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Knights and mates and republicanism-by-stealth : Comments
By Jeremy Sammut, published 31/3/2014Republicanism-by-stealth has included removing the Queen’s picture from public buildings, replacing the title Queen’s Counsel with Senior Counsel, and eliminating references to the sovereign from the oath of office sworn by government ministers.
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And isn't it laughable that one of the first recipients was a left leaning republican.
Posted by Sparkyq, Monday, 31 March 2014 8:56:33 AM
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' According to republican thinking, we need a republic because borrowed British traditions and institutions must be eradicated so that a distinctive national culture can flourish.' Which 'republican thinking' is that? I don't remember the wholesale abolition of our system of government being part of the republican debate,I think all that was proposed was a bit of tweaking at the top.
Its never a good idea to presume to speak on behalf of groups you do not represent, whether it is Jeremy getting the republicans wrong, as here, or the swag of beliefs erroneously attributed to atheists by believer every time religion crops up on OLO. Speak for yourself Jeremy, argue your case, just don't tell others what they think. Posted by Candide, Monday, 31 March 2014 9:32:17 AM
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If firmly monarchist John Howard thinks it is a mistake, you had better listen.
Some accused him of wanting to take Australia back in time, but even he doesn't want to go that far back! Posted by Bugsy, Monday, 31 March 2014 9:45:17 AM
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Lets face it, some people like bowing and scraping to another person, which is the Monarchy system, this is what we Republicans do not like, we are all equal, we all have the same dick & fanny, perhaps some are more gold and diamond lined than others, the Sir & Lady bit creates the I am great attitude, their would be people like Alexander Downer breaking their neck to be amongst this gentry, having been to a Government house do some years ago, the only person who curtsied and carried on to the Governor was Lady Downer, the Downers love all this pomp and ceremony. I have nothing against the old Queen, but I doubt very much if she could ever become normal, no gloves to shake a peasants hand, wouldn't know how to open a car door,she also believes she is some super being, these are many of the things I hate about the Royalty system, lets also face it, if Pesident Obama and the Queen were in the same room,I know which would be the easier to talk to, not the one who has to talk to you first before you open your mouth. Australia must become a Republic and stand on its own two feet in all ways, nominated Governor General selected by the people of Australia, no titles such as Sir & Lady, our own Government and no allegiance to the old Queen and mother England, could all Royalists please return to your beloved England and bow and scrape to your hearts content. Abbott is a Royalist .
Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 31 March 2014 10:12:49 AM
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Even Amanda Vanstone has come out against the reintroduction of titles. No one minds achievement being recognised, but many people , republican and otherwise, do object to the awarding a titles which make a minority sound as though they are more important than the rest of us. The Order of Australia has already been gamed by certain sectors of the medical profession, which is overrepresented in the Order. How much worse it might be once there is the possibility of a title. In the UK it has always been possible to 'acquire' a life Peerage through massive political donations and fundraising. Is that what we want here? Sir Eddie Obeid anyone? Joh Bjelke Petersen would have knighted him in a trice.
Posted by Candide, Monday, 31 March 2014 10:37:52 AM
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I don't understand the premise of this article at all. I know Australia has the Queen of England as its Head of State, but seriously why would a country want a citizen of another country to be its Head of State?
If some anachronistic colonial titles are done away with, what is the harm in that? Posted by Agronomist, Monday, 31 March 2014 10:46:30 AM
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Castle your king and turn back the moats!
Ah, so much too clever by half, distraction for the mere pawns/the mugs out there in mugsville, who can be almost guaranteed, not to think about critical issues that actually matter, at the very next polling day that counts, at which time, the Government ought to be held to account!? WA Senate election anyone? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 31 March 2014 11:11:38 AM
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Has anyone noticed that the U.S. is tearing our world into pieces or has the press succeeded in blinding you?
