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School chaplains need counselling : Comments
By Brian Greig, published 1/7/2014Some 30 per cent of all youth suicides are from LGBTI kids who didn’t or couldn’t get the care and support they really needed.
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Do not be so mean as to claim low suicide levels means there are no problems - the stigma scars people for life, affects their sexual health and rates of STI like HIV, drug and alcohol use, their relationships and their ability in the workforce.
Please rebut the references used in this report
pg 3:
"• At least 36.2% of trans people and 24.4% of gay, lesbian and
bisexual people currently meet the criteria for experiencing a
major depressive episode, compared with 6.8% of the general
population.v This rate soars to 59.3% of trans women (male to
female) under 30 in a LaTrobe University"
"• LGBTI people have the highest rates of suicidality of any
population in Australia
• 20% of trans Australiansx and 15.7% of lesbian, gay and
bisexual Australiansxi report current suicidal ideation (thoughts)
• Up to 50% of trans people have attempted suicide at least once
in their lives.xii
• Same-sex attracted Australians have up to 14x higher rates of
suicide attempts than their heterosexual peers.xiii Rates are 6x
higher for same-sex attracted young people (20-42% cf. 7-13%)xiv
• The average age of a first suicide attempt is 16 years – often
before ‘coming out’xv"
"• The elevated risk of mental ill-health and suicidality among
LGBTI people is not due to sexuality, sex or gender identity in
and of themselves but rather due to discrimination and
exclusion as key determinants of health.xx This is sometimes
referred to as minority stress.xxi"
Do not insult young people who have yet to have sex with 'gay lifestlye' or indeed insult yourself.