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Nature's nature : Comments
By Ian Nance, published 27/2/2014Nature provides an antidote to the violence of human life.
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Posted by one under god, Friday, 28 March 2014 9:10:47 PM
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Wow, OUG. You're further gone than I thought - and I'm not referring to your creationist beliefs either. As someone who is currently studying criminology, I can only hope - for the sake of public safely - that you are posting this from a secure location. Despite your posting style indictating severe problems, I gave you the benefit of the doubt in regards to your potential to be reasonable because others here treat you in such a way, but they're wrong in doing so.
Goodbye. Posted by AJ Philips, Friday, 28 March 2014 10:16:44 PM
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I KNOW..YOU CAN COMPREHEND..EVEN YOUR OWN WORDS SO I FOUND YOU A YOUTUBE CLIP..just two minutes time..and you may have caught UP..ON HOW FINDING A FINISHED 'EVOLUTION..appearing 40 million years before its time..refutES THE THEory of hoW IT 'EVOLVED' in case you..still..dont get it..another MAYBE IT WILL MAKE YOU SMILE..TOO COMEON AJ..ITS A SIM-LE MATTER OF TIMMING[TIMMING..IS EVERYTHING] IF MUMMY ISNT BORN BEFORE KIDDIE..theres a story/going down heck look at this timeline ITS Pretty its glossy..but its just moving pictures at least take me on re the PIG THESES im only 60 percent sold on that WHERAS THE WHALE/tale.. I WAS allways suss On.. it just sounded too silly [how did that fat man get down my chimminy silly.] or that jesus died so i can sin didnt pass the sniff test look at the last youTUBE VIDIO//lol..a waTER RAT[MAMMAL]..GOES FOR A SWIM[TURNs into a EGGlaying crok'o-rat.THAT ACTUally skips into skippy the bush kangeroo..doing an aIRWALK/HOP/SKIPPY And jump[ IN THE WATER]..THAT ALONE IF HILARIOUS.. DONT GET SO..SERIOUS comeon aj..its funny SEE THE JOKE..HAve a LAUGH..THEN LETS HAVE A GO..AT HOW A MUTAnt chimpl liKE CRITTER.ANCESTOR..MADE PASSION WITH A SOW..AND HOW HER INCESTIOPUS F1 GENERATION..EVOLVED INTO NEW man* or think..of hOW eve..[XX]..WAS FROM ADAMS DNA [Xy] and how they thus legally are brother/sister[f1]..BUT IT GETS BETTER under the mosaic laws..a brother [adam]]..may forgive a sister[eve]..any FOOLISHNESS LIKE An apple [just like hubbyadam/canb forgive a wife[eve]..a foolishness [just like a father adam/can forgive a DAUGHTER[EVE]..A FOOLISHNESS ETC..SEE HOW BY LOOSING A LITTLE YOU CAN Now do the proper job..on us creationists..[or cretins/for short].. LAUgh damm you..ITS FUNNY SEE THE JOKE..see thE JOKER Posted by one under god, Saturday, 29 March 2014 8:01:49 AM
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What basis for 'creation'?
