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Rebuilding in Ukraine : Comments

By Hanna Hopko, published 5/5/2015

So, look at us not through the prism of tragedy and war, but through the prism of a society that is truly on the rise and where young people especially have a unique chance to show their personal and democratic creativity.

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"Australians have all the benefits of an ultimately stable and transparent democratic system, a dynamic civil society, a well-governed and truly competitive business sector, successful multiculturalism, and unquestioned respect for human rights."

How delusional one can get when blinded by nationalism!

Ukrainian nationalism; Russian nationalism; Australian nationalism; Muslim nationalism - you name it, they are all the same, with the ultimate aim of using up your children as fodder, be it for guns or for the economy!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 9:19:32 AM
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Hey Yuyutsu. What were the Ukrainians expected to do when attacked by Russian sponsored and backed forces?

Roll over and beg for a tummy rub from a far more powerful neighbor seeking to annex it's smaller neighbor's oil and gas assets?

Even so, Russian is beginning to understand she can't just help herself to other's sovereign assets, if she is forever then robbed of a friendly market to sell to!?

And that is likely to continue as long as the Russian backed aggression continues. And helped no doubt by the 1.7 trillion barrels of te yet undeveloped Edmonton oil reserve!?

I for one would like to see Ukraine helped wherever possible,to fully develop her own natural resources and become truly independent of her near and bigger neighbor!

Even as other near neighbors see the Russian writing on the wall and position self defense patriot missiles to prevent Russian sabre rattling from persuading them to say, give up a protective NATO alliance; and again become part of a larger Russia?

And hopefully that NATO alliance will soon include the Ukraine?

Even as the rest of Europe finds and utilizes non Russian sourced cheaper energy; (Thorium and biogas) and a good outcome; given current Russian aggression is funded almost exclusively by the sale of her energy products.

Even a supposedly sympathetic China has huge gas and coal reserves of her own to use instead of current exports from Russia; and done in knowledge that America and Europe are far larger markets than anything Russia can offer; except perhaps, involvement in her lunatic military adventures?

The dishonest progressive stealth and creep of which, is now fully exposed!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 11:49:12 AM
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Dear Rhrosty,

Obviously, the people of Ukraine need to do what it takes in order to protect themselves from the Russian threat.

What has this to do with anything I wrote?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 3:35:47 PM
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There may be more to the Ukrainian conflict than what we are being told. The current Ukraine government includes far right, anti-communist nationalists, National Socialists - Svoboda - Ukraine has 3 Svoboda ministers, Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Sych, Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Ihor Shvaika and Environment and Natural Resources Minister Andriy Mokhnyk.

There have been a number of highly suspicious deaths of those opposed to the new government and the privatisation of state assets.

Oles Buzina pro-Russian journalist shot outside his flat 26 April 2015

Oleg Kalashnikov, opposition politician, shot in his home 16 April 2015

Serhiy Melnychuk, former Odesa prosecutor, fell to death 13 March 2015

Olesksandr Peklushenko, opposition politician, shot in his home 12 March 2015

Stanislav Melnyk, politician and businessman, shot in his home with rifle, apparent suicide 9 March 2015

Mykhaylo Chechetov, former party of regions deputy chairman, fell from a 17th floor window 28th February 2015

Serhiy Valter, Mayor of Melitopol, found hanged 25 February 2015

Oliksanr Bordyuh, deputy chief of Melitopol police found dead in garage 26 February 2015

Oleksiy Kolesnyk, the former head of the Kharkiv regional government, found hanged, January 29

Mykola Serhiyenko, the former first deputy chief of the state-run Ukrainian Railways, died in his Kyiv home, shot himself with rifle, 26 January 2015

Valentina Semenyuk-Samsonenko, former head State Property Fund, found dead of a gunshot wound to the head,Her family told reporters they dismissed the possibility of suicide, saying that she had spoken fearfully of someone taking out a contract on her life. 27 August, 2014

weird huh?
Posted by BJelly, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 6:50:08 PM
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Hanna asserts "the vast majority of our country is at peace" these are weasel words. There is a major humanitarian crisis in the Donetsk region.

The Jerusalem Post states more than 3/4 of Donetsk's Jewish population has fled.

The UNHCR - February 6 2015 reported there was nearly 1 million internally displaced people in Ukraine.

It also stated "In addition, some 600,000 Ukrainians have sought asylum or other forms of legal stay in neighbouring countries, particularly the Russian Federation, but also Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Hungary and Romania, since February 2014."

If Russia is the aggressor - why are so many Ukrainians fleeing to Russia?

Weird huh?
Posted by BJelly, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 7:24:08 PM
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Everything and nothing Yuyutsu!

Third paragraph starts with Ukraine nationalism. Which seems to attack and accuse the nation under attack; and as written seems to blame the victim?

Conversely I believe most Ukrainians just did not have kids so they could be used as cannon fodder!

Neither did we, the French or the Brits when we stood against the ultimate evil of Nazi Germany!

Some of the returning soldiers, who admitted to routinely firing over the heads of the enemy, stopped and instead aimed for kill shots, once they saw what the Germans had done in those infamous death camps!

And even went so far as to finally see the conflict as a righteous war, (see the world at war) as indeed, do most Ukrainians being attacked by proxy, without cause or justification by a significantly larger Russia.

If we did anything wrong in the second world war; it was to try and appease a lunatic dictator, when we should have called his bluff immediately he annexed Austria.

Sadly, the allies were little more than a divided rabble, who still believed they could appease or talk down a power mad dictator!?

And we had plenty of forewarning as the Germans built up their military during the early thirties!

The problems with the lessons of history, nobody seems to learn them?

A wiser Putin would just pull back and let the Ukrainians sort out their own domestic problems, possibly via the granting of more regional autonomy, except where defense and Ukrainian sovereignty are concerned?

Just don't expect anyone there to trust Putin ever again, given his verbal agreements are not worth the paper they're written on!

We can probably agree on one thing, nobody needs die today, over some tenuous and easily removed land rights or regional autonomy!

Or indeed, free speech and a free press inside a very cleverly distracted Russia?
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 7:52:08 PM
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Apologies, Svoboda no longer have 3 representatives in the Ukraine government, they resigned in November 2014.
Posted by BJelly, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 8:02:15 PM
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Dear Rhrosty,

<<Third paragraph starts with Ukraine nationalism. Which seems to attack and accuse the nation under attack; and as written seems to blame the victim?>>

This was never my intent. I do not blame the Ukrainian people for defending themselves - I pity them that in this process of defending themselves, as a side-effect, they fall prey to nationalism, so much that they even blindly praise and envy the Australian "nation". By developing national feelings, they subject themselves to the same disease which the Russians, whom they hate so much, suffer from and which causes their aggression.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 9:36:52 PM
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