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From occupied East Jerusalem, with love : Comments

By Joharah Baker, published 16/6/2014

Last week your government's Attorney General, George Brandis took it upon himself to refute what international law and UN resolutions have clearly confirmed, that East Jerusalem is an occupied city.

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Let's get one thing straight. In 1967 the Arab nations got together with Palestine & started a War with Israel. The Arab Nations & Palestine got their A$es kicked & lost the War. Therefore they rightfully won any gains they made in land. Then, a few years Palestine & Egypt had another go, started another War & still got their a$es kicked. Israel could have easily occupied Egypt.

Now out of the generosity they gave Egypt back & allowed the Palestinians to stay in Israel.

How do the Palestinians pay back the Israelis' back, by showering them with rockets, mortars, car bombs & kidnappings. Palestinians should be grateful they are allowed to stay anywhere in Israel.

So lady back in ya box.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 16 June 2014 8:33:03 AM
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Would it be better to live in the proposed Caliphate?
Posted by d'Helm, Monday, 16 June 2014 9:05:39 AM
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This cry from the heart of a young mother living under occupation has to resonate with all but the most churlish.
The world is still being held to ransom for the crime of the Holocaust. But the Nazis were responsible for the Holocaust. The Palestinians had nothing to do with it, although they are being asked to pay that ransom.
On the other hand, Israel is responsible for the crime of the Nakba. And they compound that crime every day with their ongoing occupation of East Jerusalem.`
This article concludes with a question: "Hasn't Israel acted with impunity long enough?"
And the answer is clearly yes!
Posted by halduell, Monday, 16 June 2014 9:24:11 AM
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As we are seeing in Iraq, when Muslims win territory, they have a tendency to eliminate all opposition, usually by beheading.

Perhaps it is a pity the Israelis did not reply in kind.

Does anyone really believe there would be a single Jew in Israel if the Arabs had won any of those wars?
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 16 June 2014 9:51:11 AM
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haduell: This article concludes with a question: "Hasn't Israel acted with impunity long enough?" And the answer is clearly yes!

What part of my post didn't you understand. Also read Hasbeens post again.

d'helm: Would it be better to live in the proposed Caliphate?

Even the Muslims would be leaving in droves for the West again.

Mind you, the West sould stay out of their Wars, send anyone who wanted to go & fight (non-return, of course) there for free. They could then enjoy what they like doing best, (killing one another) until the last man standing. The West & Russia could supply just as much Arms to them as they need to complete the job.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 16 June 2014 10:02:39 AM
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Churlish article indeed! Jayb may have a good approach to be adopted by the 'west' . As for the UN, a quick look at the 'human rights' mob there will give you an idea of any value to be praced on thir prognostications vis a vis the Middle East.
Posted by Prompete, Monday, 16 June 2014 10:53:43 AM
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im noting the 3 kids tricked into a israel number plate car
may be a false flag..not a red flag/but\ flag.[like iraq is]
Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 June 2014 1:50:23 PM
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Just take a second to look at the picture that appears at . This illegal defilement of Palestinian land has spread further with even more grabs for foreign takeover since the map was made. It is to what Brandeis and Bishop seek to link Australia, putting us out on a limb.

Maybe a better picture is the sequence of four maps at (scroll down one page to "Palestinian loss of land - 1946 to 2000").

No ethnic group - none - is special or exceptional enough not to have to account for such a blatant theft of a people's homeland.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 16 June 2014 1:58:19 PM
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Emperor Julian: No ethnic group - none - is special or exceptional enough not to have to account for such a blatant theft of a people's homeland.

