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Why the Armenian Genocide matters : Comments
By Jed Lea-Henry, published 5/5/2015Turkey has successfully and consistently managed to intimidate the vast majority of the globe into silence over the Armenian genocide.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 10:37:08 AM
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I generally agree with the author's opinions, but with some reservations.
"the deaths of six millions Jews will now be considered little more than an unfortunate accident, The Armenian genocide is only one of many forgotten holocausts, the Nazis also murdered about one million Roma and caused the deaths of least 20 million Russians and other Slavs. Jews weren't either the only victims of the Nazis, or the even the most numerous. The German colonial administration in what's now Namibia nearly exterminated the Herero and Nama people in the 20th century's first genocide. "Turkey has proven that such a model of coercive denial would almost certainly work: they have, after all, successfully and consistently managed to intimidate the vast majority of the globe into silence over the Armenian genocide." I'm sure that's not the only explanation, most Euro-centric Westerners have been only aware of the Nazis and their atrocities in Europe. Hollywood won't let the public forget about the Nazi genocide but has been far less interested in portraying other attempts at mass extermination. Also the Armenian genocide had faded into history by the 1930s, Hitler is supposed to have said--- "Who, after all, speaks to-day of the annihilation of the Armenians?" Posted by mac, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 5:45:28 PM
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To understand why Turkey won't apologise, you have to understand the Turkish character. Turks are fiercely nationalist and to apologise would hurt the pride and honour they have for their country. Westerners find this hard to understand because 50 years of "progressive" politics has taught us to be ashamed of every supposed bad deed done in the past. Turks are taught to be prideful of their wars and victories. Westerners are taught the opposite.
Posted by Aristocrat, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 9:02:46 PM
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One can only wonder when, not if, we will have to do something similar to cure our growing ethnic problem? I wonder what we will do to fix our self induced problem, & just how far we will go? I will be very surprised if, when we are pushed just too far, if we will be any kinder, [or weaker] than others have been.
I guess it will be after enough of our bleeding hearts, & their loved ones, have been hurt by our growing problem. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 6 May 2015 11:41:24 AM
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I don't care at all for a historical genocide; how about a focus on the CURRENT genocide against Christians by Islamists and their enablers in the West? They are not white so Lefties can support them.
Posted by McCackie, Thursday, 7 May 2015 7:53:39 AM
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Whether it's called genocide or not, the Turks massacred hundreds of thousands of Armenians because of their DNA. It's a crap country and should be openly recognised as such. The kowtowing to Moslem Turkey is not due to intimidation, it's due to voluntary dhimmitude, the same malady that fuels appeasement of the Moslem Fifth Column in Australia.
I think Hasbeen needs a response. We do not have an ethnic problem, any more than the Krauts did with the Jews. To try to "solve" an invented ethnic problem by attacking people because of their ethnicity, especially if the bullying gets physical, is no better than what got Nazi ringleaders rightly strung up after the war. We do have a Fifth Column problem based not on race but on religion. Anyone seeking to enter Australia should sign, and live, a pledge of respect for the universal rights of free speech, free association, apostasy, blasphemy against any murderous paedophile that has claimed divinity, and freedom to "marry out". Alternatively return to the paradise from which you came. Handcuffed to a copper if necessary. Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 12 May 2015 12:06:34 PM
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In answer to Aristocrat, the Turks should not be prideful of any wars other than in defence of home territory or liberty. Any wars of aggression merit not pride but shame. It is impossible not to be lost in prideful admiration of those wonderful Australians who put their lives on the line to protect this country and its allies from aggressive Axis jackals. The Turks deserve nothing other than humiliation and scorn for their "war" against the Armenians whether it's called genocide or not. Likewise their war against the Kurds fighting for the right of self-determination in their Turkish-occupied territory.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 12 May 2015 12:23:05 PM
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EmperorJulian, good luck in convincing Turks not to be prideful in their wars. As I stated previously, Westerners simply do not understand the Turkish character. Feeling guilt or bad for their nationalism is not something Turks do. Feeling guilt over past nationalist acts is a leftist invention (think how Australians are to feel guilt over 'invading' Australia in 1788). This guilt has to be taught, and it is taught in schools, universities, by leftist politicians, and by leftist social commentators. Turks do not have this machinery in place. Instead, the exact opposite is taught: pride.