While our aristocratic P.M. tries to move Australia back to Royal Times to hide his own profound incompetency and mediocrity, the U.S. is manipulating Russia by trying to create hatred and war between old Allies in the Crimea. Why can't Australians see what the imperial U.S. is doing? Why are we no more than toys of the warmongering U.S.? Why is no politician got the wit to see how vulnerable and blind Australia is, that it is slated to become a pawn of America, one that will be hated as much as the U.S. is! Australian stupidity sickens me, literally. We deserve all we get. America is boning and filleting us while we stand and watch and feel good about our Big Friend better known and recognized as an Enormous Fiend! 23 million Australians have allowed their nation and what principles it had to be stolen by the greatest rogue nation the world has seen. Enjoy your chains my fellow citizens. You allowed them to be put on you without protest! Every american-lover clearly is a traitor! Posted by David G, Monday, 31 March 2014 11:15:38 AM
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Pray tell David G, which nation has been annexed by America, Tibet, Crimea?
Suggest a white cane and a seeing eye dog. During the battle of the coral sea, and at which time, most of Americas fleet had been scuttled by a warmongering Japan. America sacrificed 52 subs and 35 hundred American sailors, all of who, died keeping us a free nation, where even radicalized oddballs like yourself, remain free to spew their hate filled rubbish. One recalls how the Nazis made the Jews responsible for all the ills of the world, before they declared war on it; and or, ransacked/stole Jewish wealth! And now, a new breed of ultra right wing fascists/extremeists, are blaming all the troubles around the world on America; rather than those who declare quite deliberate war on women and children, or use them in place of the real warriors sandbags, as they mindlessly attack the polling booths, that guarantee the future freedom of those same women and children. Who at these very moment, are treated as little more than slaves, goods and chattels, or mere bagatelle. Unavoidable collateral damage is one thing, quite deliberately killing entirely innocent women and children, or using them as human shields, is very much another! And yes, some American presidents, used their power, not too differently than Adolf Hitler? In places like Vietnam, which cost more American lives than the second world war, or Cambodia, which had more tons of American munitions dropped on it, than America dropped during the second world war! That said, all Americans can't be held responsible for President Nixon/LBJ/Bush 1+11, any more than all of Germany, for the Third Reich's excesses! If you don't like Australia mate, or our traditional allies, feel free to go to any other country you like, or go back where you came from! I'll even pass around the hat! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 31 March 2014 12:04:08 PM
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"Russia, Obama says, must be punished by the West for permitting Crimeans to exercise self-determination. The return of a Russian province on its own volition to its mother country where it existed for 200 years is presented by Obama as a dictatorial, anti-democratic act of tyranny.
Here was Obama, whose government has just overthrown the elected, democratic government of Ukraine and substituted stooges chosen by Washington in the place of the elected government, speaking of the hallowed ideal that “people in nations can make their own decisions about their future.” That is exactly what Crimea did, and that is exactly what the US coup in Kiev contravened. In the twisted mind of Obama, self-determination consists of governments imposed by Washington. Here was Obama, who has shredded the US Constitution, speaking of “individual rights and rule of law.” Where is this rule of law? It is certainly not in Kiev where an elected government was overthrown with force. It is certainly not in the United States where the executive branch has spent the entirety of the new 21st century establishing government above the law. Habeas corpus, due process, the right to open trials and determination of guilt by independent jurors prior to imprisonment and execution, the right to privacy have all been overturned by the Bush/Obama regimes. Torture is against US and international law; yet Washington set up torture prisons all over the globe. How is it possible that the representative of the war criminal US government can stand before an European audience and speak of “rule of law,” “individual rights,” “human dignity,” “self-determination,” “freedom,” without the audience breaking out in laughter? Continued. Posted by David G, Monday, 31 March 2014 1:23:02 PM
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Washington is the government that invaded and destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq on the basis of lies. Washington is the government that financed and organized the overthrow of the Libyan and Honduran governments and that is currently attempting to do the same thing to Syria and Venezuela. Washington is the government that attacks with drones and bombs populations in the sovereign countries of Pakistan and Yemen. Washington is the government that has troops all over Africa. Washington is the government that has surrounded Russia, China, and Iran with military bases. It is this warmongering collection of Washington war criminals that now asserts that it is standing up for international ideals against Russia.
