The Forum > Article Comments > Don't blame Netanyahu for anti-Semitism > Comments
Don't blame Netanyahu for anti-Semitism : Comments
By Yury Glikin, published 20/5/2015The focus of this media coverage in Australia and the world has, perhaps unsurprisingly, been largely around the negative aspects of Mr Netanyahu's campaigning and his inflammatory rhetoric leading up to election day.
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You say "Netanyahu's comments were cowardly and desperate."
They were no such thing and it appears that you too have believed the false narrative put out by the Israel haters.
What a shame that as a Jew you didn't bother to seek out the actual comments PM. Netanyahu made and in what context they were made.
First "there will be no Palestinian state"
This comment was made as part of a interview
He said “I think that anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state today and evacuate lands is giving attack grounds to the radical Islam against the state of Israel.
Anyone who ignores this is sticking his head in the sand. The left does this time and time again,we are realistic and understand.”
He also said as part of that same interview
"there can be no democratic Jewish state unless there is also a Palestinian state."
This gave the twisted headline "there will be no Palestinian state"
The statement about "Arab citizens voting in droves" was to urge people to vote because the anti-Israel NGOs were paying for buses to take Arabs to polling booths, who in turn were being paid to vote.