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The Senate tries its hand at climate science : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 31/3/2014The Senate committee report Paying polluters to halt global warming? signifies only sound and fury, like most parliamentary theatre.
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Posted by JF Aus, Friday, 4 April 2014 7:25:41 AM
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JF Aus, I had a look at your reference and the hyperlinks with it; there is a co-relation with phytoplankton and El Nino; El Nino produces an up welling of warm water and nutrients which then allows the phytoplankton to thrive. The warmth comes from the water, not the phytoplankton.
We are about due for an El Nino event; it being cyclic, a build up appears to be occurring: Methane is a more serious gas than carbon dioxide and the level of this gas has been on an upward trend. Many suggest there is no relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature, an ice core taken from Antarctica shows beautifully that is completely wrong: Graph from above reference: For a number of weeks I have been wondering about what the base level of methane has been in the past, the above site suggests about 600 ppb; a number of recent papers are suggesting that levels of up to 2,600 ppb have been recorded in the last year or so. Posted by ant, Friday, 4 April 2014 1:16:53 PM
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Ant and others and The Senate,
I understand warmth comes from the sun into the water and into the algae, phytoplankton call it what you like. It is the increased algae matter in the water that in my opinion has not been measured and assessed in relation to claimed increase in ocean warmth, and think such data is not included in AGW –Kyoto-IPCC science models. Or is it? Can anyone provide reference? I also challenge the source of nutrients proliferating algae/phytoplankton associated with El Nino, because there is need to measure and assess all sources of nutrients in order to assess whether or not there is an increase in the total nutrient loading. I consider nutrients do not only come from upwelling currents into equatorial – El Nino waters. In my opinion based on empirical evidence it is vital to scientifically assess the nutrient loading entering El Nino waters from the mass of prawn farming and human sewage and land use nutrient matter in coastal waters of the western Pacific Ocean. Has that loading been measured and assessed in association with the El Nino phytoplankton? I think not Posted by JF Aus, Friday, 4 April 2014 6:17:34 PM
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JF Aus, I watched this clip a couple of months ago, it is about various impacts on oceans. The clip takes almost 1.5 hours to watch. Posted by ant, Friday, 4 April 2014 6:35:38 PM
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Still arguing about our AGW/nonAGW problem ?
All the while as it becomes a secondary consideration in what to do about our rising population and our falling resources. Anyway you won't have to worry about burning fossil fuels in a couple of decades. Talk about Nero and his fiddle ! BTW, the world temperature has been rising for more than 300 years. Anyone attended the Ice Fair on the Thames in recent times ? Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 6 April 2014 12:28:59 PM
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Why think apocalype when there are employment and business generating opportunities to sustain ocean ecosystems and seafood supply on this planet. Is the Senate interested in genuine solutions? Posted by JF Aus, Sunday, 6 April 2014 2:30:53 PM
I do not consider I am going into battle with the scientific establishment, real science that is. You know, the science that is gagged by politics and AGW trading commissions agenda. The latter should be applied to solutions and that would also stimulate economies worldwide.
Thank you for the best wishes, same to you.
As for you or I beginning to understand, I think you would do well to help by gaining a better understanding of algae.
For example, have you personally ever heard from any source other than here on OLO, that algae is linked to El Nino and associated weather events? Please be honest and let me know your answer to that. Did you know or not?
You surely are aware that El Nino and La Nino phenomena is linked to drought, floods - weather and climate. i.e drought = dry climate, rain = humidity.
To remain on topic I would like to clearly ask, what is the use of The Senate if matters such as we are talking about are not raised or debated in The Senate?
Can the Government of Australia Senate justify turning a blind eye to evidence of substance indicating AGW - Kyoto – IPCC science is incomplete, and that emissions cost based on such incomplete evidence and ALREADY legislated is causing cost to the public that is such a burden, it is causing closure of Australian and international business