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In times like these : Comments

By Richard Hil, published 7/10/2014

Previously derided for his errant pugilism and relentless negativity as well as his penchant for wearing skimpy Speedos and a swim cap, our PM has shown what a prolonged regime of physical fitness can achieve.

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The writer has overlooked hair extensions as a means of disguise. Perhaps all hair should be shaved - glo-tops for all who would enter the hallowed halls of Bronnie's parliament.
We are fast becoming the laughing stock of the world, and rightly so.
Posted by GYM-FISH, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 8:55:20 AM
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A great piece of writing! Unfortunately, we are losing our 'laughing-stock' image and moving towards a 'hated-nation' status instead.

Sitting in the 'Killer American Camp' makes us targets for every so-called 'Terrorist' in the world, a simple fact that seems to elude all of our politicians.

Our 'Little Hitler', who wears budgie-smugglers to puff up his modest attachments, is having the time of his life playing at wargames in his second childhood. It's to be hoped that his servile posing doesn't come back to bite him on his skinny bum!

Australia must reject the 'Endless War' paradigm and stand as a peaceful Nation if it is to survive the maelstrom that is coming!
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 9:35:13 AM
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Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 11:28:22 AM
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Again and as always, a permanently disgruntled DG, is busy busy bashing America, (endlessly sowing the seeds of dissent) regardless of the thread, subject matter or topic?
A bit reminiscent of the way the intensely evil Nazis managed to blame the hapless peace loving and passive Jews, for all of the ills of the world.
If you don't like us and or our, born in blood sacrifice, allegiances DG, you remain free to find somewhere else, more to your liking to go and live. Northern Iraq via Turkey and Syria perhaps?
I'll even pass the hat around if you have a problem funding a one-way economy class ticket.
I thought it was only females that got married, then spent the rest of their nag, nag, nag, lives trying to change their less than "adequate" men?
I really have had my fill of monotonous, moaning, mealy mouthed migrants that move here, and then try the very same thing on with the host nation!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 11:56:25 AM
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God aren't there a lot of nothing people in the world.

Interesting that so many of them congregate in the same faculty & seem to be proud of writing the same stuff, & talk a lot.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 12:21:57 PM
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‘morning Dick H,

I note that you posted this article under the heading of “humor and satire”. I’ve read it twice and struggled to find any evidence of either. The closest you came was the reference to “Christian Milne”? Christine’s brother perhaps?

If this is the best on offer from a “Senior Lecturer in the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Southern Cross University, NSW”, then sadly you make an excellent case for rolling what is left of “humanities study” into year 12, where it seems to belong, and removing it entirely from the University curriculum. I do hope you are not drawing your salary from the public purse.

I even tried to find a target audience for you but after much analysis and my ultimate failure, up popped David G with a ringing endorsement. That Mr. Senior Lecturer, sums up the level of your offering.

Here’s a suggestion. Why don’t you offer your article to your students for analysis and comment? If they are at all critical of the tone, content, structure, values, subliminal ideology or maturity of your article, then it will demonstrate just how disconnected you are from even today’s humanities students.

If on the other hand they support it, that tells you just how effective and culpable you are for the demise in value of University Degree’s.

You should be deeply ashamed, if for no other reason than for actually sucking from the public purse for this sixth form trash.
Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 12:36:42 PM
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David, Tony Abbott is not the cause of this problem, he's just the one who's holding the reigns when the enevidable has raised it's head. It's successive governments, with their lack luster, politically correct way of thinking that has allowed these people to immigrate to our peace loving nation, and gain momentum on their quest to eventually take over. Or at least that's their agenda.

Now while I accept that most Muslims here are decent people, the problem is that not even they can control the extremists who feed ofF the same beliefs. Remove the religion/faith, and you remove the majority of the problems we now face through no fault of our own.

An attack on us has always been on the cards, it's just that this latest move may have excelerated the risk. The big question now is do we keep the pressure on, or, do we do as usual and go so far then back off, which achieves very little.

I say keep the momentum rolling and rid our nation of this trash that the extremists feed off and if that's offends some, the door is not locked and they can leave at any time. Our country should not accommodate such hatred of our fellow man.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 2:04:55 PM
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Lol! rehctub's post...that's funny.

Straight from the Abbott govt ACME Hysteria Manual.

And then there's this.....

"It was one of the most frightening, powerful images to emerge from counter-terrorism raids across Sydney last month.

As one man was charged with conspiring to behead a random person in Sydney's CBD, police removed a sword in an evidence bag from a Marsfield home.

