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Super the next sacrificial lamb in failed infrastructure model : Comments

By Karl Fitzgerald, published 11/4/2014

Now that investors smell a rat, workers are being lined up to foot the bill via their superannuation. But what of the economics?

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its annoying enough/rates are based on land values
and that putting in light rail somehow majicly double the rateable value you need pay/for from your super

or that our super is paid for by our tolls
its one hand taking that the other give back less

so you build a light rail/i will never use/my rates go up
and its just too far..[we sold off for 800 million forestry LAND..40,000 HECTARES..THAT IF THE LAND HAD BEEN REZONED FUTURE URBAN/AFTER TREE HARVESTING..THEY COULD HAVE CLEARED THE WHOLE DEBT..IN ONE the super guys desperate to invest/cause their not builders

yes we have trillions in super obligations..coming up/they need cash flow..[so tax lump payments/that need that cash[the whole super scam makes me so angry

you take my kids SUPER/then you use it to double the cost..of whatever they it power or tollway..or light rail/you took my i pay acces that my compulsory payment paid to build..huh?

govt does high treason/ can simply issue its own money
this lie that we need pay today..cause govt cant pay a scam thunk up by clever..enron-thinkers

the reality is today..we are not only paying pensions/but paying for tomorrows pensions too/..which works out nicely for those getting huge govt top-ups/when they already were ineligible for future pension cause their already too rich

the insanity is most of the 25 billion we top up
never would have qualified for any pension tomorrow
but they still got discounts/via clever money management

so many tax exemptions/close off tax exemption..oF ANY SORT Going to the rich/for any reason//stop giving welfare[read govt sin tax-money] the any form.

you got a nice comfortable cash cow[our wages/tolls and taxes]
but your destroying us to death/by tippling our costs

we bailed you out for too long
its as us bailing out the bankers/by borrowing from give to the if new money/bankers..THEN..leverage into high interest credit card debt..

just so govt..can build more can buy at quarter cost build price...just so you can..collect the TOLL./..IN TOMORROWS WEALTH.[INFLATED/AMOUNTS]

please explain..

ok..i..will try...AGAIN
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 April 2014 9:50:28 AM
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you got.our money pre hyper inflation cash flow
plus the service fees..paid deflating awaY the value..of the pension..your still leeching away


i worked all mt life giving you my money
for the huge[at the time]..lump sum of 2000 pounds
that became 4000 dollars..[when i began paying you/2000 pound could have bought near any house/land in surfers..when i got it it didnt even pay a years rates/services]..its a great scam

till that day soon to come/when the bubbles burst
and a loaf of bread costs one bilion deutch marks//or nigerian pounds

you clever guys are too clever
and our politicians to corrupt
our police/too busy busting kids for drugs..and our courts subservient to the public service..[any govt member getting any job in an area they over saw is doing high treason]..lobby is criminal/and party systems are corrupt.

but you will hate being poor
we are used to it....its time..the rich paid full COSTS.
tax their income streams..with a transaction tax/death duties
and that all trusts/business etc

[ie LEGAL'persons'..created under any act/STOP non living leeching identities that never die/LEECHING OUR WEALTH ANYWAY

well make a law they must die/every 10 or so years/plus pay death duties...but no..the leeches suc at our pay/ that to survive..we need live off credit/high intrest to meet the pension out;lay

go away..the dead must stop bleeding us dry
sin tax leeches..not our morality...nor our pay..go away.ENRON ESQ PRICING HAS HAD ITS DAY
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 April 2014 9:50:48 AM
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exit 118 Approved by Federal Highway Administration

The City of Mesquite, The Nevada Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation Commission are pleased to announce that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has approved the installation of Exit 118 along Interstate 15 in Mesquite, Nevada.
Webmaster's Commentary:

Right near the Bundy Ranch, which means the plan is to seize the open lands and sell them to developers for shopping centers, etc.


Son Representing Chinese Solar Panel Plant in $5 Billion Nevada Deal

The son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Rory Reid, is the primary representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese energy company seeking to build a $5 billion solar panel plant on a 9,000-acre Clark County desert plot in Laughlin, Nevada.

ENN scored big when Clark County commissioners unanimously voted to sell the Chinese company the public land for just $4.5 million, despite the fact that it was appraised at $38.6 million.



thing is the bigger the bribe..the more in on the scam

we build it..with your money
then you can pay the rent..once the gard work is done

all superannuation for the masses has cash up criminals
to steal public utilities like commonwealth ban telstra quasi privatization gas water power..the price triples and thats a great way to get you to pay your own interest

any govt that borrows its own money from banlers does treason
ignorance of the law is no excuse..[if you make the laws...then you must die by the law]

steal our super steal..our public assets..steal our govt
make our wages short lend us back our own super at 15 win for the money men..bah
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 April 2014 4:56:15 PM
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UOG. Some helpful advice. Do not give so much information in such lengthy diatribes. Crystalise your points in a few succinct short sentences and then more people will pay attention.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 12 April 2014 7:06:24 PM
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what have you done with arjay?

anyhow old sun..i always admired the way you can say things so briefly
[if only i could post briefly/and still the voice/but then i would tweet..but i hate tweeting..if people read or not isnt up to me/all i can control is the info i put up..and things are so intermingled/interrelated.

/ie govt used to sell us power..sewerage/water rego DOOUR BANKING OUR INSURANCE OUR PENSIONS ETC/BUT then they got offerd deals..[like sell us your sewer..for 50 million..and we rent it back to you..[they didnt mention that in case of a default..the lot became due

but they dudnt have 'the lot'..when they went into default
so they signed ever bigger debt..onto the public books/followed the law the money chasngers laid down/changed the law/and now we got near nothing we own

and i gotta shorten that/i havnt mentioned half
these scum/took our wages/got a lovely cash flow and bonus and fee structure
then used that cash to bribe our polititions
send us broke..borrow back our compulsory cash money thieved by clever scaming colluding hufe treasons..and i get told simplify it for zombies not even reading the danger their greed..has set us up fot

why the govt sweeteners
why govt topping ip dollar for dollar
for ifiots that wouldnt qualify for the pension ever
yet they get free cash today....what have you done to arjay?..

how much they offer
I TURTNED them down..

kept IT/brief..etc..but havnt told the fuLL-evil these scum did globally.thats what happens when marfia and security agencies declare war on the sheeple..[anyhow the only ones reading are trolls and industry shills]

who have no the game is really played
once upon a time you would have posted a link/..before they hijacked your id..?[are you now..just a computer program?..a lot/of bloggers are/usually the short..shaRp replies..OR..THEM HOOK-UP computer freezing /LINKS raving..[its all linked/to my anger
the more angry...the longer..the voices need unload

if/im really angry..i listen to alex..knowing he/is still angry
allows let it you/took..a few changed man

Posted by one under god, Saturday, 12 April 2014 7:56:46 PM
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Hi all,

thanks for the supportive comments and sorry for the delay, I am away in the bush. This primer will give more detail on the value capture methodology:

The levy could be collected via rates or as Perth does it via a Land Tax on all property - A Metropolitan Regional Improvement Tax. As you can see on the primer there are plenty of examples of huge windfall gains. Some can complain about rates but would you complain of a $200K windfall gain? Just share some of this and we can have the infrastructure we need. This is paid by the landholder. This amount taxed away would come off the re-sale price.

Watch to see if this is socialist or not. i'm confident you will see beyond that.
Posted by Karl Fitzgerald, Saturday, 12 April 2014 8:30:32 PM
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