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Psychological harm, anti-vaccination and the Racial Discrimination Act : Comments

By Tanveer Ahmed, published 9/4/2014

But at what point should the special treatment of race pass? Australia has been among the most successful and cohesive multicultural societies for several decades.

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Shockadelic, look at it this way:
The deadly superstition of human rights.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 5:11:26 PM
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The most interesting aspect of Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act, is that it can cut both ways. Trendies and self interested immigrant identity groups think that it can be used as a weapon to shut up white people who protest about multiculturalism, but it can also be used by white people to counter the constant racist attacks upon the white race.

Take old Tanveer Ahmed's claim about the "Stolen Generations." This particular piece of propaganda laughingly claimed that successive State and Federal governments (of both the right and the left) conspired to "steal" aboriginal children as a means of "breeding out the black" and therefore committing "genocide" of the aboriginal race.

This is nothing more than racist slander which demonises white people and "offends, insults, humiliates, and intimidates" us. The propagation of this outrageous lie by Tanveer Ahmed can be considered a race hate crime by white people. Careful Tanveer, with your slander about white people and the "stolen generations." You might be asked in a court of law to prove your assertion, or you might be hoist on your on petard.

It is incredible that in Australia in 2014, we now have multiculturalism as a state ideology which is considered by leftists to be so far beyond criticism that freedom of speech has to go. This is Joseph Stalin and North Korea stuff. The measure of freedom of speech in Australia is now the thickness of the skin of some member of a supposedly aggrieved minority group.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 6:00:45 PM
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Rhrostry your comment about Adam Goodes choosing an Aboriginal Community to send the 13 year old girl and her parents is hilarious. Goodes knows nothing about these communities, he has admitted as much, and if he was placed in some of them, he would be the minority. The more remote, traditional people would call him "yella fella" and laugh at his claims to be just as Aboriginal as they are. The only cred he would have would relate to his football skills, which is exactly how it should be. His small amount of Aboriginal blood should not be the dominant feature of his fame.
As for being a minority within a community, well I lived for 6 years as the only white person in a remote Aboriginal Community. I was subjected to frequent verbal abuse, occasional physical abuse, and, until my sons went through initiation, not allowed any voice in community affairs.
Yet never did I even consider complaining about racial discrimination. I accepted the words for what they were, simply a way of venting against problems in their lives. I treated the physical assaults in the best possible way, using the law to lay charges. This is how adults handle these types of issues. You ignore words, and take legal action if a situation goes beyond words. Certainly you dont claim victim status based on the words of a child.
Posted by Big Nana, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 6:28:28 PM
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As the erudite philosopher in the link above says "When someone starts talking to you about their rights you use one hand to cover your genitals and the other to protect your wallet".
How about this LEGO, why not just enforce the existing laws equally across the board,and interpret everything literally so calling a White person a "Racist" or an "Invader" becomes actionable?
You are of course right, the White Anti-Whites are simply being called out on their BS, the laws were never intended to protect everybody and they're not about "power" differentials.
Are the White people being prosecuted over these "racist bus rants" powerful, or are they poor, addicted and disturbed individuals? See That's the best the "Anti Racists" (which is a code word for Anti White) can do, harass, stalk, cyber-bully, intimidate or dob in dumb yobbos, lonely drunks posting nonsense on Facebook and mentally disturbed people.
The question has been put; why should White people be dictating what's considered offensive or not on behalf of the whole population? I'd ask the question ,why should ANTI WHITE people be deciding what's offensive and what's not on behalf of the population?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 6:49:55 PM
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Tanveer you are obiviously owned by corporate interests whose prime objective is profit.

Not all vaccination is beneficial because the profit motive perverts truth and integrity. Just 10 years ago they were using mercury as a preservative in vaccines and never told us.

Dr Rima Laidbow and her husband Major General Albert Stubblebine are totally against any vaccination. General Stubble in the 1980's was the director of all army intelligence in the USA.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 8:50:54 PM
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Hi Jay.

It has already happened. A few years ago, an "American/Australian" got so fed up of the constant America bashing by people like Arjay that he actually took a left wing magazine to the NSW Anti Discrimination Board over their anti Americanism. Naturally, he did not get anywhere. Americans are not the right KIND of minority groups in need of protection from "offence, insults, humiliation or intimidation". But the precedence was set.

I would love to take action against all those who call me are "redneck" but who go into paryoxisms of moral outrage over anyone calling a minority member a "coon", a niigger", or a "raghead". If calling people racist names is unacceptable, then calling white people "rednecks" is no less objectionable. But "redneck" is the most common racist slur used against white people. How about those black people on "Q&A" last week who said that freedom of speech was only demanded by "rich white men"? Not just racist, but sexist and ageist as well. That sailed right over the head of the ABC's "Q&A" director who obviously thinks that black people can never be bigots.

Take Tanveer little article. Notice how the only "racist" societies he mentions are all white? No mention of the newly independent Africans expelling and racially cleansing all of their Asian populations. No mention of Rwanda. No mention about how his native India is probably the most racist nation on earth where skin colour denotes caste and it is all sanctified by the Hindu religion. Nup, for people like Tanveer, "racists" means "white people."

And then he recounts all the crap about colonialism being a causal link to racism of , as if no non white civilisation ever engaged in a bit of colonialism and racism themselves.

But at least Tanveer is smart enough to realise that section 18c has to go. But his reasoning, which is skewed to keep the faith with his ethnic support base, defends free speech with faint praise.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 10 April 2014 4:28:02 AM
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