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Religion, terrorism and free speech : Comments
By Laurence Maher, published 2/1/2015It is more than passing odd that a prominent feature of the ensuing discussion and debate has been the unequivocal claim, especially voiced by the Fairfax/ABC media alliance, that the killer's actions had nothing to do with religious faith.
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Posted by 579, Saturday, 3 January 2015 12:33:35 PM
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Good article, Religion can be a force of good, but mostly it's a force for bad. The SBC (Sydney Broad Casting) and SBS are always going to take the social worker, lets worry about the impact on the offender and their sub culture. Unfortunately the Lib's cuts are only going to make it worst.
Runner I look forward to your posts, not matter how "out there" I think religious people can be, you always push to envelope. Posted by cornonacob, Saturday, 3 January 2015 3:31:41 PM
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I agree that Freedom of speech, if it exists in Australia, must mean we are free to discuss any ideology. And religion would fall into the category of ideology. And it is a concern that our leaders and law makers are so dimwitted as to not be able to differentiate race from religion. Race is associated with things you are born with, things you can't change, such as: birthplace, family lineage, skin colour. Religion is more ideological, associated with giving assent to various sets of facts or propositions. You can change your mind about what you consider your base facts, as often as you like, as easily as changing your underpants. There may sometimes be some overlap between race, religion, language, and culture. But essentially race and religion are very different things. That the AHRC can't see the difference makes one suspicious as to what freedom restricting agenda they have in mind to impose. So I agree that there is no reason why religious ideas and beliefs, as any other ideology, should have any preferred claim to legal protection from critique. Yet I'm suspicious about your antagonism to religion. You refer to 'indoctrination' by religious parents of their children. Is it not the right of parents to pass on to the next generation whatever whatever values they consider worthy? To do otherwise would be irresponsible. Or do only atheist parents only ever engage in appropriate education and child rearing, while never imposing their views on their children? Laurence, are you selling on both sides of the street? Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Saturday, 3 January 2015 10:24:16 PM
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Summarising Lawrence Maher's 1,967 word article in legalese.
A QANGO called the INLSM, which the ethnic vote sucking Gillard government set up to monitor Australia's anti terrorism laws, doesn't like Australia's perfectly adequate legal definition of "terrorism", for a bunch of lame reasons. Although the INSLM admits that it would have defined Man Haron Monis's act of Islamic terrorism adequately. Maybe the INSLM sees that as the real problem. But it seems that the ABC/Fairfax multicultural tolerance fanatics are frightened that their multicultural utopia has coming apart, so they support the INLSM's bid to distance the Islamic religion from terrorism. Their lame excuse, is that Muslim terrorists misread the passages in the Koran which compel Muslims to ethnically cleanse non Muslims, to really mean "Love Thy Neighbour." Therefore, Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. Like, their kidding, right? No wonder Fairfax is on a slide, and the calls to reform the ABC or abolish it, keeps getting more strident. Not to be outdone in self evident stupidity, Australia's Human Rights pukes weighed in with more insanity. Islamic terrorism is not Islamic terrorism, because, well gee, nobody can agree on what a religion is anyway, so the Muzzies get a free pass by default. Looks like it is time for the taxpayers to save a lot of money, by abolishing the HRC, the ABC, and INLSM, since these lotus eaters have lost touch with reality. Anyhoo, the multiculturalists have a tiger by the tail, and as usual, they have come up with ridiculous solutions. We can't criticise religious dogma because that is "racism". So, we have to push the line that all religions (with the exception of those damned Catholics) is beyond reproach. We will feed the public the line that all religions (except those damned Catholics) are moderate, and that any extremism which is self evident in Islamic religious dogma, is not really there. We then expect the Australian government to become religious experts and set up another publically funded QANGO to instruct wayward Jihadis on the error of their ways. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 4 January 2015 5:37:11 AM
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That's right LEGO,
When the ABC axed "The Religion Report" along with their excellent investigative journalist, Steven Crittenden. They purposely threw him in the wilderness for the purpose of non-debate on religious issues. The Sydney Morning Herald reports: "Supporters of radio presenter Stephen Crittenden, who has been stood down as the host of Radio National's The Religion Report, have accused ABC management of seeking to suppress religious and cultural debate at the national broadcaster. Crittenden faces dismissal at the end of the week unless he can convince management to overturn the findings of an internal investigation which found he had engaged in "serious misconduct". The case involves an article written by Crittenden for the July 19-20 edition of The Sydney Morning Herald's Spectrum section, which examined Samuel P. Huntington's contentious 1996 book on growing Islamic unrest, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order." Posted by Constance, Sunday, 4 January 2015 8:39:29 AM
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Posted by cornonacob, Saturday, 3 January 2015 3:31:41 PM
" ... Runner I look forward to your posts, not matter how "out there" I think religious people can be, you always push (the) envelope. ... " .. Posted by runner, Friday, 2 January 2015 3:04:04 PM " ... Many would be still locked up if it was not for some sleazy lawyer finding loopholes in poor laws. Yep daily men drop faithful wives for another model, women murder unborn for convenience, 10 year old girls speak filth from the rot they listen to, teenagers kill themselves after 10 relationships and the list go on an on. ... " Yes, there have been more than a few times when one of *Runner's* posts have left me giggling for quite a while too. And yet, there seems to be such a sense of disillusionment, such a sense of sadness. And, to a certain extent, I can sympathise and understand that. Perhaps *Runner* finds himself torn, with his great of Love for the Church on the one hand, and yet his abject horror at the behaviour of its leadership on the other. Whilst there is much of a most foul and evil nature in the world, there is also great goodness. And given that largely what goes in is largely what comes out (which also goes to why the media carries on the way it does as with the advertisers) perhaps he would do well to immerse himself also in the goodness of the world. We would all do well to be mindful of the following, which I picked up from a recent sojourn to Balder's Gate: " ... He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster .. when you gaze long into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you. ... " Friedrich Nietzsche Posted by DreamOn, Sunday, 4 January 2015 12:44:41 PM
This is the domain of male fulfillment. They can not assimilate, They want to rule the world under one interpretation of the Koran.
I can’t believe any god could have written such words as they believe is the case. It’s more like the words of a madman.
Some countries are on the verge of civil war because of the anti assimilation, when this happens proper, it is likely to spread across all countries that have populations of :
Best they stay in their own country and live their male dominated murderus” life or face extinction.