No one applauded Obama’s nonsensical speech. But for Europe to accept such blatant lies from a liar without protest empowers the momentum toward war that Washington is pushing." Paul Craig Roberts. An American with a brain! A rare occurrence indeed. Rhosty, a typical Australian! Posted by David G, Monday, 31 March 2014 1:24:25 PM
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there are different measures..of being british/ colonisation
to begin..with we are still little more than a colony..[we/the living..have never ratified any*thing..over us.but what is constituted by british acts. to wit we are the common [WEALTH]people of THE COMMON WEalth..[i long ago..noted the dropping..of that IMPORTANT/detail[commonwealth of australia became simply australia[again without us point being we/got a queen..who has the loyalty OF *ALL THE ARMED SERVICES..POLICE AIRFORCE NAVY GRUNTS JUDGES THE LOT SWORN TO SERVE ANF PROTECT HRH/HER HEIRS AND SUCCEASERS..[THUS US THE PEOPLE OF HRH COMMON WEALTH. WE HAVE HER FACE ON OUR COIN[WE HAVE WATCHED THE METAL OF THE COIN DEBASED[UNDER TIME OF WAR THIS IS HIGH TREASON/BUT HRH ARMED FORCES POLICE THE PEOPLE NOT THE CRIMINALS IF TONY IS GETTING BACK..]..THETO BEING PART OF THE COMMON WEALTH[WHO ISSUE THE QUEENS COIN [AS THE ONLY LAWFUL TENDER.[FED CONSTITUTION GREAT/HE DOTH GODS WORK. ANYHOW LETS WAIT AND SEE..IF THE REST OF THE COMMON WEALTH IS RETURNED TO THE PEOPLE AND ALL SERVICES/AND ALL INSURANCE /INDEMNITIES ARE DELIVERED..EQUITABLY..TO ALL/by govt..SERVING THE DESERVING where govt serves the people not taxes us to death not colludes treason to the people its funny..i have missed alL but maybe half an hour ALL TOGETHER OF THE CURRENT GOVT'S..PARTY-Gentry debaits..[parlemeant]..WE THE STATES GAVE UP OUR RIGHT TO LEGISLATE THUS ALL STATE LAWS ARE INVALID CHAPTER 1..ITEM 1 NAME THE INTANGIBLE SECURITY INTERESTS VIOLATED BY OUR DELIBERATED IMPOVERISHMENT[EQUITY BEFORE THE LAW IS MANDATORY BUT WE GAVE RIGHT FOR GOVT TO ISSUE LICENTIOUS/ONLY FOR THE 'PERSONS'/UNCREATED UNDER THE ACT NOT FOR COOPERATE PERSON FICTIONS HRH HAS BEEN ADJUDGED OF Misprision..[failure to a personae..of response-ability..[her prime directive is to protect and to serve good order not criminal collusion]//govt has lost its lawful now has become the industrial war complex running the mad house. if ye know not the naming of a thing all knowings of the thing..they personify..must perish invalid cause of action..[not tony/but those who killed..our money educational/health services..SYSTEMS..and impoverished the common wea Posted by one under god, Monday, 31 March 2014 2:15:42 PM
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Free speech, another of those nasty British inspired traditions that need to be consigned to the rubbish bin of history?
Isn't that what the anti Western/British leftie ratbags want? Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 31 March 2014 3:15:45 PM
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Malcolm Turnbulls speech in which he appeared to rubbish Tony Abbott and which wass applauded by the lefties and laborerely showed they were all totally inept at gobernmrnt and lacked awareness of international relstions
Our most important and closest relationship is with a country that has Dames and Sirs as part of its national honours system. New Zealand. I think they would be miffed a tad at the derision being heaped on those who have not rejected our common traditions. It is probably why yhey keep winning at Rugby. They hold their traditions in esteem. Sir Brian Lahore. Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 31 March 2014 3:23:03 PM
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Yeah sure, a referendum conducted under the barrel of a Russian gun, is truly representative of what the people want?