But the owner of the menacing item has revealed that it is actually a plastic decoration common in almost every Shiite Muslim household."

"Azari, 22, was charged with conspiring to commit a terrorist act after allegedly speaking to terrorist Mohammad Ali Baryalei via phone and taking orders to seize a random person from the city's streets and behead them.

Dirani was detained and later released without charge."

".....wouldn't be able to cut a cucumber"."

But, of course, we shouldn't let technicalities like that get in the way of a good beat up....
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 2:14:40 PM
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There was a silly old codger called Rhrosty, whose demeanor was quite often frosty.

He thought that he knew everything,

Believed that Shakespeare didn’t compare to him,

Poor old Rhrosty; verbal diarrhea finished him off. It proved to be no loss!
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 3:18:08 PM
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Poirot, I think you will find that all of the recent beheading have been performed with a hunting style knife.

Besides, I would think it would be hard to conceal a large sword, unless of cause the offender was a man, dressed as a Muslim woman. Food for thought, hey!
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 4:08:42 PM
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@ Hasbeen, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 12:21:57 PM

While I support free university, no fees, the upside of fee paying students is that the previous very large rump of academics who expected continuance of their comfy, unaccountable sinecures as of by right and didn't care squat about students or skills in short supply, are now squirming under the reporting and other accountability measures.

Of course it was their own 'Progressive' politics that emptied the bucket of taxpayers money that in turn resulted in fee paying students (and buying international students with citizenship if they paid big fees). Predictably, the students soon turned around to say, "OK, since we're paying, what about lecturers actually delivering for once?".

Since then, there has been nothing but screaming from the sociology and other social 'sciences'. Lets face it, if that gender studies major or human rights law can't buy a 'manager' job in the public service anymore, why pay for it?

There used to be dozens of academics on university payrolls who were never seen except on pay day and whose only 'production' was the occasional paper that summarised other researchers' findings. It goes without saying that they were totally unconcerned about students and would have been self-righteously aghast, alarmed and angry, if they were ever asked about 'minor' details as student failure rates in 'their' faculties. True some still exist, but it is only a question of time before the dwindling guvvy grants for self-justifying 'research' run out entirely.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 4:17:04 PM
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"Besides, I would think it would be hard to conceal a large sword, unless of cause the offender was a man, dressed as a Muslim woman. Food for thought, hey!"

I'm sure you'll find that scenario in chapter eleventy of the Hysteria manual.

But in the meantime....

"Scott Papworth, 27, is accused of yelling abuse about Islam and punching a side-view mirror as a woman, 26, and her mother sat in a car in the city about 7:00pm (AEDT) last night.

Police say Papworth followed the pair as they drove away and continued the abuse after they pulled over to fix the car's mirror.

Papworth is also accused of punching a man who tried to help the women, and stealing mobile phones from two people who intervened, before being apprehended by members of the public."

Look at all the good cheer the govt's hysteria has engendered.

Warms the cockles, hey!
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 4:21:36 PM
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But no groups wearing turbans,trilbies and berets or wigs have threatened to bomb parliament house have they?

Just because I wear a German swazstika, into a Mosque in Sydney I don't know why they would be suspicious of me, after all, just because I am wearing the swazstika doesn't mean I am one of the ones who would kill for the sake of white supremcy.

Just because I wear the KKK uniform into a black suburb, why should
they be frightened of me.

This highlights the absurdity of the Muslim argument.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 7 October 2014 5:43:04 PM
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I would suggest, that in spite of what appears to be popular opinion, scattered through the piece, there are some grains of truth which need further consideration.

Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 8:37:54 AM
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Yes Poirot, and none of this would have happened had 911 not occurred, or, if our media and social media sites didn't broadcast the Islamic extremists blurting out their hatred toward peace loving Australians.

Some races are not suited to assimilate. That's a fact!

Another fact is that had so called Australians not left our safe haven to fight with the IS, none of this would have happened either.

I will say this till the day I die, "when you have Australian born Muslims, who turn to violence, threading fellow Australians with the likes of beheadings, there is a serious problem" and the only solution is to rid our nation of the religion/faith, call it what you will, as the violence that is found within this religion/faith has no place in our peace loving nation.,

Choice one for Muslims is to forego their religion/faith, and assimilate, choice two is to leave, because whether they like it or not, it is they as a group who have brought this garbage to our country, and every other country they have immigrated to to the best of my knowledge.