GENESIS? When I start reading Genesis I find myself picturing a group of swarthy farmers and their families, wives, adolescents and children, sitting around a central glowing fire in a large thatched communal hut, with smoke billowing up through a central hole in the thatch, and there towards the middle of their circle sits an old full-bearded man, slightly elevated on a pillow or a small pile of skins, with the firelight illuminating his face, and his eyes glowing reddish, as he holds the gathering spellbound, as his father had before him, and his father before him, addressing similar groups: “Our God, the Father of us all, caused there to be a great light to warm the day and a smaller light to soften the dark of night, and sowed He the heavens above with a carpet of glowing embers to guide us in our travels, and gathered He together the waters for seas, streams and lakes, and into which He caused there to be fishes and great whales, and on the land caused there to be grass and grains and forests of trees with many fruits, and cattle and abundant life for meat, and many creeping and slithering things, and above the land He caused there to be fowl of the air, and for all of this we here give thanks.” I can picture such groups scattered across the continents telling their own version in their own way, giving thanks for the seasons of sowing and reaping, of fishing and hunting, and of gathering the fruits of the earth and the fowl of the air. I can see some groups remarking on the travels of the great whales, and others speaking of the great migrations and the great Elephants, and of the big cats and the many dangers of the land and the water, and the amazement of it all. TBC> Posted by Saltpetre, Saturday, 29 March 2014 5:58:31 PM
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But some things are strange about the Genesis version: whereas there is mention of whales to a people largely of the desert, of Egypt and the middle-east, who would have little possibility of seeing whales, there is no mention of elephants – those larger-than-life wanderers of the land – but then elephants didn’t live in the middle-east. Similarly, no mention of monkeys, or of lions, let alone any mention of ‘dinosaurs’ – but then of course the dinosaurs were long since extinct when Genesis was compiled. But there is mention of cattle, which could only have been domesticated quite late in the ‘human’ story. Also telling perhaps is the lack of recognition of the role of the ‘microbes’ in the story of ‘life’ and its ‘beginnings’ – but this omission is understandable, since they cannot be seen. This prompts the realisation that Genesis really only covers that which would have been directly familiar to the early middle-eastern writers and tellers of this version of ‘beginnings’, and long after Earth’s actual ‘creation’, long after life itself began, and long after the first man walked on the earth. No wonder people remain confused, for the further one delves into the book the more it reveals its relevance directly to the times, knowledge and conditions appertaining way back then (whenever that was), and that certainly couldn’t have been anywhere near the actual ‘beginning’. Posted by Saltpetre, Saturday, 29 March 2014 5:58:36 PM
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ANYHOW/../HERE..IS WHERE..I THInk..*they went wrong
Conquest...of Land by Vertebrates The first..limbed vertebrates,..such as..Acanthostega and Ichthyostega, were clearly aquatic taxa..(Clack, 2002)..because they..*appear to have..retained internal gills,[as grooves on the ceratobranchials,]..which..*may have*...accommodated afferent branchial-arteries. They also retained..a postbranchial..lamina..of the cleithrum,..which may have delimited the branchial chamber posteriorly..(Coates and Clack, 1991)...In addition,..they retained lepidotrichia in the caudal fin..and a well-developed lateral-line organ, shown by canals..for.its cephalic portion. The internal gills..may have disappeared fairly early in the Carboniferous,..and..there is no trace..of lepidotrichia in stegocephalians..after the Devonian,..and this..*may indicate a slightly*.less aquatic lifestyle. However,..the lateral-line organ..persisted..[in most Carboniferous]..and many Permian stegocephalians,..which suggests that many species..were still*..*primarily aquatic...* The absence...of grooves..for the lateral-line not a reliable infer*..a terrestrial lifestyle..because the organ may*be present..without leaving..any traces..on the skeleton. Since the body shape..of early fairly conservative,.aquatic not necessarily..differ drastically from terrestrial body shape.