And Russian activists were not visiting the houses of known Tarters, to put them well and truly in their place, or well away from polling booths. And how is it actually possible, to have a free and fair referendum, where the is no question or option for the negative? That's more like a staged ultimatum, to an energy dependent region, not a free and fair referendum! What planet are you living on David? There are a couple of old Irish sayings that come immediately to mind. The first, if he had another brain it'd be lonely, and two, if you could put his brain in a thimble, you'd still hear it rattle. As for me being a typical Australian, I'll accept that as the nicest complement you've ever paid me, David. You'll have a very nice day now, y'hear. Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 31 March 2014 4:25:09 PM
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The prefixes "Sir" and "Madam" are titles meant to denote people worthy of respect. They are no different to "Professor", "Doctor" "Father", "Sister", "Sergeant", "Captain", "Queens Council" or "Monseigneur." If we are demanding an egalitarian society, then lets get rid of all titles.
One Socialist country was stupid enough to do just that. With a conformism worthy of all stupid Socialists and other Taliban like thinkers, Communist China in the 1970's proudly proclaimed that it was removing all badges of rank from the Red Army to show it's comradely credentials. Unfortunately, ity got itself involved with a war with Vietnam, where it boated that the Red Army would "teach the Vietnamese a lesson." Unfortunately for the Chinese, it was the Vietnamese who taught them a lesson about ideological stupidity. It has never been titles which honour men and women. Usually, it is the other way around. However it is amusing to note that so many republicans suddenly become monarchists when invited to receive a K or a QC. I think Tony is on a winner here. There are so many republicans who want to destroy the established, British leaning Australian identity, and replace it with God knows what, that many Australians who think that multiculturalism is going to be catastrophic for this country welcome a return of our British honour system as an identifying traditional Australian value. The more the multicultural republicans scream about it, the better we like it. God save the Queen. Up yours, republicans. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 31 March 2014 4:39:21 PM
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David G as always I do agree with your postings, I really do, and not only myself, but many others are concerned that the USA is trying to control the world, we are right they are wrong, it is far better to discuss problems that arise, understand the problem rather than trying to create another world war, we must always remember the original Aborigines had no choice in deciding the fate of the country they had owned for forty thousand years, the British decided that as soon as they landed, it is ours by any means we want to use, no conference over the table for them. Writers to OLO must look to the past as for claiming land, the Russians to me are no different to what went on then.
Posted by Ojnab, Monday, 31 March 2014 4:42:35 PM
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For those of us that would prefer Transgender Operations one would not expect Sir, Sire, Dame, M'Lady or M'Lord but
Trannie, M'Trannie, McTrannie or simply: - Sir John Howard of Tampa Kiddy Chuck - Dame Bronwynn Bishop of Maggie Witch Thatcher Mark II - (in time) Sir Tony Abbott of Jesuit Budgie Ears and of course: - Dame Gina Rinehart of Thunder Thighs I'm Rich Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 31 March 2014 4:43:20 PM
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Lego. Would you describe Sir Robert Menzies as a monarchist? On his watch Australia became a world leader in something that is known to benefit the health, education and well-being of society. Any idea what it was? No? It was egalitarianism: we had the smallest gap between rich an poor. I don't think republicanism has anything to do with equality, a fair go or any other laudable trait.
Agronomist - we used to have the Queen of a foreign country as our head of state, then we had the bright idea of making her Queen of Australia. Posted by Candide, Monday, 31 March 2014 4:51:33 PM
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Jerry, your piece is a nasty polemic against republicanism in Australia - a view to which you are entitled, but it *is* only your personal opinion. You wrongly (IMO) entangle egalitarianism in your discussion. Egalitarianism is not a property of a particular political regime but rather a characteristic (or not) of the people living under any polity. To claim otherwise would imply that people living under a monarchy or a republic can evince egalitarianism, but not the people of both, and that is clearly wrong.
Regarding the restoration of the peerage in Australia, there's an old saying in the military that goes, "rank has its privileges." But to me "all privilege is rank." Posted by JKUU, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 12:06:20 AM
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To Candide.