Posted by Aristocrat, Tuesday, 12 May 2015 6:09:53 PM
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By "leftist" Aristocrat seems to be groping for the word honourable. Like what the Nazi ringleaders in aggression were rightly strung up (not by "leftists" as far as I remember) for transgressing.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 13 May 2015 4:30:42 PM
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Is there a country or civilisation on earth who don't
have an episode of ethnic cleansing in their history. Albeit, even just one Amazon tribe going down and attacking and slaughtering another. Not too many I would think, if you look far enough back across time. Dont forget Rwanda, or when the British pulled out of Africa And Mugabee and one of the other black generals, ethnically cleaned another Aftrican tribe. And the other general (whose name I can't remember), said to Mugabee, "why are we doing this, I thought it was only the British who did this" Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 14 May 2015 5:52:19 PM
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Emporer Julian,
The Krauts, did actually have a survival problem with the Jews. It was called the Great Depression, when the economy of Germany collapsed big time, with 6million germans being thrown out of their jobs by the shut down of Industry in the Ruhr valley. It was then, that the reality of blood is thicker than water, (especially when it comes to a choice of starvation and non- survival for you and your children),made itself abundantly obvious. It was then the Germans started sacking all the Jews that were lucky enough to have jobs and began employing non-Jewish, Germans, The German people started standing outside Jewish shops and businesses and forced people to only deal with German businesses. Before the Great Depression, the Germans had tolerated the Jews for centuries, as long as there was enough of the survival resources to go around, it would seem. I don't think the terrible cruelty by the Germans shouldn't be classed as a war crime. There was no need for the appalling cruelty. Maybe if they had just expelled the jews from Germany, drove them off into refugee camps would have been kinder, but still awful. . We have people in those camps after having been driven off land somewhere, all over the world today, and the conditions they live in are barely at the survival level. So the Turks are one example of historical genocide, but look around at a lot of the people in refugees camps today. They were ethnically cleansed in the sense of having to run for their lives or die while others overran their land and possessions. Isis is doing this now as we speak. Sort of what the Germans did really, grabbed back as many of the German territorial resources as they could. Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 14 May 2015 6:51:15 PM
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Re Cherful: We'd be in a lot of trouble if the Aborigines made the same excuse as the Germans and with the help of the Indos or Japs ethnically cleansed Australia. All people born in Germany had as much right as everyone else to live in Germany as equals. Problems occur when racists among Jews (or ethnic Germans) consider that being equals isn't good enough and that Jews of France and Britain and America and Australia don't have a homeland and deserve one on Palestinian land in which they are Übermenschen by (their) law. Defining people on ethnic lines, whining about his fellow-Krauts not being allowed to rule Austria, is what quickly turned the bollocks Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf into POISONOUS bollocks which finally led to his precious Übermenschen suffering savage retribution en masse at the hands of justifiably vengeful neighbours.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 14 May 2015 8:30:28 PM
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Emporer Julian
Re: the Aboriginals ethnically cleansing If they had, had a superior armed force, I think they would indeed, have killed every foreigner who tried to claim land. And that's the way it still works. The strongest armies hold countries. Nobody knows the history of the Aboriginals going back thousands of years, how do we know how many tribal wars they had amongst themselves. Their was a racist fight between some Aboriginals and Torres Straight Islanders here at one of the entertainment areas not long ago. No solidarity of the tribes there. Anyway, we would all be dead, white and aboriginal and this would be, a very prosperous Japanese Country now, if the Americans hadn't come over and provided the extra manpower and weapons we needed to defeat the Japanese. This country was taken at the point of a gun and is held at the point of a gun. If that army on the Australian Army bases is ever totally of another ethnic origin, Like all Aboriginal, or all Chinese, Arab, then this will no longer be a country run by white Anglo Saxons. Our army lets the Aboriginals contest land rights in our courts, but the Army that took control in Fiji, shut down the law courts when some groups tried to run there for justice complaining about the military take over. People may think that the politicians in CAnberra are running the country but that is only as long as they have an army on side, who is supporting and backing them up and lets them run the country. This is the way it is in every country in the world. Law courts are great and provide justice but that justice is very fragile,and only allowed to operate if the army allows it. So it is the way it always was, countries today are still held at the point of a gun, the way they have been for thousands of years. All the nice talk about justice and the new global village, doesn't alter that fact one bit. Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 14 May 2015 9:27:48 PM
Which included machine gunning down inside a single hour and from the safety of armored vehicles; hundreds of unarmed Irish civilians at a crowded sports stadium.
And very different from shooting from ambush by armed resistance/underground, at armed servicemen!
While the latter two may well have been vastly smaller incidents, on a percentage scale and compered with total population numbers; at least as significant as some of the aforementioned!
Even so, who now living can be held to account for the misdeeds of previous now dead and buried leaders; or those long dead who fired the weapons!
Certainly not the ethnic communities from which they sprang; or indeed, who may have been inadvertently involved or had things done in their unwilling names?
i.e., who now living in Tasmania can be held to account for the virtual elimination of an entire ethnic race?
While what unspeakable things happened a hundred years ago in turkey controlled Armenia, may well have been horrific, it just did not result in the virtual elimination of a whole ethnic community?
Even so, they were different times, with different attitudes and expectations!
And crimes against humanity occurred around the globe by various cultures seeking to posses the wealth and land belonging to countless others; in places like the Americas, Africa and India! Or indeed China, where gunboat diplomacy won many concessions and territory!
Armenia may well matter but so does every other life prematurely snuffed out for any reason, be it control, land acquisition or religious conviction created crusades!
And what price reparation and compensation?
And even were we to settle on a number, say 1.5 trillion?
Would that bring back any of the murdered or butchered?
And who would be eligible as the intended recipients; and how could anyone unequivocally prove beyond any reasonable doubt, a DNA testable blood relationship to a particular victim?