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Super the next sacrificial lamb in failed infrastructure model : Comments
By Karl Fitzgerald, published 11/4/2014Now that investors smell a rat, workers are being lined up to foot the bill via their superannuation. But what of the economics?
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Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 13 April 2014 11:59:22 AM
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SOME BACKGROUND REFERENCES SELF Governance is preferable to trusting public services TO CAPITALISTS..OH uNFAITHFull servants nest feathering the home bying strike seems contra THIS Increasing..'home'..VALUE THING if you never ' need to find ever more cash..just to stay in the SAME PLACE..regardless of how much..'VALUE'..[WHY AM I REMINDED OF Scarcity/demand..deterring value..[wHAT TYPE ARE WE BRINGIN IN with the value adding. i find it HARD TO GET BEYOND YOU TAKING 10/12 PERCENT..OF MY WAGES..TO INCREASE MY FURTHER DEBT OBLIGATION..i need buy VIA credit my compulsory deductible PUT INTO YOUR KITTY.. MY PAY IS YOUR ONLY INCOME STREAM/HYPERINFLATION COSTS Is'nt HELPING ME..starting ever DAY OF MY WORKING LIFE MINUS 12 percent..built on tHE LIE..of no future pensions..because you investors bought it alL AND INCREASED THE PRICE listen to the tape HOW DO WE STOP YOU SELLING OUT OUR cash..for rubbish paper derivatives once the bust comes ALL YOUR TOLL INCOME STREAMS STOP is safer in our home..or in our hands how would you feel if i rook 12 PERCENT OF YOUR WAGES on some vague pie in the sky drEAM..THAT YOU NEED PAY OFF FOREVER. Posted by one under god, Sunday, 13 April 2014 12:00:38 PM
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...In reality, you complain of inflation. Inflation is what Governments love; it reduces their debt and buffers real estate values against collapse. No Government is popular during periods of deflation! ...Therefore, the best strategy to impose a steady inflation rate, is for Governments to throw money into the market! (Your money Super money of course will carry less risk to them)! ...And of course, as you pointed out “Corruption” will be further entrenched as the Obeids of this life scam-on with impunity in high places, (also as you pointed out). Another great post OUG! Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 13 April 2014 12:31:27 PM
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If we simply ended welfare for the rich, we could plow an additional 26 billion per, into infrastructure roll outs!
Another idea worth consideration, particularly if there's no stomach to introduce real revenue raising reform, is spreading the GST base to include everything, including medicine. Currently, the GST raises around fifty billion per. However, if it were on all goods and services, it would raise around 130-150 billion per. Pensions could be literally doubled to more than offset any additional expenses on the part of pensioners, and still leave the budget bottom line better of by at least 20-40 billion per! Alternatively, we could jettison our current tax system, and indeed all those who derive a living from its very complexity, and introduce a single stand alone expenditure tax, harvested by the banking sector, and electronically transferred overnight, to treasury, almost as if it were just another bank. If a 2% transfer tax would replace all our current tax harvesting, then an unavoidable 4.8-5% expenditure tax, would improve the budget position, by around or better than 100 billion per. It would do this by eliminating avoidance; and, by including all those in the collection net, who currently use the vagaries of the global economy, to avoid all tax responsibility! Yet earn considerable virtually tax free revenue, doing business, repatriating profits from, or conducting commercial activities/enterprise, inside Australian territory! And we remain one of the few economies, that doesn't have self terminating government guaranteed, thirty year bonds. That is because, I believe, we are governed by incompetents, who duck shove their responsibility, by trying to outsource everything, even though that makes all essential service, quite massively more expensive. Then we wounder, why rates etc, have climbed so high? Could it be, we the mugs out therein mugsville, are simply paying for some very bad decisions, like substituting worthless derivatives, for income earning Government bonds? And given those purchases occurred in times of surplus, have left too many municipalities, with huge financial egg on their collective faces, and no income earning instruments, to make up current revenue shortfalls!? Rhrosty Posted by Rhrosty, Sunday, 13 April 2014 1:20:03 PM
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…The problem is Rhrosty , nobody in politics goes down to the factory floor to ask a process worker what should be done to improve the lives of those in society.
…There were once Unions; there was once a proud and effective Labor party, with connections to the “Ordinary” man. Now… the truth is not a necessary embodiment of political necessity among politicians of any colour. (With the exception of Pauline Hanson, Clive Palmer, Bob Katter, just to name a few individual exceptions). …And Rhrosty, we are by no means the “Mugs” as you say; we are simply the “suckers” on the slippery end of the stick: And now come the scammers to scoop up the life savings of the workers for “Re-investment”…. What a rip-off…!! Make a bet with you… the big winners will be Chinese! ...Australia has a history of serious problems with Chinese that is currently ignored, for economic convenience…That will be to our peril! Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 13 April 2014 3:34:24 PM
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Rhrosty, if we end welfare for the rich you say. Why?
They usually work harder, often take additional risks, go without much of what the lower paid receive, despite having paid for most of it anyway, and without them, the lower paid families couldn't afford to see their local doctor, not to mention have prescriptions unaffordable to them. As for your finacial tax, I have been suggesting this for years, I call it a transaction tax, which is the same thing. Why they won't even look at it is beyond me. It would stimulate the economy like nothing else, as we would get most of our income tax back, to spend. I pay upwards of $2000 in tax some weeks, so I would love to have most of that back I can tell you. Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 13 April 2014 3:46:32 PM
A new road, rail line or the gentrification of some suburbs can give such gains, but most increase in prices of real estate are no such thing. They are merely imaginary gains, maintaining the status quo. There is no gain when any replacement real estate will have had a similar increase in price.
Taxing people for some imaginary gain is just another socialist plot to spend more of others money, & to try to hide the rip off with some false economics twaddle is merely dishonest.
I know it is difficult, but you do have to learn. Spending other peoples money on projects you desire is basically robbery, & trying to hide this with a half truth is just another way of lying.