If there is one thing I do not believe in, it is socialist Egalitarianism. It may be a nice principle within communities, but it is an unattainable ideal. All societies above 200 souls will always stratify into classes, as different intelligence levels and different types of intelligences, sort out people according to skill specialisation. I am not a monarchist because I have any love of royalty, I am a monarchist because the people who despise the monarchy are the same sorts of people who I despise. I have lived through a time when educated and supposedly intelligent people advocated Socialist egalitarianism as the way to create utopia. Even though every Socialist state in the world was little more than a giant prison camp. Even during WW2, far left wing (and vehemently anti monarchist) unions like the Waterside Workers Union, various Railways Unions, various Steel makers unions, and Coal miners unions, did everything they could to sabotage the war effort and stab Australian soldiers, seamen and airmen in the back. Incredibly, they even kept it up when Australia was on the verge of being invaded. It is hard to understand the Taliban like mentality of that, but it actually happened. It was as if class hostility was more important to them than self preservation. Today, it is the tertiary educated elites turn to commit treason against their own people and their own country. They seem to think that always being opposed to the interests of their own people is what "intelligent" people must always do. And doing just that, marks them indelibly with the presumption that they are intelligent. Their entire country can go to hell in a hand basket as long as they can maintain their elevated self image of themselves as morally and intellectually superior people. And these snobs are the same ones who never tire of advocating Socialist egalitarianism. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. One thing all these people have in common is their hatred of the monarchy. So I am the biggest monarchist around because anything these creatures advocate, I will do the opposite, just to nark them Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 5:30:35 AM
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Arise, Sir Lego. Your narking has been exemplary, your obfuscation brilliant, your beating around the bush without parallel, your twisted logic a tour de force.
Please contribute to OLO again soon, share with us the inner workings of your tiny, narky mind. Who knows, we might find something of value there for a change! Why, the illustrious Tony, there's never been a better phoney, may reward you one day, make you Supreme Commander of the Narks. Of course, reminded of his priestly wanderings, he might also feed you to the sharks! Posted by David G, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 9:48:24 AM
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the Monarchy system, this is what we Republicans do not like, we are all equal,
Ojnab, But you do like & literally thrive on other even more meaningless & senseless pomp such as sporting heroes & other celebrities. Or the professors & Doctors of something or other. The Republicans are nothing more than smoke screen monarchists. The monarchists usually are the smarter ones but don't ask me why. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 12:30:16 PM
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indi/quote..<<..The Republicans are nothing more than smoke screen monarchists. The monarchists usually are the smarter ones but don't ask me why.>>
its because its only too feel this[or that]..will fix it] cures are easy] but there is a an accountable benevolent entrenched servile upper class..content with a fair share..ans respect[indeed honors for honor earned..[trouble being when it goes wrong..there is even worse the forces are loyal/to the elite..not the people but any service..can be converted from service to oppression so whats the best way..? takaway the ability to 'pick winners/looser' make many little chiefs in many little but easy to control fiefdom sepperate lawsd making from law enforcing ahd judging and incarceration..its just too much temptation/to anyone. currently all the powers tie back to ratification/by hrh but she has never ratified..ratification must be simplified[80 percent plus at election time? thing is colonization had many successions.. we go to sleep..get enslaved..get set free /enslaved but till they want freedom..benevolent govt care must be mandated and abuses of trust or powers must be severe[loss of honour position asset measure expulsion ridden out of town on a rail/tar and feather..stocks..[the ones you get put in]..not the bets on them increasing or decreasing as has been 'your retirement' fund. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 12:55:13 PM
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Individual no sporting hero and others you mention fall into any award situation with myself, but dames and knights create a superior being, as mentioned by another writer, why should the wife of a sir become a lady, they normally have done nothing for society and do not deserve that title. Once a title of lady is given, a woman will do her utmost to retain that title of superiority, an actual case lady Renouff . Titles belong in the rubbish bin.
Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 1:26:55 PM
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I agree, like those "honourable Members" or should that be members honing the members of honeable members ? Posted by individual, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 3:57:41 PM
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'Regarding the restoration of the peerage in Australia' ? There is not nor ever has been a peerage in Australia. The odd peer has occasionally taken refuge in the colonies but that's the limit of it. We do not have Dukes, Earls, Viscounts and others of that ilk. We are so far beyond awarding titles in Australia that most people don't have a clue about the correct way to describe or address the titled few. Posted by Candide, Wednesday, 2 April 2014 7:51:43 AM
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candid/said..<<..We are so far beyond awarding titles in Australia that most people don't have a clue about the correct way to describe or address the titled few.>.
