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The Forum > Article Comments > Demonise and censor: the winning strategy of the gay marriage movement > Comments

Demonise and censor: the winning strategy of the gay marriage movement : Comments

By David van Gend, published 5/6/2015

As for me, I am a “bigot” in big red painted letters on the wall of my medical centre this week, courtesy of a local vandal who does not like my opposition to same-sex marriage.

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There is a lesson to learn from this gay uprising and bullying: as you sow, so shall you reap.

Christian churches were complicit all along in the rise of the state and its powers to interfere in people's lives. They kept believing blindly that the state would only oppress the unbelievers and transgressors, not themselves.

But now the pendulum swings against them and the power of the state which they helped creating is now turned against the church, now heterosexuals will want to flee underground, but given all the surveillance powers they allowed the state to have, they would now find it very difficult.

It's so sad to read:
"If the people are given the ultimate conscience vote of a plebiscite and they choose to repeal natural marriage and family, then even nauseating pieces of filth like little old bigoted me will have to accept it, with a heavy heart."

No need for a heavy heart, it helps no one. Instead, repent and help undoing what you created!

Don't ever think "it won't happen to me" - dismantle the state, at least reduce its powers and shrink it in size, dividing the monolithic state into smaller ones, so that if your state happens to turn against your values and conscience or ban that which is dearest to you, whatever that may be, you can at least find refuge in a nearby land.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 5 June 2015 10:11:45 AM
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"The recent gay cake incident could just as easily have been carried out by a heterosexual man who just wanted to hurt someone on the basis of their religious beliefs."

how do we know that this baker holds 'christian' beliefs? maybe she just wanted to hurt the couple?

"Should not every same-sex couple who come before a marriage celebrant be asked to prove their orientation or should we just take their word for it?"

perhaps you could list a few reasons why two people of the same-sex would be standing before a marriage celebrant other than wanting to get married?

maybe another question you could wrangle with is: "how is it your business?"
Posted by james505, Friday, 5 June 2015 10:11:55 AM
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I come from the perspective of having been active in the field of post-adoption work for more than a quarter of a century. I accept that people's sexuality is their own affair, but I do have concerns about the growing trend for parenting to be adult-focussed rather than child-focussed. It has taken many years for us to understand and acknowledge the long term outcomes of adoption separation and it will be many years before we will be able to assess the outcomes for children born through egg/sperm donation and surrogacy. However, to me it seems obvious that the outcomes in terms of genealogical bewilderment and lack of access to lineage will be very similar and I am very disappointed that the lessons of the past have not been learned. Australia has led the world in apologising to the Stolen Generations, the Forgotten Australians and Child Migrants and those who have suffered as a result of Forced Adoptions. In my view the sincerity of those apologies has become suspect,as the mistakes of the past are being repeated. No one has a right to have a child. Adults have a responsibility to protect children from the harm that can be caused by deliberately severing their links to their heritage.
Posted by Louisa, Friday, 5 June 2015 10:26:23 AM
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I don't suppose it ever occurred to you David he or she could be right; that in fact you are a bigot?

Perhaps the message may have had more impact if it had stated, I am a prisoner of belief, as indeed were the also ran, homophobic Nazis?

That said, I'm inclined to agree with Prompete and would welcome a plebiscite; to put this matter where in now belongs; in the pages of history!

And indeed, provide a long overdue wake up call to the tail wagging the dog minority, who not only share your view David, but use that belief which imprisons them, to actively discriminate against folks, who gave them displeasure (and endless pleasurable sport) by daring to be born different! (No no David, the needle goes in dartboard quick and the injection slow; otherwise your patient will be black and blue!) (Oh you knew; and it wasn't you? Sorry!)

If Jesus walked among us today, with his preference for male company, and ultra gentle caring nature? Many with your disposition, would no doubt have judged/labeled him gay?

And indeed, "crucified" him for daring to be born different! As indeed are to my personal knowledge, some family members of the prisoners of belief?

Perhaps if the vandal returns? What should replace the blood red words are three wise monkeys, with the obligatory caption reading, see no evidence, hear no evidence, repeat no evidence!

Indubitably and based on more than ample evidence, the only element of choice here is to be or not to be a bigot; or indeed, take all our business/custom to those (straight or gay) who decidedly demonstrate they are not!

The only thing we have absolute control over in this life,(choice) is the thoughts we care to entertain in our heads, and through them the attitudes/imprisoning beliefs, that they in turn create in us!

You just don't happen to have a tiny toothbrush mustache under your nose by any chance, do you David? No? Perhaps you should grow one?
Ya? Atchung, click!
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 5 June 2015 10:38:00 AM
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The marriage act only concerns state marriages. No matter what the new definition of state marriage becomes, Christians can always get married in a church without registering the marriage with the state, it's important that church leaders promote this to the Christians who get their definition of marriage from God.
Posted by progressive pat, Friday, 5 June 2015 10:58:38 AM
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What wild animals these loud advocates of queer 'marriage' are. Vandalism, threats of violence, calling people bigots while ignoring their own bigotry. They invent ludicrous descriptions of people who stand up to them. They think a sad, small minority can call the tune on morals and civil law in a democracy. They squeal about 'equality', but rubbish the institution of heterosexual marriage. They totally ignore those of their kind who have quietly adopted the defacto relationships and benefits of many straight couples who are not show ponies like them. In short, they are a thoroughly bad lot. It's all about power and anarchy with them. They have no depth of character, and they are dragging down the very small minority of people who are genuinely 'different' and a quietly living their lives without causing any offence or needing to draw attention to themselves.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 5 June 2015 11:04:14 AM
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