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The truth about Australia's gun control experiment : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 16/6/2014

While deaths due to shooting have decreased, there is no credible evidence linking this to Australia's adoption of gun control laws.

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Agronomist "If you want an effective regulatory system, you need to pay for it. If you pay peanuts, you will get a monkey of a system. If you are worried about cost, the argument should be less about the policy as whether the regulation is efficient". Exactly what I tried to explain to your closed mind. Public service equals a total balls up at an astronomic price, they never have an efficient system just one that is too expensive. Its in their DNA, overman, over complicate and overcharge.
Also your math is wrong, zero is just that, nothing so you we are in the same boat except that you are happy with gangsters with guns but not me with both of us poorer?
Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 8:05:49 AM
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Arjay, a militia not under the control of the government. What an absolutely excellent idea. I hear that Iraq has one of those kicking about it at the moment that it might be willing to give up. Perhaps we should invite it over here?

JBowyer, I see you are starting to get the hang of this maths lark. So prior to 1996, mass shootings happened at 5 times the frequency in Australia as New Zealand. Since 1996 they are happening at the same frequency in Australia as New Zealand. How then is this any evidence that gun laws in Australia have had no impact on the frequency of mass shootings in Australia?
Posted by Agronomist, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 9:04:08 AM
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So Agronomist, do you subscribe to the dishonest use of definitions to pretend we have had zero mass shootings?

Monash University, 2002. Fits profile of school shootings, five innocents shot but only two killed outright before a bystander intervened and prevented further killing.

That means mass shootings are zero only by trick of definition, but there has been an incident that fit the profile.

Four dead has been the definition of a mass shooting, but activist researchers repeatedly claim three stabbed to death and one or two shot as a mass shooting.

Activists and media created Australia's mass shootings. There were none until the sensational media treatments, fostered by anti-gun activists; there were none after the media made a triumphal few years smashing and abusing the innocent, and conveying the image that guns had been confiscated and mass shootings were not feasible anymore.

One exception, committed with pistols after Lee Rhiannon and her media partners persistently claimed it was easy to get pistols legally and after weeks of crazed sensationalism about the Washington snipers. No more after another media blitz about stopping it.

Activists and activist media created our massacres.
Posted by ChrisPer, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 9:21:20 AM
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and activist media created our massacres.>>


we are sepperating THE WAY/FROM THE MEANS\
thE CAUSE OF MOST OF THESE MASS SHOOTINGS IS PERCIBED DRUG USERS ON A DOPWNER..[apparently..we GOT HAPPY Pills-now..they make you happy/even if YOUR BODY has reason/to be sad.

point being they perscibe/these trouBLED SOULS..PILLS
RATHER THAT FIX THE root of their ills..[THE SIDE-AffECT/of the happy pills...see if you tAKING THE PIlls ya body stops making the happy juICE.

ya get down..and actually get takeN OVER BY DEMONS

it takes a certain sort to kill/OTHER..
these type know what they want/they will use an ax a car/ANYTHING..THAT DOES THE JOB..lest we forget the blue pill id loved by the sadoIST IC SIC RAP[ISTS


nor the ammo..] that no dOUDT REDUCED THE value/yet not the 2 months jail time.

i demo IS WORTH 1000 WORDS..ITS THe pills
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 2:52:11 PM
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There haven't been so called mass shootings, since Port Arthur, because getting a gun licence was simply made much harder, and nigh on impossible for someone with criminal record, or not enough intellectual agility, to master the complexities of mistake free form filling!
And not because shooters were simplistically limited to Bolt actions.
Even so, and in spite of the new restrictions, drive by shootings that threaten all and sundry, are becoming more numerous.
It a truism, outlaw guns and the only hands holding guns, will be outlaws.
My proficiency with a firearm, included cutting the strings of swinging bottles, from around a hundred yards, with a pea rifle and open sights!
So there's nothing wrong with my skill.
And I like many of the other posters, am the recipient of very professional, military firearms training!
Even so, when hunting in heavily wooded country, the favorite habitat of feral deer, something as tiny as a leaf, twig or blade of grass, blowing in the wind, can affect the trajectory, of a round, even the biggest 50 cal.
A true professional would've known that, as opposed to a know it all, lecturing braggart.
I preferred a 22/250, for numerous reasons, the first being, when a round came to ground, around 600 yards out, there was still enough forward high velocity, to ensure complete disintegration of the round, rather than a ricochet, that could continue on to hurt or damage an unintended target.
The stalk being the only part of feral elimination, that held any pleasure whatsoever, for me!
That said, I was also quite partial to roast rabbit, roast feral pig, much leaner than farmed animals; and, once you've tasted buttered grilled lean venison back stakes, you'll never want beef again!
Feral deer have a habit of preferentially snacking on very young tree shoots, and can spell the death knell of native forests, unless controlled. All the compelling reason I ever needed!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 3:47:17 PM
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ChrisPer, if the definition of a mass killing is 4 or more dead, then a killing of two people by definition is not a mass killing. I would have thought that was quite clear.

As for your assertion that activists and the media are responsible for mass shootings, that is palpable nonsense. Matthew Bryant’s rampage was not caused by the media or anti-gun activists. The Hoddle Street Massacre was not caused by the media or anti-gun activists. I could go on, but perhaps should let you have a turn.

Provide the evidence that one mass-shooting in Australia was caused by anti-gun activists.
Posted by Agronomist, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 5:35:25 PM
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