BS mate. They lost it fair & square in a War they gave to Israel, twice, & lost, twice. Just because they've got egg on their faces & they cry a bit is no reason to give the land back. Take it as a penalty of starting 2 Wars & losing both.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 16 June 2014 2:30:55 PM
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Actually, Jayb, when their homeland was invaded they offered the foreign invaders continuing resistance which included at least two wars which they fought as locals with weak and unreliable global connections. The organisation of the occupiers was and is global and they have so far been able to leverage these connections to be able to defeat the resistance while howling that the cockroaches keep attacking them. The Boers prevailed 100% also but came unstuck as their foreign backers lost patience with their arrogance and injustice. As the occupying lords and masters in Palestine steadily lose the sympathy of the global community their occupation will unravel. The Palestinians have a long way to go yet to be able to secure a just territorial solution. They need the ear of the wider world and they won't get it while they cling to their brutal jihadist religion with its ambition to rule the planet.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 16 June 2014 4:11:49 PM
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We occupied both Germany and Japan, for many years after the war had ended, and for good and compelling reasons!
However, there is always a time limit for that sort of thing, and our continuing presence is now by invitation only!
Nobody from any victorious nation, except say an totalitarian regime, would believe, that victory gave them an automatic right to assume ownership of occupied territory, or that might is right; or, very dubious and totally unprovable words on crumbling parchment, gives any of it any legitimacy whatsoever!
Time for the Israelis, to stop behaving like the local chapter of the Nazi SS storm troopers, who were equally dismissive of the property rights of the dispossessed!
Most of who, just weren't involved in, or approved of the aggression!
Time for the Israelis, to stop with enough already, and sit down with their so called enemy and nut out an enduring resolution!
Preferably before circumstances in neighboring nations, overwhelm them!
If East Jerusalem were indeed, still contested territory, there would be evidence or war, like say, POW/refugee camps, rocket firings, suicide bombings, kidnappings and similar, underground type resistance?
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 16 June 2014 5:10:49 PM
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Emperor Julian: except say an totalitarian regime,

Mohammed conquered Israel & put the City to the sword then set up a Islamic Caliphate in Jerusalem. Isn't it time the Muslims gave the Temple back to the Israelis.

We are watching what a kindly, gentle people the Muslims are just now in the Middle East.

Under your rules the West should hand over Spain, Southern France, Austria & the Balkans to the Muslims. Is that not so?
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 16 June 2014 5:24:16 PM
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Just who are the occupiers ?
From long before 0 BC the area was Jewish.
Later it became both Christian and Jewish.
Around AD60 the Romans ejected most of the Jews from Jerusalem but it
appears the Christians remained. Some Jews did remain in the area.

Fast forward to the 7th century.
It was so until the Arabs from what is now Saudi Arabia under the flag
of Mohammed and Islam invaded and obeying the Koran they murdered the
the Christians and Jews living there in that area or forced them to
pay Jizaz to the Moslems under pain of death.

It was this occupation that caused the Crusades in an attempt to eject the Arabs.
The Crusades went on for a long time but eventually the Moslems prevailed.

Fast forward to the 20th century.

After the Holocaust the Jews returned with the imprimatur of the UN.
The Arabs understandably did not like this but their contention that
the Jews had no right to be there is somewhat hypocritical.

What we have now are the Jews saying we are back and these invaders
have no right to be here.
The Arabs say we have been here a long time and the Jews and
Christians have no right to be here.

If the Moslems insist on the "We were here first" principle they should leave.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 16 June 2014 6:12:14 PM
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Citing from the British "Guardian," newspaper
(the link is given below):

"Australia's new view is starkly at odds with the
true status of east Jerusalem under International Law.
It also corrodes the International Law and violates
Australia's International Law obligations.

The term "occupied" is neither "pejorative" nor "judgemental,"
as George Brandis and the Government claim. It is an
objective legal description of Israel's physical control of a
place beyond Israel's borders at independence in 1948.

The legal term does not imply anything further about whether
Israel's occupation is "legal" or "illegal" or good or bad.
It simply refers to the fact of control.

Declaring east Jerusalem will not be described as "occupied"
implies Australia rejects the application of International
Humanitarian Law.

Australia's position therefore dangerously signals that
Palestinians living in east Jerusalem no longer enjoy the
protection of humanitarian law, but are subject to Israel's

Israel's settlements have grown in east Jerusalem severely
disrupting the property, resource, and human rights of
Palestinians. Israel is committed to colonising it as part of
Israel proper.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 16 June 2014 7:05:16 PM
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What nonsense Jayb. The people of a country are those who were born in it, or DEMONSTRABLY descended from IDENTIFIABLE INDIVIDUALS born in it, or accepted as immigrants by people born in it. Claiming to be descended from a tribe that fell on the the inhabitants thousands of years ago, butchered them and stole their land from which they were later dislodged does not establish ownership of the territory. Nor would any claims by Moslems to European countries to which Moslems laid waste centuries ago and were finally seen off.

The war of 1967, by the way, was not imposed on the Zionists. The Zionists launched the war by surprise attacks on Israel's neighbours none of whom were at war, destroying their warplanes on the ground. This was an act of aggression. Indeed the Zionists went so ape that they attacked a US ship (USS Liberty) in the area, strafing and killing several of its crew. A timeline of the war of conquest can be found at All military and diplomatic actions of the Palestinians before, during and since June 1967 have been defensive of their homeland against foreign occupation.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 16 June 2014 10:49:08 PM
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Empower Julian wrote

"No ethnic group - none - is special or exceptional enough not to have to account for such a blatant theft of a people's homeland."

