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Pressure builds as stroke epidemic looms : Comments
By Erin Lalor, published 4/5/2015Since 2002 the number of stroke survivors in Australia has more than tripled and by 2050 this number is likely to soar to more than 700,000 sufferers.
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Posted by Arjay, Monday, 4 May 2015 9:31:12 AM
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Array, your friend lied.
Hepatitis C is caused by a virus attacking the liver and it can't be 'cured' by diet alone. If he did have Hep. C, he needed anti-viral medications to become well again. A good low fat, no alcohol diet would certainly improve matters, but not without medications. These idiots who go around saying we can cure all ills by food grown in faeces are either liars or fools. They are the cause of many unnecessary deaths in people who are clutching at straws after some awful diagnoses. They make me angry. We can certainly help prevent strokes by low salt diets and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle, but many people do these things but still have problems with high blood pressure due to genetic reasons. If these people don't listen to their doctor and take anti-hypertensive medications as well as a healthy lifestyle, then they remain at risk of strokes. Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 4 May 2015 8:34:19 PM
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Susanonline,he is not cured. He still has the virus. The Doctors did the count on his liver which is in the normal range for damage. The damage to his liver has been reversed.
So don't jump to conclusions. This guy has degrees in marine biology, computer science and business. He is a lot more intelligent than you or I. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 4 May 2015 11:22:24 PM
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You have no idea how intelligent I am Arjay.
Did your friend take anti-viral drugs or not? If not, and he claims to have healed his liver by diet alone, then he needs to present himself to medical scientists for testing, because he may be a medical miracle..... Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 12:09:41 AM
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The trouble with testing blood pressure is that lots of healthy people don't conform to the 'norms' laid down so long ago. Some people, like me, have a naturally higher than average reading, but the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures is also greater than normal [in me], and that is the important thing. I went to a medical practitioner for an infected cut, and for no obvious reason he took my blood pressure. Then said I had to immediately go on pills to lower my pressure, because as I didn't drink, smoke, and am lean and fit, there must be something dreadfully wrong. I pointed out that for the last 60 years I've had the same pressure, but he remained wedded to the idea that everyone should have an identical pressure to be healthy. Beware the influence of drug cartels on medical practitioners, and their pills, they make you sick.
Posted by ybgirp, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 8:07:32 AM
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Suseonline, the liver can regenerate and no,it was not the drugs because he was told the drugs would not reverse the damage. So the most likely cause was his diet.
Dr Rima Laibow is an MD and Psychiatrist and says she never treats her patients with man made drugs. It is about time the Medical Profession broke away from the big drug companies and started treating people on a holistic basis. The human body does operate in compartments.It is an integrated system. My own experience with the medical profession is they prescribe dangerous drugs to cope with symptoms rather than addressing the underlying cause and most of the time do not know what that cause is because they all specialise too much and are guided by corporate greed. Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 5 May 2015 8:27:46 AM
A friend who was diagnosed with Hepatitis C was told his liver count was 11 and his future looked bleak. He went on a diet excluding meats and dairy ,eggs etc, no coffee or alcohol. Fruit,Veges organically grown and nuts were his staple diet.2 yrs later his liver count is 5 and in the normal range. The Drs could not believe it.
Our medical profession is very ignorant and mainly are drug pushers of big pharmaceutical companies. You don't need most of these drugs.