10:59:12 AM
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Don't be silly Peter, you've got this one by the tail, not the handle.

The reason for the huge rise in dangerous sports in the western world, in the last 60 years or so, is just the opposite. Life has become too safe, secure & boring for most REAL men.

The days of being trampled while hunting that mammoth for dinner with a sharpened stick, are long gone. Today we are more likely to be injured slipping on the wet floor at the supermarket when we go hunting for dinner.

Men climb mountains, race cars, motorbikes, & oceangoing yachts, jump out of aircraft & off mountains with just a bit of rag to slow their fall, because life is too safe & boring. Men, [& women] go walk the Kokoda track, not because anyone needs to, but for something to do more satisfying than pushing a pen in some office.

Dragging home a couple of hundredweight of Mammoth must have been much more fulfilling than pulling out the credit card to pay for a couple of kilo of cow. No wonder people today want a few risks in their lives. If you think about it, this could explain the explosion of betting shops in our societies.

Women can get their satisfaction giving birth, but watching some woman scream is not all that satisfying, even if you love her, & have a little input to the project.

So mate, it is not activity that is the real danger, it is of being bored to death, or dying of frustration.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 14 September 2015 12:27:15 PM
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Football has been sledged by male-hating feminists for (Jenny) donkeys' years. It is not in the same league as (say) street and mountain bicycle riding, or animal riding, for serious injuries. For some strange reason the feminists never slag motorcycle sports, or the outlaw motorcycle gangs for that matter. It takes a compartmentalised mind and an avoidance of evidence to be a feminist. The narrative that props up all of those fat jobs in academia and the public bureaucracies matters.

Football has been the saviour of many boys and youth, steering them away from gang and drug culture and giving them self-respect and a loving family as well. With the loss of the family and the trend towards fatherless homes they desperately need the last mentioned, family - the bonding and sense of belonging and being needed that comes from football and other team sports.

As well as that, football and other team sports deliver and enforce boundaries - reasonable, understandable and relevant boundaries - that are so lacking in the life experience of many boys (girls as well).

It is not being loved, not having boundaries and a lack of reasonable, measured means to take risks and enjoy their bodies and life and to develop that hampers and harms boys.

Schools ban games of 'Red Rover' and other ways that boys could let off steam. After countless years of safe adventuring for boys, the nagging, interfering feminists leaned on the Scouts to allow girls as members - just because (but boys were excluded from Guides). Then the Scouts lost their small axe, their 'open carry' (?!) knife and their staff.

If a boy climbed a tree in a park there would be complaints to the Council and two or more boys mucking around on bikes in a park would probably call for intervention too.

Being a boy is a danger to a child's mental and physical health, that is true. Just check the lack of success of boys in education and wonder where it all went wrong. It wasn't because of football that is for sure.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 14 September 2015 12:45:50 PM
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I suggest to all men that they should take a daily dose of the red pill by subscribing to Sandman's YouTube channel. Those that do will get a much better understanding of gender issues.

Sandman does an excellent job at explaining MGTOW. The YouTube channel will also help you learn to identify the manginas in society, in the media etc. They are becoming increasingly present in events like domestic violence industry campaigns by taking on the roles such as White Ribbon ambassadors and we seeing more and more male sporting personalities being turned into manginas
Posted by Roscop, Monday, 14 September 2015 1:27:51 PM
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Giday Rosocop

Those "manginas" are certainly suspect.

So I looked up Lumbersexuals vs Metrosexuals

There is no hope for mankind. Red blooded males are few and retreaded/divorced woman appear to crave eHarmony dweebs with smug smiles and Bill Shorten T-shirts.

Maybe women are wising up! Oh I hope not.
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 14 September 2015 3:01:09 PM
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I think marriage and male partners are really bad for female health and happiness.

And all the statics and surveys back this up.

A happiness study recently showed that men are happier and live
Longer with a woman in their life.

But the opposite was true for women
Who were much happier single especially after divorce or widowhood.

A lot of the problems in countries at war around the world are caused by male
Dominance not to mention the overpopulation. 7billion and rising rapidly.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 14 September 2015 10:13:16 PM
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Plantagenet, you would be surprised how many women appreciate a man with a well-endowed intelligence :)

I actually agree with the author about all the dangerous sports men (and some women ) play, especially boxing and rugby.

The number of men with dreadful brain injuries from boxing, such as dementia and Parkinson's disease, has increased as our population increases.
I have cared for many young, fit men who have broken their necks or backs from rugby, and it is truly heartbreaking to watch them fall apart, along with their family, team members and friends, as they realize this paralysis is with them for life.

I believe boxing and rugby scrums should be banned. We can at least make laws against them, if not for all the other dangerous pursuits that some men want to do.
Men are the greatest critics of other men as far as suggesting they aren't 'manly enough' unless they agree to do some sort of dangerous behaviour.