Gee Julian, the Muslims would not agree with you on that score. Their goal has been to conquer the world for Islam, in order to save the souls of the infidels (and line their pockets). They have been conquering Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu land for over a thousand years, and either exterminating, exiling, or forcibly converting the captive populations. As a tool of Imperialism, such policies have much to recommend them. And as an Imperialist power, the Muslims were more noted for their suppression of minorities and harems full of captured women, than for any benefit they passed on to the human race as a whole.

Now the world's most infamous and least respected imperialists are crying that the Jews are back in their own homeland, and doing to the Muslims that reside there, what the Muslims have been doing to the Jews for 1300 years. Only the Jews are not as ardent at ethnic cleansing as the Muslims.

And you support the poor "oppressed" Muslims and claim that they are the victims? Ama-a-azing.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 4:05:48 AM
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To Emperor Julian.

Egypt under Nasser started the Six Day War when he ordered the blockade of the Israeli port of Eilat. A blockade is an act of war. Where you got the crap from that Israel started the war, I don't know. But it is a common misconception from people like you who parrot left wing propaganda instead of ever reading a history book.

When you are surrounded by implacable enemies bent on your total annihilation, then it is totally right to take land from your enemies if you beat them. Prussia is the heart of Germany. it is now part of Russia and Poland. But you don't hear the Germans demanding "their" land back, or committing act of terrorism to "free" their people. Prussia is gone, and they prefer that to another bad war.

Not so the Muslims. Their civilisation is a failure, their economies are in ruins, and their birth rates are astronomical. The mullahs need somebody for their restive young men to hate so that they don't start thinking about how their religion has failed them.

It is just amazing that the world is now witnessing the emergence of religious wars to promote religion by hordes of religious fanatics. But people like yourself are complicit in that situation if you can't figure out what is going on here, and continually blame your own people, or Israel, for what is occurring.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 4:19:08 AM
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Well said Lego !

We have been in a war for centuries but most people do not realise it.
We invite the enemy inside our walls in the name of political correctness!
Oh dear how stupid.

Where is our Geert Wilders ?
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 10:12:17 AM
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who cares about israel
only one has supreme claim..thats god[by whatever name] shall knpow 'him' his works*..[if he is oF the life giver/he is from god]

THE CITY belongs to god/the God of abraham
regardless of status/its the godless..killing the essence of gods good

you lot serve gOD/SATAN HEAVEN HELL
OR YOU SHARE GODESSANESS NUTHINESS..*regardless/jERUSALUM:belongs to god/thus any claim to own anything in gods town-void..god owns it all[one undivided jerusalem



any found doing the work of darkness death godlessness
simply gets explulsed from the god city..its not a name its a state[holy versus unhoily/god V GODless/religious devotion..for to of god.

but the streets kept clean/the roads open/the scence kept CLEAN/BY SECULAR GODLESS..JUST heping out their handsicapped others/we are not our brothers burden /nor\bother-KEEPER...WE NEED A PLACE/THATS ALL JUST ABOUT GOD

IF YOU GOT religion its welcome home
if its atheist just respect...or go disrespect..elsewhere.

gods people will be known by their sign
the sign by design of the living good,,[g_d]

shalom..peace not pieces.
ALL GOD WANTS IS HIS CITY/all mary wants is russia..all god wants is respect..cause you lot dont want that god religion rejects.

its the 4 th reiche/the home of the godless
the unholy in the most holy/how has war ever bought peace?
its enough to anger a saint/you atheists dont want to go there*

we have proven god is real[1996] govT SECURITY AGENCIES
BUT that proof..just led to hasten.the 0ngoing quickeninG

fiaT BY TREATY..the darkness..[DEATH]mearly
seeks..the ending-of thE LIGHT..[LIFE]

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 1:55:52 PM
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The Zionist lobby are interchangeable, so let's look at their defences of the indefensible as all coming from the one group (call it Z).

Z: "Where you got the crap from that Israel started the war, I don't know"
Ans: PLUS regular media at the time.

