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The Forum > Article Comments > Demonise and censor: the winning strategy of the gay marriage movement > Comments

Demonise and censor: the winning strategy of the gay marriage movement : Comments

By David van Gend, published 5/6/2015

As for me, I am a “bigot” in big red painted letters on the wall of my medical centre this week, courtesy of a local vandal who does not like my opposition to same-sex marriage.

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It appears that most great civilisations lose their morals & moral fortitude as their greatness wanes, & they slowly degenerate into a rabble, fit for the garbage.

Why would we expect ours to be any different? From what is offered on this thread, ours is hardly worth saving, & probably won't be.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 6 June 2015 11:37:42 AM
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'One doesn't need to be a 'christophobe' to support gay marriage Runner.'

that is true Susie however usually the ones making the loudest noise via propganda channels like the abc/sbs, fairfax etc are well and truely Christophobes. There are actually some practicing homosexuals who know how bad it is to deny a child a father or mother and are honest enough to admit to it.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 6 June 2015 11:59:11 AM
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If the patent gay bashing homophobes posting here, and gay bashing takes many forms, including denial of equal rights or treatment/service, and in many more ways than just equality in the rites of marriage; believe they represent a majority view, then bring on the plebiscite! [If the cap fits!?]

Or failing that, just require our representatives to finally, honestly and accurately represent the wishes/actual views of the majority of those who elected them! BRING EITHER ON!

And the latter by just allowing a conscience vote on the floor, for all representatives!

Or failing that, just give those trying to suppress any of the above options, clicked heels accompanied by an almost obligatory and appropriate stiff arm salute!
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 6 June 2015 12:02:00 PM
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I know what you mean, hasbeen. Similar sentiments were expressed regarding interracial marriage and the abolition of slavery.

"The world's going to hell in a handbasket!"

Those were the days, eh?

Like I said before, have fun on the wrong side of history.
Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 6 June 2015 12:07:44 PM
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Well put. I don't know why these clowns call themselves "progressives". They are anything but progressive, trying to drag us backwards into to the dark ages of animalistic bevaviour, lack of moral fibre and no ethical standards. If they are not deviants themselves, they get pleasure from supporting deviants and weirdos believing that it makes them enlightened, the poor, ignorant fools.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 June 2015 12:13:40 PM
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Runner, one doesn't need to be gay to have single parent families do they?
How is a gay couple and family any different to the myriad combinations of families we have in our society?

ttbn, just out of interest, where has anyone on this forum called themselves 'progressives'? Isn't it you and other 'regressives' who persist in this silly name calling?
Mind you, anyone who wants to keep our society back in the good ol' days of the '50's, is certainly regressive ....
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 6 June 2015 2:34:16 PM
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