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The Forum > Article Comments > Demonise and censor: the winning strategy of the gay marriage movement > Comments

Demonise and censor: the winning strategy of the gay marriage movement : Comments

By David van Gend, published 5/6/2015

As for me, I am a “bigot” in big red painted letters on the wall of my medical centre this week, courtesy of a local vandal who does not like my opposition to same-sex marriage.

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Simmple solution, Dave: if you don't want people pointing out your obvious character flaws in red paint, just stop being a bigot. See, wasn't so hard, was it?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 5 June 2015 11:56:18 AM
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I don't agree with violence or graffiti of any kind, whether the victim is a bigot or not. David I see that your description "... is a Toowoomba GP and Queensland secretary for the World Federation of Doctors who Respect Human Life."

Gay people are live humans, yes?
You sure don't respect them or their wishes to be treated equally with other humans?
So this respect for human life is only limited to Christian heterosexuals then?
That is called bigotry.

Progressive Pat, where is there any actual proof that a god 'told' anyone at all what marriage should involve?
Or, did you get that notion from an actual human author?
No one is asking any Christian church, or anyone else, to marry gay couples, so I still don't see what the big drama is.

As for any kids living with a gay couple, I believe that in many gay households at least one of the couple is a biological parent to the kids, unless they were both infertile or too old.

Gee, just the same as in some heterosexual households!
I have seen some gay couples who make sure they have their child's other biological parent in their lives too, as I am sure even gay people are well aware of a child's need to know both their parents if at all possible.

It seems to me that anti-gay proponents are now just clutching at any bigoted straw before the inevitable happens and gay marriage is made legal.
And guess what? The sky won't fall in...
Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 5 June 2015 12:56:33 PM
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How is it inevitable? Homosexual marriage is nowhere supported by the voting population, the only way it can be approved is by act of parliament or court order, the decision lies in the hands of 226 people, 150 MP's and 76 Senators. You may be right in one sense because it's inevitable that politicians will betray their constituents and act against their interests, they do it all the time without consequence but it doesn't make it right. The overwhelming majority of Australians oppose continuing involvement in the "war on terror" and believe that history will not be kind to those who sent the troops on these adventures, the same can be said of those who support homosexual marriage, history will not be kind to them.

Rhrosty, if you don't want to talk about Nazis don't talk about Nazis.

Let's look at the issue from a realistic point of view through a simple example. In the U.S the latest government census information suggests that about 1.8% of the male population is homosexual, polling of homosexuals would indicate that around 4% would consider marriage now that it's available, that's 0.072% of the population.
Translate that across to Australia, a similar society and with our population of 23 million theoretically there's around 8,000 men who might possibly want to marry another man. The maths work out the same for the U.K where since it became legal only about 1100 same sex couples have tied the knot, other jurisdictions are difficult to speak on as many, like Germany simply don't collect the information but you can bet that it's the same. Even Brazil which is a magnet for homosexuals in conservative South America shows about 0.03% of couples as same sex and co-habiting.
This is a trivial issue which in a strong society with a healthy political culture would not even be debated.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 5 June 2015 1:41:58 PM
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I did reply to you. You are just too thick to understand the reply. I explained why I think I am not a bigot, without resorting to calling you names. Any one could be called a bigot at times; you are just too arrogant to think that it also applies to you. That's the trouble with narcissism; another problem for you is that your narcissim led you to believe that my remarks today were directed at you. They were not. Others do not find you as interesting as you yourself do. You are just another bore who replaces argument with name-calling, because you don't have any arguments to back your silly opinions.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 5 June 2015 1:55:39 PM
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Jay of Melbourne, I generally view any figures provided with posts here that are not supported by evidence suspiciously.
Even if only a few gay people do legally marry after it is made legal, the fact remains that they will have the same choice as heterosexual people already do.

How on earth would you know how many people in Australia would support legal gay marriage? I don't.

What I do know is that this country has citizens very similar to other Western countries like England, Germany and Ireland, and that Irish people voted it in.
The Irish who didn't vote at all in that referendum obviously couldn't care if Gay people married or not, so do you see Australians being much different, given the overwhelmingly British/Irish ancestry we have?

Comparing the war against terror in the Middle East with gay marriage made me laugh.
The horrible effects of war on our soldiers in no way compares with any possible fallout from legalising gay marriage, except for the angst felt by anti-gay people.
I doubt this 'angst' will lead them to mental health problems....but then again, maybe it will!
Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 5 June 2015 2:12:46 PM
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David your concern for children is admirable. You also as a doctor can easily see that bodies and body parts are designed in certain ways. Sticking the male organ up the waste passage is obviously extremely unhealthy. Sticking other objects up vaginas that are obviously designed for the penis is also perverse and unhealthy. The denial of this leads to being labelled a 'bigot'. Obviously the real bigots are the ones who want you silenced. You are a hero for decency.
Posted by runner, Friday, 5 June 2015 4:31:31 PM
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