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The Forum > Article Comments > No to increasing the GST > Comments

No to increasing the GST : Comments

By Mikayla Novak, published 3/11/2014

Reform of the Australian federation should not serve as the stalking horse for worsening our already uncompetitive taxation burdens.

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Hi Rhrosty,

Most of your comments make some sense but the one on this subject requires a reply.

You said that the government could suddenly change the banknotes it issues and catch the hoarders when they tried to change their hoard into the new notes.

You should be aware that this trick has been tried by various governments around the world over the last century. The only problem with it is that it will only work once. For some unaccountable reason people will decline to save their assets in the new currency, and choose some foreign currency or gold instead. You will then have the situation that prevailed in most of the eastern bloc during the cold war of spivs accosting tourists and offering to change their money at black market prices. If you care to take a trip, go to Argentina and you will see that this is what is happening today. The old adage is once bitten, twice shy. If the government responds by making possession of foreign exchange a criminal offence, such as happened in Cuba and Zimbabwe, you will be well on the way to economic collapse.

Whenever you suggest a solution, always remember the Golden Rule of capitalism, which is that the guy that has the gold makes the rules.

Any action in Australia along the lines you have suggested would almost certainly make our overseas lenders decide to call in Australia's foreign debt.
Posted by plerdsus, Tuesday, 4 November 2014 8:12:41 AM
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plerdsus, we would go broke building prisons.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 4 November 2014 12:31:12 PM
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No to the GST altogether.
Bring back the old wholesale sales tax and make it 40%, like it used to be, on junk food, luxuries, soft drink, alcohol etc etc.
Ever wonder why half your supermarket is now taken up by crap? Wonder why it is cheaper to eat takeaway than cook? Wonder why there are so many fat people? Not to mention making every tradie, barber, accountant etc a tax collector.
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 9:32:20 AM
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