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The Yanks are coming...again : Comments

By Peter Coates, published 11/4/2014

The visits will grow in importance as the forlorn memory of the joint effort to democratise Afghanistan recedes.

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Hi stevenlmeyer

A difficult question on whether the Abbott gov "are going to restore the cuts?"

I'd guess that continuing or new cuts (for 2014/15 and maybe 2015/16) will be mainly in terminating defence civilians particularly in DMO.

Many civilians terminated from DMO might rapidly sign on for tender assessment work for the future submarine (SEA 1000) project. The acquisition of X? number of F-35 and scheduling the buy of F-35s will also generate civilian personnel assessment openings. From 14/15 to beyond 2020 civilian personnel costs for SEA 1000 and F-35 will continue.

In terms of hardware purchases the Hobart Class AWD project is already way over budget and more money will need to be injected to finish the 3rd AWD. Whether Canberra Class LHD will go overbudget or if there will be a budget increase anyway - I don't know.

From 2018 F-35 hardware will be an increasing cost and from about 2022 SEA 1000 will increasingly become a submarine design, purchasing and then hardware build cost.

In summary for two years 2014-2016 "austerity" Defence budget on paper might have zero increase then will increase for rehired personnel and new hardware. The political heading "jobs for SA, Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra" will be an important re-election pitch for Abbott's gov.

What do you think?


Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 14 April 2014 4:20:55 PM
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Hi Albie Manton in Darwin

Do you have any accessible computer links (from other sources) to support the "Mandorah is going to be a US base" theory?

Any specifics or ideas on what type of US units might be stationed there?

I've done a little research - some in this thread might be interested that there is a Mandorah Ukulele and Folk Festival with the Freudian acronym "MUFF" .


Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 14 April 2014 4:39:25 PM
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To Plantagent.

Regardless of whether the white people you hold racist views about live in Alabama or Georgia, it is still racism to make derogatory inferences about an entire ethnic group of people of any nationality or race. That includes white people. I know that people with your views find that hard to accept, because making racist statements about white people while giving pious lectures on the evils of racism is what people like yourself do all the time, and it has become normalised doublethink.

I used to be an "anti racist" like yourself because I was programmed to be one by the NSW education Department. But this constant double standard, whereby every race and minority on planet Earth is beyond criticism, while white people are fair game for white despising "anti racists", caused me to re examine the whole "anti racist" ideology.

Now that you are aware of your own racism, one hopes that this may stimulate a bit of neuronal activity in you steadily atrophying intellect. There is nothing like the realisation that you have become what you most vehemently condemn to spark a little introspection into you value system.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 4:02:50 AM
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Anybody interested in Australian history would be glad that the yanks are coming to Darwin again.

When the Japs bombed Darwin, most the entire Australian garrison ran for their lives (The Adelaide River stakes). The only ones who stood their ground were the Australian Navy, the ack ack guns, and the Yanks. The RAAF staff at Tindal made a mass advance at high speed in the direction of Adelaide.

Meanwhile, a US NAvy destroyer went down in Darwin harbour with it's guns still firing as she slipped under. A flight of US Army Airforce Kittyhawk fighters who had just taken off for the Dutch East Indies spotted the incoming Japs and they turned around and tore into them. All of these brave Americans were shot down and killed. Thank you USA.

The why 265 people were killed in Darwin that day (most of them seamen) was because the ALP affiliated Waterside Workers Union was always on strike or conducting "go slows", even in wartime. It was said of the Darwin Wharfies, that the only way to get a ship unl;oaded in Darwin was to put the beer at the bottom of the hold.

Over 40 ships were in Darwin harbour because of delays in loading and fueling caused by the wharfies, and that is why so many seamen were killed. Perhaps the ALP left should sign a "sorry book" about the fact that so many of their unionist mates did everything possible to sabotage the war effort. It was the strikes in the Coal, Steelmaking, and wharf loading industries, at a time when Australia was about to be invaded by a sadistic, genocidal and rapacious enemy, which broke Curtains heart.

The day after the air raid saw shocking scenes where able bodied men pulled women and children off the last train out of Darwin. (They were probably ALP endorsing wharfies) and associated left whingers. The attack on Darwin remains one of the most disgraceful episodes in Australian history.

And today, it is the descendants of these left wing morons who scream about the presence of US soldiers on Australian soil.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 15 April 2014 4:29:20 AM
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