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Why Australia should be talking migration at the G20 : Comments

By Carla Wilshire, published 1/8/2014

People movement has now become one of the most powerful tools for development and a significant player in global growth. Fueling this age of migration is the reciprocal benefit for both sending and receiving countries.

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"Nearly 60% of immigrants have no post school education at all."

Really? I mean, REALLY? Not the reverse?

ABS 6250 , Nov 2013

"The education levels of recent migrants and temporary residents have a significant impact on their settlement outcomes during their first 10 years in Australia.

"An estimated 62% of recent migrants had obtained a non-school qualification before arrival in Australia. Of these, 72% had obtained a Bachelor Degree or higher, 15% had an Advanced Diploma or Diploma and 12% had a Certificate level qualification. Almost one third (30%) of recent migrants had obtained a non-school qualification after arrival in Australia. Of these, an estimated 42% had obtained a Bachelor Degree or higher.

"Of the recent migrants who had obtained a non-school qualification before arrival in Australia and who had a job since arriving in Australia, 52% had used their highest non-school qualification in their first job."

Please read anything you can - if you can read - on Australia's skilled migration program.
Posted by Malcolm 'Paddy' King, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:15:31 AM
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"Of the recent migrants who had obtained a non-school qualification before arrival in Australia and who had a job since arriving in Australia, 52% had used their highest non-school qualification in their first job."

Nice qualification there Malcolm 'Paddy' King. Can't call you a liar, just a conman who twists statistics.

I wonder what we would find if we looked at those who had not had an official job since arriving in oz. Of course we are never going to get a study of them. The result would not suit our lefty academics agenda.

How many have not had a job in years & have no intention of getting one, at least not in "white" economy. After all the black economy is so much more profitable for ethnics. If they did that they would have to pay tax, & would loose their welfare cheque.

Work, not blood likely.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:29:25 AM
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Yes Hasbeen, good points and well made!
However, our cart before the horse approach is all wrong and has created exactly what you point out, too many people, and not enough infrastructure!
And cities that had the house full sign put out, sometime last century!
We could however, build whole new cities, each one replete with an industrial estate and a CBD.
In other words, entirely self sufficient.
And then invite whole already democratized communities to resettle here, much in the way, early America was settled.
And yes, only with the express consent of the original custodians, who have the most to gain from the re-population of large empty locations/spaces?
Which the new settler, would help transform, by reusing perfectly fine water!
Yes I know, there will be huge new outlays!
But if those same outlays produce economically performing infrastructure and what have you, any liability we create internally, [and only risible rank political ideology prevents it,] then the new assets can then be used to completely offset, any internally created debit ledger!
It's not a new idea, and has worked with comparative huge success elsewhere.
That is until carpet bagging foreigners got into the act, and ruined it for the majority, while benefiting a comparatively tiny quisling minority.
And no, social credit is nothing like communism, just free market banking principles, finally working exclusively, for the government and the people!
And from where I sit, a very nice, very welcome change, as opposed to slowly going down a common economic gurgler, which left as is, will eventually swallow the most privileged as well.
I mean, increased economic activity, can only benefit us all, just like the comparatively similar, [much too big for us to afford] snowy mountains scheme did!
Or put another way, it's the economy stupid!
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 2 August 2014 11:38:37 AM
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Malcolm 'Paddy' King

It all depends on what is defined as an immigrant, and if Family Reunion immigrants, New Zealanders drifting to Australia looking for work, and Humanitarian immigrants are considered, then they generally have low qualifications, a high unemployment rate, and low participation rate.

“In summary, immigrants have a lower participation rate overall than does the Australian-born population.”

Initial qualifications mean little anyway, as a generation Y can have an estimated 10 career changes in their lifetime, and each career change will require different qualifications.

So even if someone is brought into the country because of their current qualifications, those qualifications may not be in demand within a few years.

Nor will the children of immigrants have any more qualifications than the average Australian child.

The economic advantages of immigration are minimal, but we are now paying for the overpopulation of the country through loss of our environment, a never ending battle against congestion, and loss of our culture and national identity.
Posted by Incomuicardo, Saturday, 2 August 2014 12:26:02 PM
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Incommunicado, in 2012, The Australian's George Megalogenis, did a study on migrant employment levels. Your fears really have more to do with being bred out. There will always be a home for you at the Sustainable Population/Stormfront alliance.

“MIGRANTS are officially more employable than Australian-born job seekers, claiming 81,000 new jobs over the past year while 38,000 locals lost their own jobs.

The British, Malaysians and Filipinos are the main immigrant groups that enjoy lower unemployment rates, while New Zealanders and Indians have higher labour force participation rates than the Australian-born.

A detailed analysis of the Bureau of Statistics jobs data shows that while immigrants account for less than 30 per cent of the labour force, they have claimed more than half the jobs created since the start of 2010.

Newly arrived immigrants are going straight to work and helping keep the economy growing. The figures for November, which are not seasonally adjusted, place the unemployment rate for Australian-born at 5 per cent and the overseas-born at 4.8 per cent.

Immigrants from Britain and Ireland had an unemployment rate of 2.8 per cent, Malaysia 3.8 per cent and The Philippines 4.8 per cent. The Chinese were on par with the Australian-born at 5 per cent, the New Zealanders above them at 5.4 per cent and the Indians at 6.8 per cent.

But the New Zealand- and India-born are still gaining jobs overall and their participation rates of 78.7 per cent and 76.9 per cent respectively are much better than the Australian-born figure of 68.1 per cent.

Vietnamese-born and the Lebanese-born have above-average unemployment rates of 9.7 per cent and 8.4 per cent, respectively, and below-average participation rates (58 per cent and 45.3 per cent).

The Vietnamese and Lebanese have traditionally suffered higher unemployment rates because their intakes contained large numbers of refugees who arrived during Australia's stagflation era in the 1970s and early 1980s… The analysis by The Australian confirms that skilled migrants have been covering the gaps in the local labour supply since 2006."
Posted by Malcolm 'Paddy' King, Saturday, 2 August 2014 12:40:22 PM
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If we did not murder approximately 100000 babies each year I don't think their would be a need for this discussion. Secular Humanism is achieving the destruction of the West. Islam only needs to keep doing what it does and await its time. Its a pity for them though that our Creator will not be mocked and will have His way in the end. The trashing of all the principles that made the West great by Christophobes will in the end destroy themselves.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 2 August 2014 12:42:03 PM
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