thats a great point when my ancestors came here in the 1600's..we couldnt find any chief so in the end we had to leave..[once george warrumpies mob achieved concensus..and they took us to task.. yes we have no chiefs..[had no use for them/as we each had our elders we often however had troubles..these we simply put the mark.of cain on and outcast its these outcasts..who the colonizers assumed to make into kings they formerly cast out/rejected..accepted and prospered..they happily became the parts they were required to play be clear here..we dont need leaders..who can claim to own 'land'..or give away..our stuff rights inheritance CULTURE ETC WE DONT LIKE LEADERS..down under but its the way of the colonizer to/do deals to seemingly share the illusions.of power..even if they only hold titular or fax powers..they have the guns the court the laws and the media..[ITS ON PAPER]..THEY SIMPLY MIRROR CREATION..[ON PAPER]..THEN ALL THE PROOF THEY need is looks right/but i dont recall giving away..implicit right.. [rule..only by our true birth right.] those not under consensus..simply get cast out TO FORM THEIR[OUR]..OWN CONSENSUS..[not further abused by fine fee or revenue raising ..nor free labor] IF WE HAD CONCENTRATES AS THE DIVIDING LINE then you could vote which POLIE GETS WHAT..BASED ON WHAT THEY CONTRACTED TO DELIVER THE HIGHEST TITLE IS 'volunteer' public service.. then the tax paying MAN...THEN THE SELF MADE MAN then the self supporting man..THEN THE FREEMAN EACH CAN INCLUDE OTHER TITLES OTHER HONORS/BUT FIRST WE NEED RATE..THE QUALITY OF THE MAN..MAAAM AND ITS NOT LENGTH BREADTH GIRTH NOT WIDTH NOR BONING THE BONEABLE MEMBER Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 April 2014 8:37:29 AM
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Candide, 'odd' as a numerical or other descriptor?
"The odd peer has occasionally taken refuge in the colonies but that's the limit of it." Only twice has it worked the other way (sort of), as in to the House of Lords... Baron Casey, of Berwick in the State of Victoria and the Commonwealth of Australia, and of the City of Westminster preceded by the fabulously titled and unnecessarily enumerated 1st Viscount Bruce of Melbourne. Both their biographies would make great viewing as television mini-series. "We are so far beyond awarding titles in Australia that most people don't have a clue about the correct way to describe or address the titled few." Agreed. I shudder to think that a Brisbane lad who started life as Richard Casey and merited becoming The Rt. Hon. The Lord Casey KG GCMG CH DSO MC KStJ PC, was ever informally addressed as Lord Dick. Posted by WmTrevor, Wednesday, 2 April 2014 8:50:08 AM
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Take a look at Whether you want/do not want to include knighthoods in peerage is up to you. My objection to the restoration is based on the notion of privileged individuals - a distinction rooted in class. An egalitarian society should avoid this, IMO. Posted by JKUU, Thursday, 3 April 2014 10:55:48 PM
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the PROBLEM..I have with us all being 'equal'..IS WE ARNT ALL EQUAlly capable..and peerage isnt based as much on talent..NOR SKILL BUT BY BIRTH OR OTHER 'SPECIAL-PRIVILEGES'..OF Friends advanced BY PEERS/NOT SKILL.
that said the families of the greats..CAN/reset mindsets to greatness THOUGH Mostly its pearl before swine..or RATHER THE DIRTY Knowing which dirt gets them their nickle plated name plate...FREE LUNCH AND ATTENDANCE TO THE BEST DO's. i have SEEN HOW SCUM FLOATS..JUST AS MUCH As the cream YET Fluffy cream..and fluffy scum..just GETS THAT EXTRA FLOTATION LIGHT WEIGHTS GET. CALLING SOMEONE A knight..dont get then the seat at the table yet IT ALLOWS THE FEIGNERS AND PRETENDERS To feign..or imagine they could/can,..or might..AND THats where this farce becomes danger soME REALLY SELL THEIR SOUL..FOR WHAT? EVERYONE HAS THEIR PEER BASED STRUCTURING THE LEADER OF One class can only rise above that class BY SELLING THAT CLASS OUT Posted by one under god, Friday, 4 April 2014 8:54:27 AM