Most women, like myself, are not fans of any dangerous activity or sport for either themselves or their men, and I don't care whether that makes me old-fashioned or not.
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 14 September 2015 10:31:28 PM
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@CHERFUL "I think marriage and male partners are really bad for female health and happiness."

Yes my understanding is that since the advent of feminism women have never been more unhappy than what they are today. I think that is a real hoot.

As to health, I also agree that marriage and male partners are really bad for female health. In fact I think it can be quite dire for a woman's health, particularly if she nicks off with the kids with or without taking advantage of our fundamentally flawed family and domestic violence laws (and soon to become even worse), and separating them from a father who has not been found guilty of any offence, to say the Gold Coast hundreds of kilometers from where they lived as a family.
Posted by Roscop, Tuesday, 15 September 2015 12:05:47 AM
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Thanks Suse

There's hope for me yet.

Perhaps Real Man Abbott can take a sharky dip in NSW North Coast waters before being banished to that rumoured job - Ambassador to the Holy See (Vatican).

I hear Abbott and Pell have much to plot

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 15 September 2015 12:18:05 AM
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Lol Plantagenet : )
I am not sure if Abbott will still be talking to Pell now obviously even the prayers from an Archbishop at the Vatican didn't help him tonight.

Anyway, I am out of here before another thread is taken over by the anti -female groupies.
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 15 September 2015 1:14:21 AM
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Suseonline, "Most women, like myself, are not fans of any dangerous activity or sport for either themselves or their men, and I don't care whether that makes me old-fashioned or not"

If you were less set in your ways you might have some chance of identifying risks and you would be less prone to imposing bans for anything you take a dislike to.

To take an example from an area of my own volunteering, albeit exclusively saltwater and surf side, the incidence of drownings is not dropping. Think inland fresh water as the prime contributor.

90% of all drowning deaths are male.

This is meant in the very best way to someone who says she is involved in community health, where the message needs to get through.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 15 September 2015 8:24:16 PM
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I have seen no evidence or studies that show women
Are less happy since feminism.

Only the ones that are still putting up with men in marriages
Where the women hold down jobs and still do all the childcare and housework.

Or marriages where men try to dominate and control them all he time.

Once they make the move to leave those men they become much happier.
I bet that bloke who killed his wife on the Gold Coast was violent and controlling.

After feminism women have control of their own bodies.
Contraception was fought for in a court of law of all male judges if you study your history on it.
Women finally have their own money to make their own choices.
How would you like to be beholden to someone else to give you money for the smallest thing like a milk shake, say.

How would you like to have the worry and care of 10children because you were made to have them. Men don't know what suffering and real hardship is.

My Aunt had 6 kids back in the 1950s era, and all he did was go to the pub
And feel sorry for himself after work and on weekends. My Aunt never had a day or weekend off. He would come home drunk at 10.00 at night and demand the exhausted woman already caring for 6 others cook his tea.
She's had just cooked tea for 6people and washed up for God sake.
I can't tell you the times I have heard these same stories from women over the years.

And judging by the behaviour I see fromi Isis and other male dominated socities, I seriously think there is something lacking in men.

Except my Grandsons of course. They are perfect
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 15 September 2015 10:12:36 PM
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"I have seen no evidence or studies that show women
Are less happy since feminism."

But what about this epidemic of domestic violence they all keep talking about. The Emergency wards at hospitals are choked with battered women. The ABC website has counter on its website that shows how many domestic violence incidents police have attended so far that day. Each incident represents a horribly battered woman. Are the women starting to enjoy a bit of a slap around? It wont be long before the bulk of them are participants in BDSM.

"Men don't know what suffering and real hardship is."

Oh really? You haven't heard of the Burma Railway? What about men trapped down coalmines or the ones that incur terrible injuries or die as result of construction site accidents or suffer asbestosis etc etc?

So that is where we are at in the gender wars...our suffering is worse than yours...crikey!

"He would come home drunk at 10.00 at night and demand the exhausted woman already caring for 6 others cook his tea."

Are you sure you didn't lift that anecdote straight out of a domestic violence industry brochure. I'm sure I've read stories similar to that a hundred times know the man comes home, the wife doesn't have the meal ready on the table so walks straight up to her and socks her one right in doesn't matter that she had put all the housekeeping money he had given her through the pokies. It seems there is only one reason why women get belted up by their hubbies and that is because didn't have warm din dins ready on the table for the man with a skinfull when he walked in through the door.
Posted by Roscop, Wednesday, 16 September 2015 12:03:35 AM
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Domestic violence isn't new

It was just hidden more in earlier times.
Like the sexual abuse in the church was kept hidden
Another indictment on the suffering caused to those innocent children in their care
By men.

Women won't cop it quietly anymore they fight back and they have
The financial support to leave. Men can't take the fact that they
Can't exert dominance and control over women and they react violently.

i assure you my Aunts husband did the things I said he did.
He tries to deny it now, his children are grown up. But his oldest daughter, says to
Him. You did do that Dad, I was there."
She won't let him get away with denying it.