(Laurin, 2008).>> or arnt/differentiated..AT ALL <<..Thus,..additional criteria,..such as bone microanatomy, have been studied to determine.*..[oops]..when vertebrates became terrestrial (Laurin et al.,2004; Germain and Laurin, 2005). Preliminary/results suggest..that/a terrestrial=lifestyle appeared in stegocephalians..>> ie pre/hypothesized WHALE..'EVOLVING''..thus//in Filled/ERANTLY << the..Early Carboniferous..(Kriloff et al., 2008),..but many more species..will have to be yield reliable results. key*..Atmospheric oxygen*concentration..may conceivably have played a enabling move onto land...The first,..aquatic stegocephalians appeared..while the atmospheric oxygen..was low concentration...>> application 'size relative../LOW 0 ENVIRONMENT how about fauna trees..ALGAE CLEARLY/OXYGENATES..THE H20.. ANYHOW..<<..Romer's gap,..a period.during which very few stegocephalians ..are known,..represents the final phase.of this episode..of low oxygen concentration...Soon after, atmospheric oxygen concentration..reached.and even surpassed.*.. [watch-out/aberation/self deleted] restored//CONTEXT romer's gap,..a period/during which..very few stegocephalians are known,*..[represents..the final phase..of this episode..of low oxygen concentration.] Soon after, atmospheric oxygen concentration..reached and even surpassed its present level,.stegocephalians underwent a spectacular evolutionary radiation,..*[?]..which included..[Theory].the first terrestrial vertebrates. That evolutionary*radiation..[lumping-together]..was paralleled in arthropods...Thus,..Ward et al...(2006) suggest that the oxygen concentration..triggered or facilitated arthropods and vertebrates,..and that an oxygen concentration of about 20% in the atmosphere..was the lower threshold. *which allowed...[not a micrO/BUT/THE MACRO-EVOLUTION <<..a switch[?]..from gill breathing in water to vertebrates,..and arthropods. CONTEXT refute faCT..use applIED/SCIENCE. Posted by one under god, Sunday, 30 March 2014 11:16:23 AM
4..///those..2..dumbed down..+..only have the repeating..OF THE mantra
ME<<it took billions..of yeaRS TO..MAKE/THIS..[ape]>>
HE..<<>.Again,..which ape?...All apes?..Yes,..including us.
ME<<..THEN ONLY..100,000 YEARS..TO MAKE/THAT..[you]>>
HE<<..Wrong...Check the video..I linked to again...Your comprehension skills..are appalling...And again,..*we’re..still apes.
me<<..STATE..WHEN chimp/whatever..became man
YOUR Science..says 80/120,thousands of years ago..>>
he<< no..definitive line.>>[then/says..100,000..LOL.
HE,,<<..If you’re talking..about humans,.that never happened...We were..never chimps.>>..[Inversion/perversion?..
That..brings the next point
you..<<..If you don’t..accept evolution..or this scientifically impossible pig-ape-hybrid nonsense..that you..*love so much>>
now hang-on..lesT WE FORGET/earlier/you..said
persisting/in inverting..any/reply..
<<..Fine, OUG...So you don’t believe..the whole pig-ape-hybrid bit>>
me/..i raised/ it sounds..reasonable..[i know you..havnt bothered reading the accept..your made/by
ditto/you\said..<<..(I suspected you didn’t).>>
he<<..So your pig-ape-hybrid a meaningless and insincere simply ridicule and embarrass.>>
IE/,you<<..then,..according to you,..there is no stuff up
because there was be stuffed-up to begin with.>>
YOU<<..100,000 years ago..we were still Homo sapiens
and looked pretty much like we do now.
ME<<RUBBISH..YOU PRESUME APE/Evolved..into you
but..if pig..thats not aPE/THEN\..YOU STUFFED IT/UP..BADLY>>THEN CONFIRMS a redirection..based on reference/back to a refuted post..[where hE CUTS OUT..OVER/HALF/THE TIME-LINE..OF/WHALE EVOLUTION..FROM 65 MILLION Years to 15>?..OR 4?..[in his..MISBEGOTTEN/words?]
you<<..It’s a gradual process..that occurs over millions of years.>>
but at/the end..we finaly aGREE..
<<You still can't get your head around..the fact
that species don't give other species.>> evolution..into new species.
**Yes,..there is a 100,000 year mark..that is spoken of..but that doesn’t mean.we were climbing trees and picking of each other’s backs 100,001 years ago.>>
<<As for your ‘whale jawbone’ nonsense,..I already,,>>
[AVOIDED..answering by lOGIC/JUST REACTIVE<< answered this in the first paragraph here…>>
where..You\he shortened..WHALE 40 million odd years or SO..CUTTING OFF MAny of the so called time/dependent-stePS.. evolutionists/claIM..WHALES..need/TO HAVE
A 49 million year old,..fully aquatic ancient whale fossil would clearly demonstrate..that the ‘transistional’ fossils were, fact,\ all
[thus..the proof/for whales..'evolving' void..dead/morte
its been fun