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Tide of public opinion to be taken by Queensland ALP : Comments

By Graham Young, published 5/3/2014

The plan is to parachute Cameron Dick into Woodridge, and this makes it not impossible that Newman's could be a one-term government.

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Saying labor workers still in positions is clutching at straws.
Why do you have to resort to the equivalent of lying when remarking on statements. At no stage did I say Labor workers, I said ALP cronie bureaucrats.
The laying off of tradesmen in Q-Build & replace them with doubly expensive contractors whilst the admin hangers-on stay is nothing short of stupid if not immoral. As many of the people I know who helped vote Newman in I too will be voting against him if he does not change his ways. I am so very disappointed in his handling of the show, I truly expected a lot better. I'm still hanging onto the hope that things will get better before long but if they don't I'm afraid Newman will not be Premier for another term. Hopefully though people aren't so peed off that they vote the ALP in again, heaven forbid that scenario.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 6 March 2014 6:56:13 PM
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there are another three of factors needing assessment.

Firstly, in my opinion voters tend to not reverse their choices easily. Once they've committed to a member they tend to not question their choice easily. Just look at the hopeless Rudd/Gillard governments. Voters tend to be pretty forgiving, and they don't like to admit they might have made a mistake. So far Newman hasn't stuffed up too much. That might mean he retains more than a few disillusioned former labor voters. Of course it won't deter dyed in the wool labor voters or active labor supporters.

The second consideration is much more important and the parachuting of Dick onto Woodridge is symptomatic.

Isn't that what Labor always does? Haven't voters rejected that type of behaviour? It will merely show voters, more widely, that Labor hasn't changed. Dick is sure to win in Woodridge. Why wouldn't he be sure to win in Greenslopes if the LNP is as on the nose as polls are apparently showing. I'd love to see the internal polling in Greemslopes.

Finally, how many former members of Bligh's and Beattie's governments will again line up seeking voters endorsement, as for example in Morningside?

Again, legitimately, labor will be challenged to show how it has changed in both personnel, attitudes and competence since Bligh?

I like Newman's chances even if the LNP organisation stuff up as usual. I think they'll probably survive despite themselves with the help of Labor's union domination.
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 6 March 2014 8:23:02 PM
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I hope you don’t mind my pointing out a couple of redundant phrases, which spoil your clichés:
“Once upon a time the tide of public opinion used to rise and fall”, and,
“the Kevin Redux repeat”.
Apologies for being pedantic, we all lapse, but since you’re the editor and a devotee of Orwell..
But on to more important matters:
“On this comparison Queensland's VLAD laws are fairly benign, and are targeted at drug-running bikie gangs, so should play well”.
The “targeting” is rather indiscriminate, is it not? And why do you assume the majority’s decency and sobriety? We are a fundamentally dishonest and decadent society after all--though I appreciate one should not say as much.
Newman’s bikie laws are the height of hypocrisy so yes, conceded, they ought to play well on that score.
“According to our polling Newman has a net negative rating of -19%, not dissimilar to Campbell Newman”,.
What a coincidence!
“Even with Dick as leader the party would still need to have enough talent to look like a credible alternative government”;.
If any of them had talent (whatever that is) would they be politicians? But the line also betrays editorial bias with the leading innuendo that the party lacks “talent”—quality or quantity btw?
Your conclusion is nevertheless canny: “It's not impossible that this could be a one-term government”.
I thought that was the nature of elections, but no matter.
Are you pointing out the bleedin’ obvious to hearten us or shake our complacency?
Me thinks it’s the latter--but I’m taking heart.
Posted by Squeers, Friday, 7 March 2014 6:17:35 PM
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@Hasbeen. I know that BP inherited a corrupt system. My point was the systemic problem. That has not gone away because of a reduction in gerrymandering. I would argue that the system cannot be truly democratic when one party gets half the votes but 80+% of the seats.

Some of the consequences of that are seen in the blunders the LNP are making, born of the hubris that comes with an unassailable parliamentary majority.

Good government depends on the government of the day being held accountable, not just at three yearly intervals.

As for Nutter, Individual et al, it is a very tired refrain that makes allowances for incompetence and other failings because the previous lot, in this case at both State and Federal level, the Labor Party were also allegedly incompetent etc.

As it was so well put in "The Lucky Country" we are lucky, but run by third rate politicians who share its luck. That is entirely a cross party phenomenon.
Posted by James O'Neill, Friday, 7 March 2014 10:15:09 PM
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incompetence and other failings because the previous lot
James O'Neill,
In Australia's case it's not a matter of THE previous government, it's a matter of un-principled & utterly self-centred voters keeping the bandwagon going that was started by Goaf. Successive generations of such voters have brought Australia to where it is now. Broke, overrun with incompetent & overpaid bureaucrats, saturated with unemployables both home-grown & imported, selling-out merchants devoid of any National sense, educated downwards etc etc. I do not give one hoot what anyone says, I am totally certain that this is due to Goaf & his clueless followers. One just has to look what that moron Rudd did, he almost out-did his hero. So, you can confidently put Australia's failings onto the shoulders of the ALP not Labor or Liberal. Hopefully necessity will strip this great country of many of the useless parasites that came on Goaf's bandwagon on which they procreated like rabbits.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 8 March 2014 8:52:56 AM
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