Of course it sounds like a typical domestic violence situation,
Because there is so much of it. As I said I've heard a lot of stories
When I've been with different groups of women over the years.

It is surprising how common the behaviour is. The wanting to dominate and control women.
Men are like big Bulls out in the paddock trying to herd all the females.

Our own government runs those how to be a Dad adds on TV.
Says a lot about the failure of men I think.
Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 17 September 2015 11:20:37 PM
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<Studies That Prove Domestic Violence Is an LGBT Issue

Two studies refute myth that intimate-partner violence is not an LGBT crisis.

SEPTEMBER 04 2014 4:00 AM EDT

The National Violence Against Women survey found that 21.5 percent of men and 35.4 percent of women living with a same-sex partner experienced intimate-partner physical violence in their lifetimes, compared with 7.1% and 20.4% for men and women, respectively, with a history of only opposite-sex cohabitation. Transgender respondents had an incidence of 34.6 percent over a lifetime according to a Massachusetts survey.

The CDC’s 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, released again in 2013 with new analysis, reports in its first-ever study focusing on victimization by sexual orientation that the lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner was 43.8 percent for lesbians, 61.1 percent for bisexual women, and 35 percent for heterosexual women, while it was 26 percent for gay men, 37.3 percent for bisexual men, and 29 percent for heterosexual men (this study did not include gender identity or expression).

These studies refute the myths that only straight women get battered, that men are never victims, and that women never batter — in other words, that domestic violence is not an LGBT issue. In fact, it is one of our most serious health risks, affecting significant numbers within our communities.>
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 18 September 2015 1:14:44 AM
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<Domestic Violence Against Men: Women More Likely To Be 'Intimate Terrorists' With Controlling Behavior In Relationships
Jun 30, 2014

Science debunks the "women are the gentler sex" myth, finding they are more likely to be "intimate terrorists," or hit their male partners in relationships.
The findings revealed just as many women as men could also be classed as abusive, coupled with controlling behavior with serious levels of threats, intimidation, and physical violence. Women were more likely to verbally and physically aggressive to their partners than men. “This study found that women demonstrated a desire to control their partners and were more likely to use physical aggression than men. “It wasn’t just pushing and shoving,” said Bates, Medical Xpress reported. Some of the survey respondents circled boxes for things like beating up, kicking, and even threatening to use a weapon.

However, when it came to terms of high levels of control and aggression, there was no difference between men and women. There was a higher prevalence of controlling behavior seen in women than men, which was found to significantly predict physical aggression in both sexes. In other words, the more controlling behavior a woman displayed, the more likely she would an “intimate terrorist,” or physically aggressive to her partner.

"This was an interesting finding. Previous studies have sought to explain male violence towards women as rising from patriarchal values, which motivate men to seek to control women's behavior, using violence if necessary,” Bates said. This suggests IPV may not be motivated by patriarchal values, and should be further studied with other forms of aggression. The stereotypical popular view, although still dominant, is being challenged by research over the last ten to 15 years, shedding light on male domestic violence.
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, men and boys are less likely to report the violence and seek services due to several challenges such as the stigma of being a male victim. Sixteen percent of adult men who report being raped or physically assaulted are victims of a current or former spouse, cohabitating partner, boyfriend/girlfriend, or date.>
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 18 September 2015 1:31:07 AM
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Hope he is not silly enough to get married. Once his career is over the she usually divorces, takes the money and kids and leaving him with only the injuries he has acquired. Seen an injured NRL tossed on the street.
Posted by McCackie, Friday, 18 September 2015 9:27:06 AM
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<...they have the financial support to leave.>

Is that to leave say "with the man's children" and go off hundreds of kilometers down to the Gold Coast without a court order that permits her to do so and the father not having been given a proper opportunity in court to put a stop to the mother's intentions and/or defend himself against allegations of abuse/violence? If the mother is murdered how does financial support ameliorate her situation?

Fortunately for women absconding with children very few do in fact get murdered. I read that there around 50,000 divorces in Australian each year and around half of them involve dependent children. Given that and the way (in)justice system works, surely one would expect the murder rate of mothers to be much much higher than only 1 or so a week.

Wouldn't it be better to have a much fairer system of justice where, inter alia, court orders are enforced on mothers with stiff penalties for breaches than having children ending up living without both parents?
Posted by Roscop, Friday, 18 September 2015 12:50:17 PM
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It's more dangerous than you think being a male. Endocrine Disrupting chemical exposure in this day and age is chronic. Estrogens and organochlorine pesticides have now been found to bind to receptors at a cellular level. Giving even greater toxic effects then the original molecule exposure. This then means that even the smallest exposure poses a far greater risk then thought possible.
Guess which sex this affects the most?
Posted by JustGiveMeALLTheFacts, Tuesday, 22 September 2015 4:37:01 PM
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