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Why the Armenian Genocide matters : Comments
By Jed Lea-Henry, published 5/5/2015Turkey has successfully and consistently managed to intimidate the vast majority of the globe into silence over the Armenian genocide.
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Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 14 May 2015 9:27:48 PM
Re: the Aboriginals ethnically cleansing
If they had, had a superior armed force, I think they would indeed, have killed every foreigner who tried to claim land.
And that's the way it still works. The strongest armies hold countries.
Nobody knows the history of the Aboriginals going back
thousands of years, how do we know how many tribal wars they had
amongst themselves. Their was a racist fight between some
Aboriginals and Torres Straight Islanders here at one of the
entertainment areas not long ago. No solidarity of the tribes there.
Anyway, we would all be dead, white and aboriginal and this would be, a very prosperous Japanese Country now, if the Americans
hadn't come over and provided the extra manpower and weapons we
needed to defeat the Japanese.
This country was taken at the point of a gun and is held at the point of a gun. If that army on the Australian Army bases is ever totally of another ethnic origin, Like all Aboriginal, or all Chinese, Arab, then this will no longer be a country run by white
Anglo Saxons. Our army lets the Aboriginals contest land rights in our courts, but the Army that took control in Fiji, shut down the law courts when some groups tried to run there for justice
complaining about the military take over.
People may think that the politicians in CAnberra are running the
country but that is only as long as they have an army on side, who
is supporting and backing them up and lets them run the country.
This is the way it is in every country in the world. Law courts are great and provide justice but that justice is very fragile,and only allowed to operate if the army allows it.
So it is the way it always was, countries today are still held
at the point of a gun, the way they have been for thousands of years. All the nice talk about justice and the new global
village, doesn't alter that fact one bit.