Z: And you support the poor "oppressed" Muslims and claim that they are the victims?
Ans: Have asserted again and again and again that Islam is a vile cult. Specifically, "The Palestinians have a long way to go yet to be able to secure a just territorial solution. They need the ear of the wider world and they won't get it while they cling to their brutal jihadist religion with its ambition to rule the planet."

Z: "Fast forward to ..."
Ans: Each "fast forward" claims a jump to different people, long dead, whose doings have no connection with the rights and wrongs of people who are in conflict today. The paedophile "prophet" wasn't even born until the 7th century. However, anyone today who claims organic connections ranging over thousands of years must accept ownership of the land thieves' atrocities described in Deuteronomy and Numbers.

Z: "left wing propaganda"
Ans: Always the intellectually dishonest "left-right" dog whistle to duck the need to confront facts and reasoning.

Z: Palestinians lost 1967 war therefore they should accept loss of their territory.
Ans: International community morally far superior to Zionists and have developed international law contradicting the above statement.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 17 June 2014 10:00:50 PM
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Dear Johara,

You describe yourself as "a wife, a mother who juggles the responsibilities of home and career."

In an article like this I would expect to hear about your personal experience under occupation so I can identify with your suffering, but instead you talk almost exclusively about national politics - nothing I have a reason to shed a tear about. Both you and the Israeli Jews suffer from the same disease - nationalism, and while I have sympathy for you, I have no sympathy for your germs.

You mention your neighbour, Mohammed, but you did not mention what he did or didn't to deserve this treatment. Boys his age are also sometimes arrested and searched in Australia, you know, if they did something criminal.

You mention that you have no permanent residence - but most who live in Eastern Jerusalem do have permanent residence and can become Israeli citizens any time they like - pity they haven't because they could then vote and change Israel's policies! You also mention that you live in Eastern Jerusalem for only 16 years, so I must assume that you have special circumstances, such as, I can only guess, been allowed to live in Jerusalem because you married someone from there.

Yes, Eastern Jerusalem is occupied, but for the majority of its ordinary residents, this occupation has been a boon, bringing with it unprecedented economic prosperity and individual freedoms, at least until they started being involved with the Palestinian intifada. Of special mention are the Armenians in the Armenian quarter of the old city, which were formerly oppressed under Arab rule and could not survive there without Israel's occupation.

I am not saying that Israel should continue occupying Eastern Jerusalem - quite the contrary: while the occupation is good for Jerusalem's Arab residents, most of them anyway, who do not get involved in politics, it's very bad for Israel, but that's for internal Israeli reasons that have nothing to do with you or your national feelings, which I sincerely advise you to get over.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 4:13:04 AM
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Smoking gun proof of
“Israeli teen kidnapping” false flag

Mossad Chief predicted “three teens will be kidnapped”
one week before it happened
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 1:01:48 PM
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Hi Julian.

I clicked on your link and read your socialist propaganda. It is complete airbrushed socialist crap. I know it was complete crap because I was 16 years old during the Six Day War, and I know it is a total lie. The Arab leaders were absolutely convinced that they would destroy Israel, and the western media of my day agreed with them. How could 2 million Jews stand against 500 million Arabs who had just been lavishly supplied with the very best Soviet tanks and warplanes? Graphs were produced comparing the overwhelming military might of the Arabs compared to Israel, and nobody believed that Israel could win. At that time, every news report in the media was not asking the question as to whether Israel could win, they were discussing what would happen when Israel lost.

If Israel lost, what would have happened can now be seen in the mass executions carried out by ISIS in Iraq, only they would have been on a much larger scale. And it would have included the mass gang rape of all surviving Israeli females. Mass gang rape seems to be a feature of every conquering Muslim army, and that is hardly surprising from such a misogynistic religion which instructs it's followers that men have a right to punish women. And if women get raped, it is all their fault anyway.

The Arabs started the war and they lost.

As for "international law", don't make me laugh. "International law" decreed that the state of Israel can exist. But Muslims and Arabs could not care less about "international law." They are hell bent on Israel's destruction and even today, Arab leaders will not recognise Israel's right to exist. If the Arabs totally ignore "international law", you can hardly blame Israel for returning the compliment. Especially since complying with "international law" will simply mean that Israel's territory is a lot less defensible and it completely endangers their security from an implacable and cruel genocidal enemy.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 19 June 2014 3:56:47 PM
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It is a 1300 year old war, so what is everyone complaining about.
Exchanges of territory is what war is all about.
As I said earlier the Arabs are the invader, so why are they complaining ?
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 19 June 2014 11:05:34 PM
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