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The Senate tries its hand at climate science : Comments
By Don Aitkin, published 31/3/2014The Senate committee report Paying polluters to halt global warming? signifies only sound and fury, like most parliamentary theatre.
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Posted by cohenite, Monday, 31 March 2014 8:39:44 AM
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The Noah film, now that's what the warmists want.. none of this messing around with a few millimeters a year. A full on Biblical deluge will put the skeptics in their place and wash away all that industry. The earth must be cleansed! Come to think of it, it was wet in Sydney on the weekend..
Posted by Curmudgeon, Monday, 31 March 2014 9:38:26 AM
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Thanks, Don, for the reminder that the Senate remains dominated by the fraud backing Labor and Greens. It is bad enough that the Liberal government seem to have regressed from the position that AGW is crap and will waste resources on “direct action”, whatever that may be.
The Greens are toxic in their support of AGW fraud. They were active in the Tuvalu fraud on sea levels, asserting a sea level rise which never occurred. At the time that they produced photos of a storm surge, falsely presenting them s evidence of a sea level rise, there had actually been a fall of sea level at Tuvalu. The sea level expert, Nils Axel Morner visited Tuvalu, and was able to show, by means of an old tree, of which there was a photograph taken 50 years before, that there had been no sea level rise. The fraud backing greens responded by ripping out the tree, and launching unceasing vilification on Morner, which continues to this day. We can only look forward to the day when this criminal group no longer have a seat in the Senate. Posted by Leo Lane, Monday, 31 March 2014 10:05:16 AM
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C'mon mate, we're paying these people for sound and fury; and theatre! What'd you expect, action? Or even a little bit of vision or an original thought!? Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 31 March 2014 10:51:50 AM
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I rather gather that if the Senate had come up with an answer that fitted Don's ideology on this one, he wouldn't have written an article about how all politics is all theatre and they don't really mean it.
There seems to be an increasing chance that politicians get it wrong when it comes to scientific issues. Sadly that leads to poor policy. In this case, the Senate Committee got it close to right as far as the science goes and the minority report is wrong. The direct action plan has already been evicerated by a group of academics. But what the Senate Committee thinks doesn't matter one jot, because Tony Abbott is too busy playing knights and dames will simply ignore them and any others that point out what the science really says. After all Nero supposedly played the lyre while Rome burned. Posted by Agronomist, Monday, 31 March 2014 11:03:00 AM
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Agronomist, you say that the AGW fraud backers have the science right.. That means that you are able to refer us to science that shows that human emissions have a measurable effect on climate. How exciting!
Please let us have a reference to this science. Posted by Leo Lane, Monday, 31 March 2014 4:35:08 PM
There is no science supporting AGW; it is all bluff, bluster and hysteria. That vapid, vainglorious nitwit Crowe and his latest Hollywood genuflection to AGW, Noah, is about the standard of AGW 'science'.
It jus beggars belief that this monumental foolishness is still trundling along but the money being spewed out in support of it will create momentum for a long time.