Tony Abbott gained my vote and has my full support on this matter.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 9:09:52 AM
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"...didn't broadcast the Islamic extremists blurting out their hatred toward peace loving Australians," says Rehctub.

Last time I looked, the 'Peace-Loving Australians' have been involved in every war the Yanks have started as part of their Imperial Conquest of the Whole World.

This time around, our illustrious P.M., to impress the Yanks, sent our jets and troops before they were required.

Peace-loving Australians? Where are they?
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 9:21:16 AM
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...Peace-loving Australians? Where are they?

Given some 75% of Austrlians polled are supportive of Abbotts actions, I would suggest they are right here, in overwhelming support of a global mission to rid the world of this type of scum.

As for our own Muslims, they have come here, enjoyed our extremely generous welfare system, (7 out of every 10 Australians receive welfare) only to have these recipients of our tax payer gifts, be unable to prevent their offspring from turning on us.

This is the reason I say it must end, their problem, created by them and they can't control it. It's a fact!
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 10:12:51 AM
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There once was a poster called David the G
His myopia was displayed for all to see
So progressive and left leaning he wanted to be

His mantra of relativism was established as such
So slowly his content got stalled at not very much
That his thoughts progressively got out of touch

So soldiering on with mantra as shield
He launched himself right into the battlefield
Only facing his dogma being expertly peeled

Now this would be fine if battles were won
As reality swamped him by the ton
His illusions were falling one by one

That didn’t work lets do that again
We failed and got flogged and that’s such a pain
So why not repeat it although it’s in vain

So what of the war let alone the battle
Incoherently fading into a faint prattle
Lets do it again we sheep are not cattle

Time has gone by and nothing has changed
With only the scars to show he was manged
The world has moved on and left him deranged
Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 12:09:26 PM
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There once was a boy called Spindoc,
Who frequently played with his Ko..
His father said he’d go blind,
Spindoc said, ‘I don’t mind!’

Later in life Spindoc took a wife,
She said, ‘It’s going to cause strife.
That poor little thing, wrap it in string,
It will make it a little more thrilling!’

So Spindoc did as she bid,
Round and round he spun as he hid.
But alas his treasure soon fell off,
And slipped into a very deep trough.

‘Now what will I do my dear spouse?”
Spindoc asked as he ran from the house.
‘Tie it round your neck by some cotton,
And tell folk your luck has been rotten.’
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 2:24:42 PM
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‘morning David G,

There you go, humor at last. Well done.

For future reference you might wish to consider refraining from the sixth form obsession with genitalia and sexual deviation. Also family member references like wives are out, but otherwise you have now broken the mold.

Write something humorous into your next post, I’m sure most would enjoy the change
Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 2:38:27 PM
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Here's to all you "poets" on this discussion
who have decided to contribute rhymes against
other posters. So here's one for you:

"You guys don't really fly
You can't kiss the sky
The rising sun can kiss the grass
But you dear chaps
Yes You!
Can kiss our Azz!"
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 3:21:11 PM
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cont'd ...

Like the humour?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 3:22:49 PM
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Foxy, people like us might not fly

But at least we give it a try.

Perhaps we can't kiss the sky

And often we too wonder why.

The world is a mess in distress

To bring a smile is a test.

Foxy, give us a taste of your skill

To applaud you would give us a thrill!
Posted by David G, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 5:49:38 PM
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Dear David G.,

Something to make you smile ...

"The wonderful thing about posters
Is reading their thoughts as they speak
But it's not "How d'you do?"
Like I say to you
It's a pat on the back that they seek.
There are posters of all descriptions
Of every shape and size
Some have giant egos
And great big open minds
Some of them are dark and deep
Their posts are incredibly long
They're grumpy and proud
And they bellow out loud
To show they're mighty and strong!"
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 8:02:21 PM
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What a great poem. Such an accurate and perceptive
description of the personalities we see on, on-line opinion.

It is really amazing how the personalities do shine through,the
written words. Often so accurately, that if someone changes
their username they can often still be recognised by regular
online-opinion members. Your poem points this out in an
engaging and charming way.
Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 8 October 2014 9:53:30 PM
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In the vein this thread has taken, might I offer the following:
A variation on an old British Army song:

" Loafer has only got one ball,
Jiggler has two but they are small,
Scribbler has something sim'lar,
But poor old Screwballs has no balls at all. "

With reference to the article:

Our T'Abbott has great big potatoes,
A notion now taken as fact -
They may not impact on his swagger,
But contribute a lot to his chat.
When the big boys are running their mouths off,
Our T'Abbott sits calm and relaxed,
In the knowledge he's taken their measure,
And has his responses down pat.
There's a war o'er the nether horizon,
For whatever reason begun,
And it's up to all right-thinking fellows to do there what needs to be done.
Should we all sit 'pat' while they're at it,
All fat and tucked-up in our beds,
Or go to the aid of the victims - of murder and rape and all that?
These timid, excusionist Wimpoles,
Who'd leave it to others to tend,
Might ponder a moment reflecting,
Who is it you'd rather have friend?

