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The Forum > Article Comments > Netanyahu consistent in his deception > Comments

Netanyahu consistent in his deception : Comments

By George Browning, published 27/3/2015

Even in 2009 when he publically endorsed the establishment of a Palestinian state, he never refuted the claims of his closest associates that he was deceiving the Americans.

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A timely article

Being most charitable the Holocaust, pogroms, and other long term oppression has brought out much good but also much evil in Israel.

"Last summer Israeli security forces killed more than 2,200 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, at least two-thirds whom (according to the UN) were civilians." very much reflects Israel's perversely "righteous" 100-eyes-for-1-Israeli-eye policy of vengeance.

The religious chauvanism of many, but not all, Israelis should not disguise their acute dependence on the good graces and generosity of the US and several other Western countries.

Propagandists of the Israeli diaspora - including one OLO author - should realise this.
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 27 March 2015 2:17:13 PM
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More kill the Jew bilge. Doesn't really matter, when Iran gets its nukes gifted by O an it starts a war with them, will you also cheer 50 million dead?
Posted by McCackie, Friday, 27 March 2015 2:51:06 PM
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restart at 30
Nicholas Kollerstrom - Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality (Swedish)

“There’s no business like Shoah business” – quote by Israel former Foreign Minister, Abba Eban

The Six-Million-Heresy that will dissolve Jewry
Posted by Constance, Friday, 27 March 2015 4:22:41 PM
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Clearly ‘Plantagenet’ doesn’t follow the news, even the Israel hater Ruth Pollard has reported the fact that, the Israel hating organisation, AMNESTY has said that the invented ‘Palestinian people’ in Gaza committed war crimes during the last offensive.

I further suggest ‘Plantagenet’ you do some research in this comment
“Israeli security forces killed more than 2,200 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, at least two-thirds whom (according to the UN) were civilians."

That has been proven wrong and even if it were correct, that unfortunately is the nature of armed conflict. Crikey look what is going on in Africa and elsewhere in the ME, where’s your condemnation of that?

More tragic and despicable is using your own people as human shields, which the Gazans themselves report

Likewise dressing your military in civilian clothing to fudge the official figures.

Maybe next time around, which won’t be long, as Hamas are already using the cement Israel has supplied for home building, for its terror tunnels, you might just care to subscribe to the IDF news feed and see the number of missions aborted due to human shields being put into place on roof tops.

That way you will also see evidence that Hamas will not permit Gazans to evacuate when warned to do so by the IDF.
Posted by SF, Friday, 27 March 2015 4:33:57 PM
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Dear SF

Do you have any comments on the actual article?

Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 27 March 2015 5:18:39 PM
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George Browning You should learn some Hebrew so you don’t look like an idiot.

Also learn the facts before putting yourself up as some kind of expert, for the gullible to swallow.

You believe the western press, who all posted inaccurate translations of PM Netanyahu’s remark which was taken out of context.

He said that the Arabs are not ready and that they need to accept a ‘Palestinian’ state that is demilitarised and recognises Israel as a Jewish state.

He also said that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state and evacuate areas, is giving radical Islam an area from which to attack the State of Israel.

He said

“This is the true reality that has been created in past years. Those who ignore it are burying their heads in the sand. The left does this, buries its head in the sand, time and again.”

When asked explicitly if a Palestinian state would not be created under his leadership, Netanyahu replied,


“Palestinians of the Occupied Territories will enter their fiftieth year living as the indigenous non-citizens of a Jewish state that excludes them from any influence over their water and electricity supply”

Where on earth do you get that from?

Israel has NEVER been in occupation. When Jordan stole Judaea and Samaria from her Arab brothers, when Egypt stole Gaza from her Arab brothers, they were under occupation.

If you are referring to Israel being in control of Area C of Judaea and Samaria, hate to burst your bubble, they are there legally, you Arab mates signed the Oslo Accords. There are not many Arabs in Area C.
Area B is under joint control of Israel and the PA. Very few people live there
Area A is under full control of the PA. Close to 2 million Arabs live there

They do have influence over water and electricity, but and there is a big BUT here, not when you don’t pay your bills. Israel has been supplying services free for years, but your loony left pals don’t tell you that.

End Part ONE
Posted by SF, Friday, 27 March 2015 5:43:01 PM
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