(Anyway, that's my thought on the matter.)
Posted by Saltpetre, Thursday, 9 October 2014 1:43:47 AM
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A supposedly wall-beating PM accusation constantly regurgitated, whereas the previous 2 (3?) PM's, by admission of their own and self, were Psychos or still "immature" (criminal?) enough at 33 to create Slush funds. Climb out of the echo chambers of your minds and look at reality.
Posted by McCackie, Thursday, 9 October 2014 6:18:48 AM
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Foxy, I tips me hat to you! Yours is a wonderful poem, almost Shakespeare-like in its perception.

Well done!
Posted by David G, Thursday, 9 October 2014 6:25:57 AM
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Dear CHERFUL and David G.,

Thank You for your kind words.

These are times that can prove difficult for many of us
but it's great that we've got a forum such as
this one to at least share some of our thoughts
with each other.

Now back to the topic ...
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 October 2014 8:09:46 AM
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I feel sickened today. Australia has again joined the American War Machine.

In 1939-45 it was different. The U.S. joined the World War (nearly two years late) and helped to defeat the evil AXIS of Germany and Japan.

Then the U.S., a serial warmonger, decided to take over control of the whole world but it didn't announce this ambition.

Oh, no, it wrapped itself in the flag of democracy, human rights, freedom, equality, while it built a massive army, one that no other nation could match.

People didn't question what the U.S. was doing. They believed the American lies, the duplicity, the propaganda. They didn't ask themselves why the U.S. needed so many military bases, or why the America dollar should be the world currency, or why the U.S. got involved in every war or used rendition or torture or used weapons like depleted uranium and kept people is cages.

Decent nations in the world were tricked by the U.S. They couldn't believe that the nation that saved us from Germany and Japan was angling to dominate the world using military force and bribery and, quite often, supported evil dictators which served its interests.

When is the world going to realize the massive con-job that the U.S. has employed and stop the Imperial Plunderers in their tracks?

If they are not stopped the world will become like 1984 as Orwell predicted.

The Wooden Horse is in every nation on Earth.

It must be burned!
Posted by David G, Friday, 10 October 2014 8:32:58 AM
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"Bill Maher, meet Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
Last Friday, the cranky comedian, aided by atheist author Sam Harris, enraged actor Ben Affleck by calling Islam, in Harris’s words, “the mother lode of bad ideas.” Then on Monday, Maher condemnedliberals for being so afraid of being called Islamophobes that they won’t denounce brutality committed in Islam’s name. “We’re liberals!” Maher declared about himself and Harris. “We’re liberals … we’re trying to stand up for the principles of liberalism! And so, y’know, I think we’re just saying we need to identify illiberalism wherever we find it in the world, and not forgive it because it comes from [a group that] people perceive as a minority.”

Schlesinger would have been able to relate. In his 1949 manifesto, The Vital Center, the Harvard historian and future Kennedy administration aide attacked what he called “doughface” liberals. Borrowing a term for pre-Civil War northerners who had refused to denounce slavery, Schlesinger deployed it against liberals who refused to denounce Soviet communism. “The infiltration of contemporary progressivism by Communism,” he wrote, “has led to the same self-flagellation [that prevented doughfaces from denouncing slavery], the same refusal to take precautions against tyranny.”

Schlesinger’s point then, and Maher’s now, is that the enemies of liberals do not reside only on the right. In the 1930s and 1940s, some liberals grew so focused on the struggles against fascism and racism—struggles in which communists proved staunch allies—that they refused to acknowledge Joseph Stalin’s crimes. Today, some liberals are so focused on the struggle against American militarism and Islamophobia that they can’t muster much outrage against ISIS. According to Schlesinger, occupying the Vital Center means opposing totalitarianism wherever you find it, regardless of whether it claims the mantle of progressivism, as the Soviet Union did during his time, or anti-imperialism, as jihadists do now."
Posted by Constance, Monday, 13 October 2014 8:48:02 PM
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